>*crrk* *PSSSHHHHH*
>php, now that was a language. I remember back when you didnt have to set up all these special folders and frameworks and all that newfangled nonsense, if you wanted to have database data in your page you would open a connection to the database in the same file that generated it. *sipppp* *gulp* routes, static data and templates cluttering up my project, changing the extension of a file to .php and adding code to it, now that makes sense to me
*crrk* *PSSSHHHHH*
Other urls found in this thread:
The Boomer Resume
Microsoft Frontpage
IBM AS/400
Honestly, SQL is a nice way to make a career. You can make high 5 figs without having to relearn all your skills every few years like coders.
Does PHP deserve all the hate it gets?
>Today we will be looking at my j-crungle setup which I built ontop of jquery, react.js, angular, and 50 other libraries that you havent heard of. Dont worry, its all backend, all run on my very own server that my mom bought me. It runs my website!
>And here it is! wait, why is all my servers compromised? MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, DAAAAAAAAAD
good bread
Only the early versions. At least they are actually trying to improve.
not really, there are better alternatives these days but when it came out it was as good as it was going to get, a lot of modern packages are built with it as well (wordpress, joomla, drupal)
Boomer naming scheme:
>Paint program: BmPaint
>Word processing: BM Word Processor
>Audio playback: BM Media Player
Millenial naming scheme:
>Paint program: LatteMuchacho
>Word processing: ScrumBucket
>Audio playback: Bongos
Wait, why would you ever actually use a framework instead of php?
AskJeeves, now that was a man you could trust
>(wordpress, joomla, drupal)
not so great examples, btw
wordpress is responsible for 60% of all Content Management Systems on the internet.
That's a lot of websites.
>shitting on php and 30 y.o. boomers on a mongolian basket-weaving forum written in php by a 30 year old
The php hate meme is funny (pic related) but I unironically use it because laravel
Boomer naming scheme:
> Paint program: Adobe Photoshop
> Word processing: Microsoft Word
> Audio playback: foobar2000
Millenial naming scheme:
> Paint program: Krita
> Word processing: Google Docs
> Audio playback: Spotify
is google docs actually good, I never used it honestly.
still using an enterprise copy of office 2007
I've barely used it since I pretty much only use LaTeX for anything I'd use a word processor for, so I'm the wrong person to ask.
its kind of shitty compared to a real office program (MSoffice, not libre/openoffice) but if other people you work with use it its convenient enough that its worth it
Kids don't know about ma DHTML.
>not libreoffice
Would make sense if people hadn't moved on to MVC frameworks in PHP too.
I have tracked you
You are /v/ cancer
get out
*Notices the unique poster count go up by 1 with my post*
You have autism, my man
>You are /v/ cancer
arent you also v caner tho, since.. you seem to be browsing v?
>all boomerposters are the same person
same filename
pretty generic filename though, i suspect it was downloaded from KYM
Time of posting indicates likelihood of it being a Eurofag student.
>thread relating a humorous piece of internet culture to a technological phenomenon
>further discussion of technology taking place in the thread
>/v/irgin sees a thread not having to do with buying expensive pc components or windows 10 and spergs out
get the fuck off my board
>thread relating a humorous piece of internet culture
you have to go back
That doesn't make it a modern package.
>being this mad over the 30 year old boomer meme
you have to go back
Why are you wasting your time posting in a thread you don't like? With the current state of Jow Forums it shouldn't be too hard to find a thread about video games or eceleb drama
>boomer who hates the boomer meme
>it shouldn't be too hard to find a thread about video games or eceleb drama
what makes you think I care about those threads faggot, you really have to go back with your /v/ memes
I apologize.
I actually looked for this meme because I really liked it and wanted to see more posts of it.
Instead I saw /v/ posts and sperged out.
It's ok dude, it's just a meme this board likes chill out
>routes, static data and templates cluttering up my project
How do you think this is done in PHP?
>/v/irgin gets blown the fuck out
hopefully the frantic ass covering tone of your post is an indicator that you closed the thread as soon as you posted it
kill yourself tryhard
This is unironically a comfy way to code, but building a product like that is bad news. I know this, since I work on a product like that.