Should schools be teaching GNU/Linux instead of Windows?

GNU/Linux is more applicable and extensible than Windows, and is more useful for teaching how computers and operating systems work.

Attached: linux-vs-windows.jpg (620x349, 41K)

They already are and have been for a couple decades now, especially universities, and yet Windows still is the ubiquitous de facto industry standard for most non-academic stuff.
Stop trying to force your ridiculous ToyOS down everyone's throats, retard.

Funny, Windows fits that definition a lot better than GNU/Linux does. Thinking about it though, BSD might be better for teaching than GNU/Linux.

Public schools, and any government institution for that matter. should not teaching or using any form of proprietary software. To do so is to use tax payer dollars to support and fund slavery.


I've yet to see this in practice. Even while I was in middle school in 2006, we were being taught how to use whatever worksuite was included with windows 95. The computers we were using had Pentium II processors kek.

Being used by non-free software is a form of slavery.

You obviously haven't been to Europe, then.

There's a class at my college on the basics of Linux. According to the description, at the end of the class students will be able to install and use the Ubuntu operating system. $300 well spent

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>Windows fits that definition a lot better than GNU/Linux does
How? Linux is a learning OS made by a college student and still used to this day mostly by hobbyists who wanna learn more about computers and how operating systems work - even OP admitted so. Windows on the other hand is in every office in the world.

The only people who actively choose to run Windows are gamers. Games are toys. The other people who use wangblows only use it because it is pre-installed on their machines.

Windows is a toy OS that doesn't really let you truly operate your system, it actively hides all the details from you. It's plastered with ads and Cortana, and has a childish user interface (ooh, look at the shiny panels!)

Wow, you're right, I haven't.

>The other people who use wangblows only use it because it is pre-installed on their machines.
Is this what you tell yourself to cope?

>only use it because it is pre-installed
More like because it's the only OS that will let you get shit done .

Cope with what?

You must be extremely stupid and/or Indian.

You must've never walked into a business space before, kid.

Yes, chimps punching numbers into a spreadsheet. You absolutely need PajeetOS to do that.

They're too busy creating value to be able to afford wasting half their week fixing their xorg.conf and recompiling their kernels, son. But hey, at least you found a way to feel superior to them, I'm glad you overcame your low self-esteem...

Actually, most software developers run Windows, user.

Yes, they have to spend their week waiting for wangblows to update, rebooting constantly, wiping their OS because of a shady installer, and let's not forget the additional minutes every boot and shutdown takes because of the spyware and bloatware.
So? Most developers write useless shitware.

Except companies actually have network policies to handle all that, user. They tell the machines when to update, prevent the use of untrustworthy installers and keep the machines clean and fast. But of course you didn't know that, you have no familiarity whatsoever with an enterprise IT system. Implementing network and group policies on GNU/Linux is virtually impossible btw. There's no Active Directory, no Intune and no Exchange. THAT's why businesses use Windows. Not just because it comes pre-installed. Stay mad.

It comes pre-installed because there's massive demand for it, you economically illiterate doofus. There're plenty of offers of Linux pre-installed computers out there, but almost no one buys that shit.

So you're claiming that the reason that businesses use PajeetOS is because it comes with specific, proprietary Microsoft software. You are very sharp.
Yes, the reason Android became so popular was because everyone was clambering for it. You sound like a baby duck.

>proprietary software is bad, mmmmkay?

> So you're claiming that the reason that businesses use PajeetOS is because it comes with specific, proprietary Microsoft software. You are very sharp.
So you're agreeing that the reason that businesses don't use Linux is because they would never get any fucking work done and because it's easier to manage on a large, company scale than Linux is.

No, learn to read. You are saying that they use Windows, essentially, because they only know how to use Windows tools. So it is not a matter of any actual superiority, just that they're stubborn.

>why did ios succeed but palmos, blackberry and symbian fail?

Attached: 1517432005345.png (543x443, 24K)

Leanr to quote, /b/tard.

> you
Different user, dude. People use Windows because it suits their needs. There is nothing inherently bad about proprietary software. I use Windows in my job because a lot of our clients use Windows in their jobs. A 3D modeller we recently hired also uses Windows for the modelling and VR work. However, there is one programmer here who uses Linux, and two others who use Mac OSX, because it's the best tool for their specific jobs. One size does not fit all in the technology industry, and you're coming across like a retard for sounding like that's what you believe.

