/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 1491762349759.jpg (720x960, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Linux is a kernel.

Install GuixSD

What did they mean by this?

Linux (OS) font rendering is way better with rgba subpixels set to none

Big boobies

Attached: 1510060924741.jpg (1024x1022, 100K)

I can't SSH/ping my server unless it has a keyboard plugged in, how to fix?
boot with kb: ssh works, can ping machine
boot without kb: ssh gives "Resource temporary unavailable", cannot ping
Ubuntu 18.04

is this headless? what's happening on the server? does it expect a keyboard?

install gentoo

That depends. Sometimes you want more sharpness even at the cost of rainbowing, which can be decreased by using a good font anyway.

headless. without a kb it boots to the normal login prompt, no error messages about expecting a keyboard

Is it a proper server or did you repurpose a consumershit desktop?
Some desktops refuse to boot if KB isn't plugged in.


it's a chinkbox
Wintel Pro CX-W8

Attached: wintel cx-w8 pro.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

check the journal from your last keyboardless boot

Opinions on Linux distros without GNU? Are they a meme? Why do they exist? Does musl have merits?

Is GuixSD just a shitty attempt by GNU to steal NixOS and claim it as their own by slapping some awful init system and changing the configuration language?

>Opinions on Linux distros without GNU?
Nice. I sometimes get tired of GNU/Bloat.
>Are they a meme?
No, but they are usually a niche product. Like Alpine which is very small and used in semi-embedded.
>Why do they exist?
For people who don't like GNU/Bloat and/or those who need to fit a fully-functional Linux into a tight space.
>Does musl have merits?
Yes. It's simpler, thus more secure, mostly equal in performance to glibc, and especially great for static linking. Statically linking a binary with glibc would make it giant.

In your opinion, is musl/Linux a different operating system from GNU/Linux?

(the same problem happens if I unplug the keyboard after it boots fyi)
the ethernet device still appears in both boots, but I only get "carrier on" with the kb in
>Jul 24 18:59:38 smol kernel: r8152 1-3:1.0 enx20180e07057f: carrier on

kb boot: pastebin.com/DfXhq4C6
no kb boot: pastebin.com/EAadUcY9

considering busybox includes tools like gzip, I'd say it's hard to completely avoid GNU

what is being used to configure the network interface? check that unit's logs, maybe try something else (systemd-networkd, dhcpcd, networkmanager)
not sure if ubuntu uses /etc/network/interfaces like debian stable does. talk about a convoluted shitpile that seems to only exist for the lazy sysadmin not willing to learn to use systemd-networkd

Why would I fiddle with unergonomic, ugly, hard to configure linux distros when I could use Mac OS?

>unergonomic, ugly, hard to configure linux distros
none of that is true

>In your opinion, is musl/Linux a different operating system from GNU/Linux?
Not him, but every Linux distribution is a different OS.
There is no such thing as a GNU/Linux. If you disagree, provide a link to the actual GNU OS that I can use with different kernels.

That said, musl is pretty great unless you are dependent on proprietary software.

u mad, FOSS shill?

>Not him, but every Linux distribution is a different OS.
I don't think I can agree with that. The line between distros can be something as simple as a single line in the package manager's config file to point it to a different software repository. Let's say I have an Arch Linux installation. If I add a third party repo to my pacman.conf does it transform into a different operating system?


from /var/syslog:

the working keyboard boot has this additional entry too:
Jul 24 18:59:38 smol kernel: [ 11.642869] r8152 1-3:1.0 enx20180e07057f: carrier on

That's a difficult question because there's virtually no universal distinction of what constitutes an OS.
I think the most important component of an OS is the kernel because it exposes the low-level functionality in unique ways and kernels are usually widely different even if they are all Unix-like.
Userspace is way less exciting in this regard, in fact most userspace utilities are portable across most Unices. There are, of course, exceptions like Android where the userspace is almost completely different.
Taking that as my definition of OS, I don't think musl- and glibc-based distros are different enough to count as separate OSs.

