Wasted 6 hours of my life

Brainlet here I just wasted 6 hours of my life trying and trying to install Arch Linux, I'm going back to KDE neon boys.

Attached: 1451146371998.png (804x906, 46K)

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who cares lunix is shit


Attached: bait.png (500x522, 40K)

return to tardbuntu fagtron

In 6 hours you fucked up what I can do in 20 minutes. I don't use Arch btw.

There's nothing in Arch that you can't do in other distros. What are you going to customize? remove systemd?

This. Ask for genuine Microsoft software.

Try again.

should have read the help file

Attached: ArchHelpFile.png (924x3386, 281K)

You could if you tried.

Why do you think that you idiot?

Or just use Ubuntu and get some actual fucking work done.

literally just fucking install gentoo
>that takes longer
Not if you don't need X, and if you did, why the fuck were you installing arch?

There's nothing in the arch install process that isn't a basic skill for any competent GNU/Linux user.
In fact some steps have been simplified with shell scripts.

>6 hours to install this shit
You need KYS

jfc, is this even worth it compared to just installing antergos?

You must be new.

if it's time you had fun or learned something it isn't wasted, else why the fuck would you waste 6h

>I just wasted 6 hours of my life trying and trying to install Arch Linux

what a negative view on time well spent, do it again and learn the hard way until it becomes second nature. I remember installing arch the first time, yes its uncomfy as fuck because its not a full hold your hand type distro but you will learn something from it.

What is it exactly that you were having a problem with?

install gentoo

>Reddit spacing
You need to go back faggot

>can't follow directions to install OS
>goes back to DE

get your shit together mate, you are talking nonsense

>Reddit spacing
does not compute


>tfw you could install arch linux when you were 13 but underage summerfags like OP don't even know how to fucking read

Attached: 1523070237284.jpg (162x191, 11K)


30 seconds on google will answer every possible question, how do people still struggle?

If you just follow the fucking steps you could've installed it within 30 minutes

OP was clearly on the install guide but due to his lack of an attention span he gave up because there were no pictures and big red arrows to help him

>falling for memes

>not installing networkmanager from the installation media if you're going to use networkmanager
what is this I don't even
no wonder you faggots get lost so easy

>I'm going back to KDE neon boys.
And they say that Linux is not ready for the desktop.

>Installing networkmanager when netctl exists

Install Manjaro.
Xfce, KDE is retarded.

How did you fail with this???? Follow the wiki.

>I'm trying to install archlinux
>that's it I'm going back to KDE

>Enable the window manager
>proceeds to enable the display manager

Attached: 1530315879020.jpg (1129x1200, 118K)

kde neon is a distro

Thanks now I feel stupid.

or just install ubuntu, press next 5 times and you get to join the leet hacker linux user group