>People use Windows because it suits their needs
No, it's because it suits their sensibilities. They "know" how to use it, so they enslave themselves with it.
>There is nothing inherently bad about proprietary software
Yes, there is nothing wrong with slavery or murder, either. From a cosmic perspective, at least.
>I use Windows in my job because a lot of our clients use Windows in their jobs
That's a very poor excuse for perpetuating slavery.
>A 3D modeller we recently hired also uses Windows for the modelling and VR work
I don't care about your little animation studio.
>because it's the best tool for their specific jobs
You probably don't actually know what the best "tool" for any job is. You just use what you like and say it's better because you have more experience with it.
>One size does not fit all in the technology industry, and you're coming across like a retard for sounding like that's what you believe.
And you're coming across as a spineless pansy with your vague platitudes designed to please as many people as possible.

> it suits their sensibilities
You wouldn't have a fucking clue who needs what hardware or software to do their job.
> there is nothing wrong with slavery or murder
Using proprietary software by choice is neither slavery, nor murder, and you sound like a goddamn left-wing Black Lives Matter lunatic for suggesting that it is.
> little animation studio
You have no fucking idea what I do for a job, and that strawman was very poor. 0/10, must try harder.
> you don't actually know what the best tool for any job is
I know what the best tools for MY job is, at least to my current knowledge, and that's all that matters. I don't need to know what the best tool for any other job is, because surprise, I'm not doing any other job.
> vague platitudes designed to please as many people as possible
No, I just realise that one system does not suit every single need. You're just pulling the /v/ trick of 'waaah stop liking what I don't like'. Just because you, personally, do not like Windows or proprietary software doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it's bad for you. The world does not revolve around you.

>You wouldn't have a fucking clue who needs what hardware or software to do their job.
Yes, I'd better ask Mr Vague-Platitudes here.. You're the real expert.
>Using proprietary software by choice is neither slavery, nor murder
Yes it is. It is the software equivalent of both.
>you sound like a goddamn left-wing Black Lives Matter lunatic for suggesting that it is.
Sounds like you have an ax to grind.
>You have no fucking idea what I do for a job
Sounds like an animation studio if you do 3D modelling and VR.
>I know what the best tools for MY job is, at least to my current knowledge
There you go. You finally realise that you are limited by your own lack of knowledge.
>No, I just realise that one system does not suit every single need
You would be surprised. Sounds like you just use the tools others provide to you.
>You're just pulling the /v/ trick
You should go back there. You are the one that sounds like a stupid game player.
>Just because you, personally, do not like murder or slavery doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it's bad for you. The world does not revolve around you.
Great argument.

Yeah. My schools all had Macs, but some classes had a dual boot to make us use Microsoft Office or something. Would've been neat if they'd taught us some command line tools and such in school. GNU/Linux also feels more fitting for a professional environment, so putting it in schools sounds fine. The schools in my area were starting to get a bunch of chromebooks in addition to the MacBooks they had during my final couple years there. They also shifted to Google Docs for writing papers, and then you'd share them with the teacher when you were done instead of printing them in most cases.

> Yes, I'd better ask Mr Vague-Platitudes here.. You're the real expert.
Poor deflection
> Yes it is. It is the software equivalent of both.
> Sounds like you have an ax to grind.
Not as such, it's just how you're coming across. I call it like I see it.
> Sounds like an animation studio if you do 3D modelling and VR.
It's not, but OK. This current project is an AR app for the local government to be used in National Parks and on hiking tracks
> There you go. You finally realise that you are limited by your own lack of knowledge.
And I also go out of my way to research and look for other avenues as they appear. I talk to people far more knowledgeable than me. Just because someone suggests something doesn't mean I HAVE to use it, especially if I test it and decide that it doesn't provide me with a good experience or doesn't improve my workflow in some way.
> You would be surprised. Sounds like you just use the tools others provide to you.
As opposed to what, writing my own? I don't do programming, that's not my job, and I've never really tried to learn. As I've said, I look into other pieces of software and hardware if they're relevant to me, and if they'll actually improve my workflow and make my job easier, hell yeah I'll use them.
> You should go back there. You are the one that sounds like a stupid game player.
You're the one saying that anybody who doesn't agree with you is wrong, even though almost everything you've said is subjective. Classic /v/ move.
> Great argument.
You're still saying using non-free software is slavery or murder but it's not, at all. There is no parallel to be drawn except from within your deranged mind.

