What are some books or online tutorials that teach C++ with an emphasis on modern features in C++17...

What are some books or online tutorials that teach C++ with an emphasis on modern features in C++17? I don't want to waste time learning the arcane pitfalls of copy constructor syntax and going through stupid-ass code that still uses .begin() and .end() iterators in the current year.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping this instead of that shit Ubuntu vs Mint thread.

op, the book exists, but I don't recall its title, sorry.

Wait, have iterators been replaced by something else?!
I still use begin() and end().

How do you erase an element from a vector by index value without using begin() or end()?

Lol what is this kiddie bullshit?
So basically you just want shallow copies and memory leaks everywhere, as well as operator overload abuse?
There is no magical way to learn C++, go back in line from the beginning.

compiler mostly doesn't optimize then end() call and does it on every iteration
there is foreach syntax in C++11
for (declaration : collection)
you can learn to use clang-tidy to catch these


No idea, however you might like Jason Turners C++ weekly to get some pointers.

Reactive Programming in C++

Also Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers

use ref
don't use raw pointers
use the standard library instead of making your own stuff or using boost cancer

Attached: 1530048448278.jpg (663x1408, 309K)

The image appears cropped, the arrows in the top appear to come out of nowhere, do you have the full image?

Don't use C++.

Just learn Go

this thread on SO

Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers looks like what you are looking for

I don't think I understand the virtual keyword, how am I not supposed to put it on every method?

Imagine you have a class without inheritance. In that case it would be entirely useless for the compiler to create a vtable. That being said, compilers probably figure that out in simply cases by themselves...

virtual functions are slower to call so only use it when you need it

honest question, does c++ has something like the java stream api?

>That being said, compilers probably figure that out in simply cases by themselves...
Hard to test desu. As soon as I turn optimization on it optimizes my program away.
Care to describe what this API does?

offers a stream view and operations over collections, like


From a first search result not without ots of plumbing or using Boost. But since I'm no C++ guru I'm not sure.

C++ for dummies

but how can I know that I won't inherit from the class and reimplementing specific member function when designing it?

By thinking a couple of seconds about it. There aren't that many scenarios that ask for dynamic dispatch or late binding.

I'm using this. No clue where it ranks with other guides.

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