>work at ISP
>may 2018
>doing some overnight deprovisoning work
>delete some digital cross conects
>finish my assignment and browse Jow Forums for the rest of the night
>last week
>get an email from the NOC fags
>hey user, there's this one circuit that's down
>we have a LEC and we think it's their fault, but could you double check our portion of the circuit to make sure everything is okay?
>check the devices on the circuit's path
>some of them have alarms but none of them are relevant
>write an email to the NOC fags asking them to follow up with our LEC
>hear nothing for 3 days and forget about it
>user, we've gone back and forth with our LEC and they're insisting everything is fine. Could you run some tests or something so we can prove it's their fault?
>take another look at my circuit
>am wearing my glasses
>see an alarm on the circuit immediately
>oh fuck
>how did I miss that?
>go back and review my notes
>"there's an alarm on shelf 1, group 10, not related to this circuit though"
>saw and wrote down the wrong group number because I wasn't wearing my glasses
>alarm was actually on shelf 1 group 11 which is in fact related to this circuit
>look at history for the circuit
>realize I deleted the wrong thing back in May because I wasn't wearing my glasses then either
>fix my mistake
>circuit comes back up immediately
fuck, this is like the 3rd major outage I've caused in the last 4 months because I wasn't wearing my glasses
Work at ISP
Good thing you posted it here so your ISP knows now to fire you.
Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies.
What ISP do you work for?
Wear your fucking glasses
one that will remain unnamed
if you are in fucking Southern IN im gonna kick your fucking ass for giving me grief
Fix your eyes user, that's messed up
If I wanted to I can actually get free laser eye surgery thanks to my company's insurance plans.
>because I wasn't wearing my glasses
why the actual fuck don't you wear your glasses then?
> I've caused in the last 4 months because I wasn't wearing my glasses
lmao good on you.
Don't feel too bad, I'm second level support (amongst other things) for b2b sass and in 18 months of doing this support role I am yet to receive a call that wasn't operator stupidity (our software is financial software, quite powerful and you can shoot yourself in the foot if you aren't careful/deliberate). We had a customer rack up $15k in out of hours support fees (ontop of a 20k/mo support contract) in a single month earlier this year, all because they offshored their operations team. This generally involves me simply running a script to rollback the DB 15 minutes and replaying data up to just before their fuckup. One particular day I had to do that process 10 times.
most people are utterly incompetent at their jobs anyway, op is just blending in.
I dunno, sometimes I prefer to go without them
Get your shit together Daphne.
>not saving porn to your hard drive
>work at an isp not networking department
>one of my server needs access to another internal application
>write src ip, dst ip, dst port to an xsl because thats the way to configure the firewall in 2018
>send xls to the networking department
>wait 2 weeks
>It should be done user
>run portcheck script
>2 out of 9 connections do not work
>sorry user we missed that it will work in 2 days
>a month later
>monitoring sends an alarm that the application does not work anymore
>ask those guys if they have a problem
>everything is ok user
>ask networking guys
>sorry user we replaced a firewall and forgot to copy your rules.
They are not able to create all firewall rules in the first try EVER.
>most people are utterly incompetent at their jobs anyway, op is just blending in.
This. All those
>retarded NEETs on Jow Forums who LARP to have a job
are pretty good at LARPing.
I don't know what any of this means.
being glasses is suffering, thank god I'm only shortsighted and carry binoculars at all times
maybe you should wear your glasses you fucking idiot
>not getting free laser eyes
something is wrong with you
>thing break
>lackies ask me to see why thing break
>get message on my computer saying thing is broken
>misread message
>tell lackies thing not broken because of us, thing broken because of another company
>put glasses on
>realize thing is broken because of us
I sincerely hope you get fired.
I work at a company that has to chase down ISPs for this sort of thing all the time, wear your fucking glasses damnit
You should get Lasik only if your life expectancy is less than 15 years.
Shit doesn't last long.
Are you a Oracle or SAP guy?
I remember one SAP user talking about a customer's database, it was set up by the customer to have "redundant" entries for each item, it got so out of hand that it took 20 minutes to add something, and the thing grew by terabytes weekly.
I butchered it I'm a bit of a brainlet about this stuff.
So another ISP?
>start work at a small company specializing in factory automation
>no experience at all
>told to develop a calibration procedure where one of the measuring probes attached to the portal is pressed onto one on the base plate
>calibration should take place just before the portal sensor is used to measure something
>write the routine, add a button to the GUI that when pressed starts the calibration run on its own
>entire GUI freezes when button is pressed until calibration is complete
>hurr durr need to run the calibration routine in its own thread
>ezpz, button calls RequestCalibrationStart() which starts StartCalibration() in its own thread
>smart enough to prevent starting calibration multiple times at the same time, bigbrain.png
>add the function call for RequestCalibrationStart() into the measuring routine so calibration is automatically performed before measurement
>time for a test run
>portal moves to bottom probe
>portal probe moves down
>suddenly portal goes apeshit and drives to measuring position without moving portal probe back to safe height
>several thousand dollars in damaged parts and prototype unusable for testing for a week
Turns out that the measuring routine already ran in its own thread, and creating a new thread from within somehow made it ignore the CalibrationProcessFinished flag. Essentially, the machine tried to calibrate itself and measure something at the same time, at 2 different positions.
Thats the fault of the person who should have reviewed your code.
We're 3 devs, ain't nobody got time for code reviews.
I'd blame the process engineer instead, who should have made a "dry" run first, during which no components actually touch.
based belgian :)
Glassfaggots should be culled out of the gene pool.
Their genes not only are weak but also dangerous as provided by OP
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't
>every time my internet goes out it's because of an autistic weebs fuckup
Did you cause last-night's fuckup?
you're really thick headed op. just wear the fucking glasses.