How would you feel if an authority could terminate you at any time for violation of their ToS? That is murder and slavery.
>It's not, but OK. This current project is an AR app for the local government to be used in National Parks and on hiking tracks
So you support tracking devices?
>As opposed to what, writing my own? I don't do programming, that's not my job
Are you an insect or something? Can you only learn skills that are part of your job?
>Classic /v/ move.
I wouldn't know, I am not a gamer child.

> How would you feel if an authority could terminate you at any time for violation of their ToS
But I'm choosing to use their software. They are not forcing me into it. If I found some FOSS software that outperformed some nonfree software that I was using, I could change without a problem.
> So you support tracking devices?
I'm ambivalent on the matter. I'm getting the feeling that you just don't even like technology, you just like arguing about it.
> Are you an insect or something? Can you only learn skills that are part of your job?
No, I simply don't care enough, at this time, to learn things that don't immediately make my life easier. If I wanted to go to uni and get a degree, or even if I wanted to self-teach, I could set aside time and do that without a problem. But I'd prefer to learn things that pertain to my job and will further my current career path.
> I wouldn't know, I am not a gamer child.
Funny, you're talking like one.

>But I'm choosing to use their software
You can sell yourself into slavery, retard.
> I'm getting the feeling that you just don't even like technology
You act as if there is nothing to dislike about technology. You sound like a government shill.
>But I'd prefer to learn things that pertain to my job and will further my current career path.
So you are just a very sad insect.
>Funny, you're talking like one.
You're the one who sounds like a gamer.

Because of stupidity. My school payed huge licensing fees for Windows just to run a program that can remotely turn of students' PCs and run like 2 niche programs for IT class. Same goes for college basically

> You can sell yourself into slavery, retard.
Slavery implies you don't have a choice to escape though. Slaves are owned by their masters without a choice to leave. As I said, I can leave at any time. It's not slavery, end of discussion.
> You act as if there is nothing to dislike about technology. You sound like a government shill.
There are plenty of things to dislike about technology, and that's fine to do that. But there are also good things about technology, things that you, personally, might not like. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad. It means you subjectively don't like it, and that's fine.
> So you are just a very sad insect.
Because I'm choosing not to do something that won't benefit me? If I had a choice between learning something new that WILL benefit me, and learning something that WON'T, why would I willingly choose to learn something that won't benefit me? That's just a waste of time.
> You're the one who sounds like a gamer.
So do you, you just can't see it because you've got no self-awareness.

>Slavery implies you don't have a choice to escape though
They have your data there's no escape. Ever heard of Stockholm syndrome?
>But there are also good things about technology, things that you, personally, might not like.
You think government tracking is a good thing. Fuck off.
>That's just a waste of time.
Yep, writing your own software is such a waste of time, you have it figured out, you ant.
>So do you
According to an idiot like you. I don't care what you think.

> They have your data there's no escape. Ever heard of Stockholm syndrome?
Tell me - what is stopping me from changing from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice? What is to stop me changing from Windows and learning how to use Linux to a similar level. What gun is held to my head stopping me from leaving?
> You think government tracking is a good thing. Fuck off.
You're good with strawmen, but bad with arguments.
> Yep, writing your own software is such a waste of time, you have it figured out, you ant.
I'd rather get actual work done that I get paid for. I'm genuinely curious, what useful software have you created? Have you made anything that could actually make my life better? And can I please have it for free?
> According to an idiot like you. I don't care what you think.
You're posting on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum, on a board centred around ricing Linux and mechanical keyboards. You're no better than me, mate.

