Which is it Jow Forums?

Which is it Jow Forums?

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atom and vscode are fucking browsers. vim is for old farts, doesn't worth the effort to learn. sublime is the only sane choice for newcomers.

vs code

Vim bindings and panehandling is a pain tho

>sublime is the only sane choice for newcomers
I thought that and I used sublime for few years, even payed for the license to appreciate good software.
I was forced to use VSCode few months ago tho, and turns out it's actually good. On my machine it's comparably fast with sublime, last version handles big json files even better than sublime and has a lot more of convinient features. It takes 5x more RAM and I felt guilty for using shit made in electron, but its actually better. And it's OSS. Try it.

Vim is irreplaceable if you're confined to terminal.

Atom is shit.

Vim literally takes like 2 days to get decently good at

For me it’s Anaconda notebook

but it still lacks the features of a modern editor

I've read it's freemium
What's the limit of the free part?

pic rel, Jow Forums poll from october, today VSCode would probably have more votes

it asks you to buy a license once in a 100 times you save a file, no other differences

Attached: text editors.png (589x663, 24K)

I just use nano. I tried to use vim or emacs at some point but I had trouble exiting it so I never used them again.


>Vim bindings and panehandling is a pain tho
but it's not lol. Are you a brainlet? Please dont be a brainlet

What features especially?

>lacks the feature of an editor
kek, vim literally defines what features an editor can have
The only software that lets you write code and has more features are IDE's but those are trash for other reasons

>multi-cursor editing
>mouse handling
>workspaces/projects with specific settings
>being productive tool out of the box
>fast and easy configuration

If you're diagnosed with autism, yeah.
For everyone else, it's going to take several months at the very least.

also pretty much all modern editors have vim key bindings option built-in, so there's very little reason to stay with vim outside the console

The bese editor is the one you're the most productive in.

call me an idiot but I enjoy configuring vim, so the end result is every feature I need with unnecessary amounts of tuning.

>Vim bindings and panehandling is a pain tho
No its fine you fucking retard. I bet you don't like tmux either

>bukkake all over your keyboard with keybindings
>choose one of many possible permutations and pretend it's great because "it's mnemonic you goise!"
>people proceed to torture themselves by putting up with this shit design until they develop Stockholm syndrome and demand every program has the same shit design

Attached: vim_cheat_sheet_for_programmers_screen.png (1651x1275, 746K)

>I enjoy configuring vim
there's nothing wrong with that, but to configure vim you have to remember vimrc syntax, and even then it takes some time
in VSCode/Sublime/Atom configuration is faster and easier, so when you open it somewhere outside your main machine you can adjust it in seconds

Visual studio code is botnet

What sort of sensitive information is it sending out, exactly?

if you're paranoid about it you can just compile it yourself, its open source

In order:


Attached: vscode_disable_telemetry.png (1204x813, 122K)

VS > VS Code

Only free software turbo autists will disagree

>comparing IDE to text editor
only turbo idiots will do this

ship > car
Only land rat turbo autists woll disagree

I've tried VSCode. Seems like it would be the best.

But for any of the large projects at work it manages to get 5fps. Whereas sublime has 90% of those features (with plugins), and runs buttery smooth.

for me vim is no longer an editor but an "standard".
The language of text editing. If you need vim keybindings you just switch to VSCode or Sublime with neovim and get the best of both worlds.

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Sublime (in VIntage mode). I don't really care what editor i use as long as it has a VIM mode, but sublime has the best LaTeX extensions, so thats what i use.

Patrician choice.

Attached: emacs.jpg (960x1280, 136K)


What's the best FREE (as in Freedom) environment/IDE like Microsoft Visual Studio for C++ and Python?

What's wrong with Notepad++?

Sublime, emacs, kate. In that order.



That's an old icon, but this.

>MS are stealing my "hello world" code :(((

Multi-cursor editing is possible with mode.
Mouse works fine if you're using a competent terminal emulator.
You can have workspace specific configs.
Once you have a good .vimrc setup it's easy to use on any Unix-like system. That's the beauty of it when accessing remote machines.
To be fair though, the learning curve can be too much for some plebs.

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What license does it have? How is it different from Visual Studio?

>use atom
>switch to vscode cause atom is 'slow'
>its the same, except the ui is fucking ugly

I like VIM and mostly use that now. But one thing I miss from Sublime-ish editors is the "add next occurence of word to selection" usually bound to ctrl+d I think.
Or at least I don't know how to do it.
But selecting a few lines and s/whatever/replace works just fine I guess.

