Should I learn C If I don't have any experience whatsoever with coding?

Is C a good language to learn first If I don't have any experience with coding?

Attached: c-language.jpg (900x900, 60K)

learn C++ it's C but with 10x more fun and games

C++ is literally the worst language to ever exist. Why the fuck would you tell him to learn it?
Even as a joke, that's just too far.

>Is C a good language to learn first

It's the best user

Id go for C++. Used more than C and is actually useful

C++ has its problem, but it's still ok overall.

you shouldn't learn ANYTHING if you don't have experience, you loser you

I searched everywhere about what language to start with but the advice given everywhere was so contradictory that I said to myself "let's see what Jow Forums says" and here we are: the first two fucking answers are already contradictory.
Then what language should I learn as a beginner?


As someone who is still learning, I'd recommend C. Get a book or course that is as modern as you can find. C has changed a bit over the years and it's best to stay with the times.

My first programming experience was with C. I didn't get too far because it started to get complicated and I was only going by a book. But when I went to CC to learn programming, the language they used was Python. I found it extremely easy to learn Python because it's so C like.

C is the mother language to so many modern languages. Even if you don't fully go on to develop in C, the syntax and exercises will make learning other languages so much easier. If you work the other way around, starting with easier languages first, the more complex ones will feel like much more of a chore.

Learn C. Best language.

I'd say go for it. it's a great and very lightweight language which, after some learning, you can fit into your head in its entirety. There also exist some great resources on it, be it countless books (K&R naturally being at the front here) or open source projects (Linux, anyone?).

If it's not for you, or if you feel like you want to play around with another language that does more things for you, go with something like JS on NodeJS. You'll run all your scripts in the console so it will be very similar to getting started in C, and the language is much more forgiving.

Well no shit, that's how opinions work.

C is a Guys beginner language because it is a very small language compared tip many others. It is also a very common language so there plenty of open source code you can look at four reference. It is basically portable assembler so you stay very close to the metal and gain an understanding of the machine. That being said you should pick up other languages than c after getting the basics.

>That being said you should pick up other languages than c after getting the basics.
This. Most real world projects don't justify using C, so it's crucial that you get some experience in other languages as well.

>and is actually useful
>what are operating systems
They are both useful for (and widely used in) their respective domains.


learn rust. reasonable type system, makes you reason about pointers, scoping, sharing and data flow, has builtin tests and dependency manager, what's common 100loc boilerplate in C++ is handles with simple derive macro with expectable behavior, doesn't have so many weird cumbersome traps as C++

This, but unironically

>boo C++ is sucky :(

Answer me this, which is better:
>pass in and modify - caller might have to free depending on what was passed in
void doStuff(char *str) {
//do stuff with temp

>static - don't free or bad things happen
char* doStuff() {
static char temp[somenumber];
//do stuff with temp
return temp;

>heap - caller has to free or memory leak occurs
char* doStuff() {
char *temp = malloc(somenumber);
//do stuff with temp
return temp;

Oh and c++ solved this problem. Return std::string by value and it gets copy elided away and/or short string optimized. But c++ sucks lmao right

It depends what you are looking to do but I would say learn powershell first. Certainly more of a scripting language but learning windows automation will pay off big with cloud computing.

Learn C, then Rust.

A lot of rust can only be appreciated after dealing with certain parts of C.

For the love of god OP, no. Start with Python, then read the K&R book after a while of getting comfortable with simple challenges in that. You'll thank me in a years time.

No stop devaluing my fucking career you sperg. Enough pajeets do that already. And fuck everyone replying to your shit thread

No, forget about compiled languages for now. Learn your basics with JavaScript, and print your fizzbuzz to the console.

Make sure you do not offend any minorities in the process though.

Any language will do.
The trick is to set yourself to try to do something really stupid and basic, and then struggle you way thru it until you get the thing done, with google and all.
Then you get the bar higher and higher and higher.

You can't learn programming by just memorizing some words in a book.


This is true.

Read C Primer Plus

go for it. I personally started on Java and then learned Python, C# and then C. No reason in particular for that order other than that's the way my University structures the degree.

no it is C > C++ >>>> Java/C#