>Tell me - what is stopping me from changing from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice? What is to stop me changing from Windows and learning how to use Linux to a similar level
God you are naive.
>I'd rather geet actual work done for the nest
Okay, go do that.
> Have you made anything that could actually make my life better? And can I please have it for free?
All of my software is free, but not gratis.
>You're posting on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum

> God you are naive.
That doesn't answer any of my questions, try again
> Okay, go do that.
Finished for the day
> All of my software is free, but not gratis.
Sounds like slavery

Your inane questions and sophistry don't even warrant an address.
>Sounds like slavery
Simply epic.

It's so obvious you have absolutely no idea about what you're talking, and just able to painfully regurgitate memes, that either you a trolling autist, or you're an imbecile.

> Your inane questions and sophistry don't even warrant an address.
It apparently has for the last 45 minutes or so.

> Simply epic.
Hey, it's the same logic you use.


>Windows still is the ubiquitous de facto industry standard for most non-academic stuff.
This is false

>It apparently has for the last 45 minutes or so.
Nice singular.
>Hey, it's the same logic you use.
How does free, paid software equate to slavery under my reasoning?

> Nice singular.
You've devolved to picking grammar now?
> How does free, paid software equate to slavery under my reasoning?
How does paid software equate to slavery under ANY reasoning? You still haven't adequately explained what it stopping me from uninstalling Office and using something else when I get into work tomorrow. If I was enslaved, I would not have that option.

>You've devolved to picking grammar now?
No, learn to read.
>How does paid software equate to slavery under ANY reasoning?
You're the only one who claimed that. Why the fuck would I know?
>If I was enslaved, I would not have that option.
Yet you wonder why everyone calls you naive.

>school teaches windows/mircosoft software
>learn to use word and powerpoint
>interface changes in two years, everything you just learned is redundant
>students have no idea how software actually works
>students have no idea how to debug the os they were "taught" to use, just "muh reboot" which leaves faggots like us to actually fix their fucking systems. "Just call the IT guy"

compared to
>school teaches linux/linux software
>students can use grep to search through documents, cutting down research time
>students can use sed and awk for finding and replacing, helping them write better papers
>students can write in latex, which creates much more beautiful documents, automates numbering, etc
none of these tools will ever be redundant, btw, as long as people continue to use them
>students will understand how software works, even if they dont program
>students will know the basics of debugging their os, how to start and stop services, kill processes, etc. this all takes a load off the IT guys back

You're just straight-up not making sense any more, and you're refusing to elaborate on how being able to pick what software I use makes me enslaved. Good luck with whatever you do, man.

>not making sense any more
Maybe you never understood to begin with.
I can't stand your yankee slang.

fuck off all the linux pros are paedophiles miss my wifes kids with that shit

>torvalds is a pedo

>Windows still is the ubiquitous de facto industry standard for most non-academic stuff.
>This is false
This. I have never seen anything other than Windows on a school or college machine. Though a lot of student machines are running macOS.

sage + hide

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What did you expect? Public (and most of private) education is useless.

Problem is that the software used to organize courses, exams and access to university account only runs on windows. And even though our IT guys have been using Linux for the entirety of their life it still shits the bed regularly. Why the fuck can I only access my courses with windows internet explorer?

No, don't get me wrong. It's used in a lot of places. But it's not exclusive outside of school systems or even above 70% used, so it's definitely not a standard. Not to mention that Microsoft was always non-standard and tried to standardize it's own garbage.

>go to school
>head to my designated ThinkDesk™ where my assigned ThinkPad™ is waiting for me.
>classmates slowly filter in
>Teacher says, "Alright children time to boot into your Linux distribution of choice"
>"Ackshually", says the smartass at the front of the classroom, "It's GNU+Linux"
>I roll my eyes as the teacher laughs and says "You're quite right Stallman, you get to miss the mandatory Trackpoint™ class today"
>The students in my class visibly shudder at the thought of touching that phallic joke of a pointing device again
>Laptop finally boots up, it takes 1 minute for Ubuntu to reach the login screen despite the SSDs as standard.
>I open todays module on FOSS and begin to read
>guy next to me is sweating, a lot. I think I know why.
>"IS THAT PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE I SEE RUNNING ON YOUR DEVICE?", the teacher booms as he leers over my classmate.
>"y-yes sir"
>his screams echo off the walls as he is dragged away

FOSS = communism. Anybody with a brain knew this in 2004.