I'd argue that if you rebrand it, specify that it's a fork of Arch and distribute it with the extra repository as part of the base installation then yes, you have a new OS based on Arch Linux.

If you use it as is, it's just Arch with a config change.

Which distro should I get if I don't know much about computer science yet but want to have fun ricing?

Attached: 1532385907592.jpg (971x1200, 178K)

literally any
gentoo if you have time
arch if you have slightly less time
debian if you can't be fucked with spending the time installing either.

I've installed arch before and have no problem with the process, but am I missing anything by not using something like manjaro or antergos? Honestly if they're just arch with an installer I might not even bother using vanilla arch anymore when installing it on a friend's machine or whatever.

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why would you?
though arch with just a debian-like installer would be nice.
doing time-zones and keyboard inputs manually is fucking gross.

check out Liri OS though, it's another arch-based distro.

I want to go full (kind of) Linux and setup GPU pass through so I can have a windows VM and run my games off of that. I have a 1070ti that I will be passing through to the VM, but need a second gpu for the host.
What is a good cheap card to buy that will work easily without much configuration on Linux while I am passing my 1070ti through to windows?

Is it possible to connect to other tty sessions through any other terminal e.g. urxvt?

Perhaps your CPU has an integrated gpu

I have a ryzen 1600



Attached: cool clock karlie.jpg (960x578, 54K)

Linux doesn't render fonts.

What is that device?


screen, tmux


a soldering iron
the part she's holding is typically operated at several hundred degrees celcius, hot enough to immediately melt and burn skin
the upper part with the brown rubber is the handle

>got a raspbery pi to have a costless linux server
>everything is outdated
>everything I google results in "you have to compile it"
>docker images are shit
Life sucks.

Shit happens.

install alarm

Use a search engine which respects your privacy.

what's outdated?
also what's hard about make install?

never had this problem
git gud

>>docker images are shit
I can't believe that docker images would be the way to go on such a small device. Is this real?
t. never used a rpi

As of now nginx. Latest I can get is 1.10.3
I did compile the 1.15 but I'm retarded and don't know how to replace the services and whatever other side effects with the new version.
Fuck man I had to go out of my way to install python 3.

I did try them and it worked fine, but I can't talk about performance because since the images I wanted weren't there, I didn't bother using it too much.

Thats just a web page for the GNU-related stuff.
Provide link that allows me to download GNU OS.
Not some Linux distribution with some gnu software, but the actual GNU OS.

haven't used a rpi myself, but since rasbian is debian based, check:

How do I into selinux so it doesn't interfere with docker? (linuxserver/rutorrent)

Im pretty sure its selinux causing problems because I just installed ubuntu and it worked first try

Attached: 2018-07-24 08_15_04-Logs - localhost.localdomain - Chromium.png (1604x738, 65K)

Stop using set distros, user.
Install Gentoo on your main machine(in VM if you want) and compile all the required packages for your rPi directly.

figured it out there was a --privileged switch obviously selinux thought it was black

It's a stock photo.

>lol i'm such a nerd i know this very basic thing let me pretend to be smart by pointing it out lol i'm so elitist and smart fucking plebs

if it's that basic, why did the model, photographer, manager, webmaster, and whoever else who saw that picture before it became public didn't notice this glaring mistake?

Because it's a stock photo and no one cares, you idiot. The fact that you're pointing such miniscule things out in an attempt to come off as smart and knowledgeable shows how pathetic you are.

t. woman

There is literally nothing wrong with being a women.

as a stock photo it's nearly useless, you have to hope your customers are as clueless as you are
depending on it's target use, it's either unprofessional, dangerous, or both
this isn't something minor like having the temperature too high/low, this is something that if you do yourself, you'll burn the shit out of your hand

I paused a program with SIGSTOP and resume it with SIGCONT. How do I bring it back to the foreground?

