Fuck Toshiba

What am i suppose to do now?
I got some important shit on that disk.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-23 09-57-11.png (1366x768, 582K)

>kali linux
found your issue

buy a new one and move all your shit there, mesays

Just buy a new drive and restore from a backup.

dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/dev/sdb1 (where sdb is a new driveA)

>Placing important file on Linux-runned computer

You deserved it.

Yeah i bet it was the culprit
am i suppose to put that in the terminal or something?
Fuck no jewdin

1. Buy a new drive
2. Plug it in
3. Clone partition 3 of device 'sda' with 'dd' (google it)
4. ????
5. Profit

>What am i suppose to do now?
Make a backup RIGHT NOW, then get a new disk and restore the backup.

>Using a hackerman linux
>Doesn't know about dd
The smell of summer is strong with this one

Attached: 1482597035382.jpg (500x500, 55K)

>I refuse to buy new hardware when my old shit fails
Okay, enjoy your data loss.

Reddit is the other way around.

Just forget about and restore from your backup. You have one, right?

how do you know reddit lingo? are you from reddit?

Linux is renowned for destroying hard-drives.

you changed Jow Forums
it used to be where everyone would scream that op is an idiot for not making backups of data they value and instead it's all trolling that they are using the wrong os

Get a new one ASAP. I recommend wd red.
Once you have it, just move your shit from old disk to new disk.
A simple dd (I'd use ddrescue with a logfile elsewhere considering) of the whole disk to the new disk should do the trick.

>unironically having no RAID
I hope you do at least have backups.
Sure you're not one of those "no raid no backups" morons, right?

>look reddit I use super 1337-hacker distro
>what is dd

Attached: 1519240787714.png (1357x1281, 1.49M)

Toshiba disks are fucking garbage.

You thank the gods of Toshiba for letting you know that the disk is going to fail. Then you stop using the disk until you get a replacement and you transfer all your shit over.

>citation needed

i also found out that my 2tb toshiba hdd is "failing" about 3 years ago. it's still working just fine now though i'm sure it'll die soon enough