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This. Yet I wasted years of my life learning something useless.

Also, if you live in a shithole like me, chances are that teachers are going to make you use outdated software just because it's the only software they know how to use (e.g. schools in my town still use Dev-C++ and Delphi to teach programming in 2018 and will probably use them in 2028 too).

>schools in my town still use Dev-C++ and Delphi to teach programming in 2018 and will probably use them in 2028 too

He's a troll.

Probably because people who decide about that don't know shit about tech.

If there's no linux car then it ain't commie yet :-)

Stop talking out of your ass, the UI hasn’t fucking changed since 2007 part from being made into muh flat design.

Do they really teach you how computers work nowadays?
I just remember being teached how to use Word, Excel, Powerpoint and a bit of html. Additionally most teachers were so incompetent, that I doubt they could figure out how to use anything besides Windows.

Remind me again, what OS does 90% of servers worldwide use?

It is unironically bad.


Windows Server.

Attached: Server OS Market Share 2016 On Premises Spiceworks.png (800x571, 67K)

I use Windows because LibreOffice is a fucking joke.

Attached: lo52-impress-01.png (1122x701, 152K)


You see, when the schools in the US realized computers were going to be important, they reached out to a known computer company to make the basic computer use courses for them.
The company was of course Microsoft, which only saw it as a business opportunity. Nevermind teaching computers when you can teach Microsoft office and have all the schools in the world buy licences for Windows and office and whatever else.
The result is that the 'educated' public can't use computers, only Windows and MS word.

Just like how schools teach manual calculating instead of how to do your taxes. School systems are a failure.

>the fake news image again
Oh just fuck off

truth hurts

I'm a teacher at a first-grade elementary (years 1-5). I taught my kids to google, about wifi insecurities, how to lock down their android and stuff like that.

Planning to teach Linux as well, but most of these kids are glad they can open a browser. They don't have their OWN machines yet, so I'll make some "superduperhacker" capture the flag challenges they can do to get grades.

It's fifth grade, for fuck's sake, but the last guys learned about RMS and Torvalds.


But user, it is. I have to run around the web phoning up companies just to get a better deal on Office365! And since I cannot pirate it, it's 20$ a kid! Small schools have tight budgets as they are without some bullshit software that will be second-best in the fall as Office 2019 rolls around.

If we used Ubuntu, it'd be much better. Spyware? Who cares, no one is doing their banking from there and it's anonymized since so many people use one computer.

We still run Pentiums. I've scored a Pentium4 after it got replaced by a newer model.

And they want me to run Windows 10 and Office365 on those things. Fuck.

>mfw ordered some t420 for my IT class
>mfw 11-year olds
>mfw Windows takes a shitload of time to boot on them
>mfw my X200 is faster

You're retarded. It's like saying Linux has 100% marketshare because my household doesn't run anything else. Go cry somewhere else, microcuck.

Attached: Servers.jpg (1170x3189, 470K)


But user, it has.

Not to you, you can search for 2 seconds and look around. But I know people who need to know EXACTLY where something is. One click more is one too many for them and they are immediately lost.

So you're hurt because Microsoft is shit? Okay.

Oh, fuck, forgot about LaTeX.

I'll teach my pupils LaTeX, or at least Markdown. It's easier and keeps formatting nice.


absolutely this.

Markdown would probably suffice, but LaTeX would be incredibly helpful for your students when they get to highschool/uni and they need to write big papers

>But user, it has.
What did he mean by this?

Attached: new_document_word_2016.png (1142x356, 255K)

Hi, I'm actually an IT teacher at an elementary school. First day, kids came to a torn-apart PC and learned about HDD and SSD. Then, we did typing tests. After that we started googling (imagine kids not knowing how to google well). I taught them about Linux and all see my riced-out Debian machine during breaks, so I feel I'll teach them something more.

What would you like me to teach them? I was thinking about installing some programs and debugging problems, but I have to find a way to do a "controlled issue" on the PCs in order for them to fix it.

Is this bait?



Nope, actual teacher here. Small rural area in Yurop, i didn't ever expect the kids not to be proficient at googling. Fixing their own issues, error codes, that sort of thing.