Where are my swiss frens?

Where are my swiss frens?

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you scared them away! They're very shy. If you stay quiet they might come out though user

over here

Attached: 1498592452192.png (753x803, 592K)

fake and gay

Namefag :(

bur fren!

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Oi mate

swiss fren here ama


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was machsch uf r/banter?
bin glaubs eine vo de aktivschte schwiizer da. gröschteteils eif am schissdreck ufelade.

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Bin uf halt uf Jow Forums well /b/ low quality isch. Aber leider het Jow Forums extrem viel newfags, namefags und R*dditors

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Fondue and incest uwu

Isch aids aber hengs haupstächlich für kot

/b/ isch halt eifach nur porn. bi Jow Forums da gits zwar weniger porn, aber würkli high quality wirsch nid finde. viellicht echli zivilisierteri konversatione, aber wirsch scho gseh, dass gröschteteils gayposters cho werded, wenn du nur öppis liecht sexuelles thema asprichsch. usserdem ischs viel langsämer, aber ich schätz das. da bliebt din thread echli länger am läbe.


I know no one wants my friendship but for whatever it counts I'd gladly let a Swiss person moving here live with me for as long as they need. Swissbros and Frenchbros = Bestbros, Switzerland, France, and America are the National Triumvirate.


Am beschte isch Jow Forums

Can a Swiss become happy in the US?

Can I be your friend, too? :|



No one listens to your shit faggot

I just wanted frens(

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Yeah definetly, anyone can if you put the work and effort into your goals. Hell, if you have the will and desire you could become a high-on-life person in inner city Detroit.

I couldn't hear/understand most of what you said because of the loud ass buzzing in the background, but from what I gleamed, hey, if it made you feel even a little bit better that's all I want. I just want to make the world happier, even if it's just a little 2 second half-grin at a time.

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not cool fren!!!

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why did you invade lichtenstein

was accident, i swear!!!

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Looks the same. How can anyone be mad

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I wanna go to Switzerland. Very nice mountains.