SIGSTOP shouldn't background a job, but you foreground a job with 'fg'

Why so fucking difficult to encrypt debian?

Attached: fde-partition-overview-small.png (640x402, 96K)

Windows refugee here. Looking for something lightweight and similar to windows if possible. I tried normal Ubuntu on a VM,but the system requirements turn me off. I like the cinnamon desktop a lot, so is there any difference between installing Mint and having Xubuntu with Cinnamon? Apologies for being clueless, but Ubuntu seems to be the norm in my college if that helps explain my situation.

Use Linux on bare metal and Windows in a VM rather than the reverse. Ubuntu is fine.

anyone know how to install SNES9X for debian 9?


What's a good a sumatra pdf replacement for linux?

That wouldn't work.

Forgot the word "just", friend.

After switching to the GPL, Linux isn't communist anymore.

Linux is a kernel.

I'm too stupid to understand how to set mpd as a server I can access outside my home network. Or inside it for that matter. Can someone explain how to config mpd in order to achieve this, whatever guides I look at seem to either A) be referencing a deprecated version B) missing details C) both. I'm also dumb.

I was referring to the kernel.

Linus is a kernel.

Zathura if you're a huge nerd who likes vi keybindings. Evince or Okular for something more graphical.

"Don't." The correct answer is to set up a VPN to access your LAN remotely.

My machine's ACPI suspend and hibernate functions seem to be broken. About a third of the time, it works, I hit the suspend button on my keyboard or on my menu, and it suspends and stays suspended until I purposefully wake it up. The other two third of the time it immediately unsuspends or un-hibernates.

From looking at journalctl messages there seems to be no difference in the messages recieved, no errors from what I can tell.

Can anyone assist with this?

Is elementaryOS a good distro that just werks for basic day to day computing? (i.e. browsing, video)

This sounds even more complicated.

I'm switching from Debian to Fedora and couldn't find an equivalent to the non-free Debian which includes proprietary wifi drivers which I need for my laptop and it's a bit of a hassle to get it afterwards although I guess I could download them on my phone and transfer from there.

tl;dr Does Fedora include common proprietary wifi drivers of any kind?


As much as any distro is.

a week ago i did my rizen 2200g build and now i would like to move to linux. i need a distro that is not botnet hahahhahahahhahha and that works out of the box with a 2200g. if theres none what distro should i use and how to i go my way to make it work with my 2200g? i was thinking about manjaro so someone help me/

Any current kernel version should work.

how do i update that/what do i need to update? im basically trying to get into linux

Thanks. Are the wifi drivers universal by the way or are they distro specific? The only thing stopping me from going 100% GNU/Linux is how shit the wifi drivers are/were. Last time I tried replacing my Windows 10 installation with Debian I got single digit and very unstable transfer speeds on my 250 Mbit/s connection so I ended up going back to Windows but have kept using Debian in a VM environment to get more acquainted with general GNU/Linux usage.

Is there any chance I would get better performance under Fedora or any other distro or should I expect the same?

>Keyboard wont work in GIMP

God I fucking hate this program and the fucking idiots responsible for it.

Sounds more like you messed something up

>Install Calibre.

>It's new feature [pic related] breaks at least 4 programs from working with mouse.

This bug just won't go away. It's like the left click is permanently on after I install Calibre in 4 programs. Fucking absurd bug.

Attached: file.png (813x153, 15K)

How badly can I fuck up my computer if I make a mistake while installing Arch, and is it worth installing Arch rather than Debian?

Attached: 1530370026454.png (1512x1072, 1.34M)

The worst thing that could happen would be ending up with a broken system that won't boot. Slap in any other installation media and do a new install and you're good to go, it's not like you can ruin the hardware. Another pitfall could be erasing or overwriting other data but I assume you already have a backup of all important files.

If you don't break BIOS, then you can't brick it.

but you can break BIOS. Ubuntu installation image broke mine. It just turned on for 1,5 second and turned off, 1000 dollars in the bin.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.


Linus is a kernel