Moving to linux
>what distro do u guys recommend
Moving to linux
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all linux distros are equally shitty
If you're coming from Windows, Mint with the Cinnamon DE will probably be the smoothest transition.
Already used ubuntu and played around. Mostly will be using it for web dev.
Windows 7.
Are you good at reading?
If yes go with whatever you want
If not go with something simple like ubuntu
I would recommend using Kubuntu. Using it as main system over one year now. If it doesn't go as smoothly as for me try something other before the bugs take overhand and it just gets frustrating like it happened for a few colleges of mine
arch and gentoo are memes. never install them
just go with any flavor of buntu or mint
literally any retard coming from windows or mac can intuitively use them
This. Mint is just ubuntu but breaks faster and easier.
Mint. More stable than Ubuntu and saner defaults.
Install Crux
vanilla ubuntu's ui is shit
just choose what nu-Jow Forums is telling you but once you're experienced enough install gentoo or . seriously they're good
install gentoo
PClinuxOS is a newbie-friendly distro.
with nothing in the repository. would've been good if it had firefox in the repo
clover os
Yeah Ubuntu is a good way to get started. Once you get bored of that and feel like you want to try understanding Linux, you can try out Arch Linux.
I swear, literally this.
You forgot the part where you go back, hate it, and install a debian derivative again.
Elementary, is the only who have a consistent interface.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
I started with Mint and in my experience Ubuntu is really much better.
I have a med student friend who uses antergos. Granted, her dad maintains it for her with updates or whatever but she loves it all the same
i have some gripes with this.
first of all, nobody "goes back to windows" in my experience. they go windows->linux->macOS or just windows->linux or windows->macOS
second of all, it's true that fedora or an ubuntu is the last stop for most linuxers, but fedora is NOT a debian derivative, it's a Red Hat derivative along like CentOS.
finally, i know at least one real-life person who's been using gentoo for like a decade. and i know three or four people who've used gentoo for a while, but all but one realized it made their life too hard. but there are unicorns who stick it out in gentoo land
OP this is the correct answer
Ubuntu MATE
mint, ubuntu is ok but mint is better because it has better defaults and an all around more consistent and enjoyable (read: easier) experience.
Just use ubuntu or a variant
Agree with this. Xfce is simple and has everything you need. Pimp it a bit with some themes so it doesn't look like shit, though
MX Linux
Mint is not better. It looks better but it breaks all the ntime, Ubuntu is the best noob distro.
found the applefag
>breaks all the time
literally never happened on any machine i've installed it on. ubuntu on the other hand loves throwing out error messages left and right
Try 'em all.
Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo, LFS*, OpenSUSE...
Mine favorite is OpenSUSE... But you might like other stuff.
Don't be afraid of trying. Do some research on them, it is not Windows, so it requires some research
The first link you see on Jow Forums contains 'gentoo', what the fuck do you think
>Ubuntu is the best noob distro
[citation needed]
The GNU operating system.
OpenSUSE with KDE.
I found Ubuntu to be too inconviniencing I went back to w10
Keep using windows till 8.1 reaches its life support, by that time a good Linux distro will appear and change the game.
*thumbs up*
just to clarify for the uninitiated:
SUSE is german and is pronounced "soo-zuh"
perfect distro if you want the forums with answers to your questions to be written in deutsch
Linux is a kernel.
Kali Linux
>implying you need to look to your specific distro's forums for answers
install gentoo
As a starter, you should install either Ubuntu or Mint. Anything else and you're just being baited into a meme distro.
Please don't bait people into meme distros, user.
just jerk yourself off like a normal person.
Multiple choices:
>You dont want the hassle of learning linux and you just want a good out-of-the-box experience
xubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora Workstation
>You want the same thing but with less hardware support but much faster and minimal
Debian netinstall with DE installed
>You want to learn linux and how it works, install everything from scratch and actually know how to fix errors indtead of asking Jow Forums everytimd you have a problem
GENTOO™, archlinux, debian netinstall.
>You want to be a wizard
Linux from Scratch
Fedora is pretty good. Up-to-date software, very stable for being bleeding edge and it's easy to try out different DEs (with KDE being the exception; the implementation is pretty shit). Its forum isn't as big as Ubuntu's, but in return there aren't as many retards giving useless answers.
The drawback is, that many people provide deb packages for their software, which isn't the case for rpm. So it's more likely that you have to compile from source, if you want specific software, that isn't in the repos.
No matter which distro you want to try: Test all potential candidates via VM, then decide which one you want to try for real.
>SUSE is german and is pronounced "soo-zuh"
I have a hard time believing that.
You pretty much can't go wrong with an Ubuntu variant, especially if you're switching over from Windows and you want a similar look and feel.
>going back to windows or Mac after getting used to Linux
I only have a W10 I stallation on my computer so I can play a few games, and even then I can barely put up with the bullshit. I'm too used to have my computer do exactly as I say to go back to using Windows as my main OS.
user cut the best part off
The "best part" is the product of someone failing to notice how the previous edit is already satire.
Ubuntu, unironically.
There's a chance greater than zero that it isn't. Some people here have said almost the same words. There's also a chance greater than zero that everyone who ever said that was being ironic, but I'm not counting on it.
openSUSE for KDE, fedora for guhnome
the working mans choise
>I use Arch btw
You mean systemd slash or plus ghanuu slash or plus loonix
start with ubuntu its the most user friendly,
also i was using centos debian fedora arch etc...
ubuntu its just fine you can do whatever in the medium lvl
Ubuntu MATE
You're in luck OP.
All linux distros use the linux kernel.
I'm probably going to get shit on for this but here goes: In my experience there's not that much to choose between the different distros, the biggest differences come from customization. Like right now I'm using Ubuntu for a few different reasons:
>Being the most popular, it's got the largest community.
>It has a lot of support online
>It really is easier to use than a lot of the others, and I don't really see why I'd want to make my life that much harder just to appease some fags on the internet.
In the end the best strategy is to just spin up a vm and play around with some and find which one you prefer.
you cant explain what is kernel or gnu arent u?
You need to talk better for ask questioned.
try various different flavors
Fedora works like a charm with KDE.
Goddammit 12 threads for this shit
Is there any distro with great hardware support but no DE?
I tried debian netinstall but it always fails to detect everything
I'm assuming you want a GUI that actually works so your only real options are Pantheon and Xfce. Therefore, get elementaryOS or Linux Mint Xfce/Xubuntu.
ubuntu network installer
There's also a chance greater than zero that you have autism, based on the fact that you aren't able to understand a simple joke.
>good answer
not bad but still talking like a degenerate and throwing words without understand theme
You see English is not my mother tongue so it can be forgiven
In your case I have to say that using concepts without understanding them is sad
And there are countless like you which is more sad
Debian or one of its fork. Slackware if you are into extreme simplicity.
Embrace the botnet my fellow duracell.
Plan9/Inferno/LTFS/musl&busybox distros
You made a lot of baseless, false assumptions based on a simple statement of fact.
Well, yeah