>>multi-cursor editing
What are macro? What is visual mode?
>>mouse handling
Are you serious?
>>workspaces/projects with specific settings
>>being productive tool out of the box
Are you serious? (part 2)
>>fast and easy configuration
Nah, I won't go on. You're a brainlet.

Btw, Emacs with evil is definitely better than vim for serious work, and for simple editing the good old vi (specifically nvi) is waaaay better

OniVim :)

VIM, all others can go to gay hell

Nano and Mousepad.

Attached: linux_desktop.png (909x1600, 990K)


>doesn't worth the effort to learn
I can see why you don't like vim

Attached: 550.png (207x243, 7K)

I use gedit. It's cute.


>What are macro? What is visual mode?
something slower and less convenient than multicursor editing.

>Are you serious?
not an argument, if i want to select three sentences with mouse i can do it in 0.5 seconds, how much do you need to do it in vim?


>Are you serious? (part 2)
not an argument (part 2)

>Nah, I won't go on. You're a brainlet.
not an argument (part 3: fanboy tears)

when i open vim on foreign machine i can't even be sure the clipboard works

They ask you to buy it every 50~100 saves. You can click no thanks and continue using it for free for personal use.

Vscode is comfy
Vim is for gatekeeping cunts
Sublime is alright



Attached: you-used-to-call-me-on-my-sip-phone-stallman.jpg (690x460, 66K)

vim is for homework and sysadmins

>every sublime user

Attached: s.png (341x190, 23K)

first post best post

an occasional popup that you can disable forever with a config switch

The only people who use that word are pro-spoonfeeding

Netbeans is also a good option, combine it with mingw and you got a nice C++ IDE.
Dunno how it handles python, but pycharm is a gud python ide.

how do you do this?

I tried using sublime text 3 but it won't allow me to use it without a valid license. Guess it is no longer freemium.

neither of these, joe is the best editor

Imagine being this retarded.

Serious question, how do I know if the IDE I use allows me to sell the programs that I write in it? I know that Microsoft's Visual Studio allows sales of only upto $200k in its community version. I've tried looking at the licenses but the only one that I could find that doesn't restrict sales is GPL. Do other licenses like MIT, EPL and Apache allow no limit sales like GPL? What licenses are actually free just like GPL?

in keybindings:
{"keys": ["super+s"], "command": "save_all"}
or ctrl+s depending on os

Definitely this!

I'm a beginner programmer, won't ever do it as a job (finishing med school), so I've been using sublime.

Are Vim or Neovim actually worth the huge hassle that is learning them? Can someone provide some reasons? No memeing pls

Attached: battle-angel-alita.jpg (623x408, 66K)

What huge hassle? It takes 2 weeks max to be as effective in vim as in sublime. It only gets better from that point.
Anyway learn emacs because it is, unlike vim, viable for big projects.

ask me how I know you aren't actually a developer


What's the best text editor if you're a /v/ brainlet who only ever messes with game configs and the occasional bit of Garry's Mod lua? Using Pluma right now.

>being this retarded

There are fucking wikis for this shit, user. You can get up to speed in less than an hour.

Here, I'll give you a headstart:
Press i to go into insert mode
Press escape to go back to command mode
:wq to save and quit or just :w to save
:q! to quit without saving

Bam, you now know everything you need to know to use Vim at a basic level, and it doesn't take a gig of RAM to do it.

Sublime and Vim.
Just because.

Vim does all of this shit. Nice job revealing yourself as an aping retard who is incapable of doing anything on a computer without pretty buttons on the screen to keep your infantile brain's attention.

>Vim bindings and panehandling is a pain tho
Can't be as bad as Atoms.

The syntax is
:setting value

If you can't figure that out you shouldn't be programming in the first place. There are even websites for lazy tards like you.


Literally this. Anything with un-intuitive or un-clear defaults is not worth taking the time to learn.

>>Programming on Windows

There's also notepadqq for Linux though


sorry did daddy Jow Forums not spoon-feed you the answers to your programming homework, widdle user? What a bad daddy, I'll have a talk with him right away

So are the drivers needed for my wifi to actually work.

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I honestly can't even imagine what it's like being so simple minded like you, user. I don't even know what to say.

Out of the 4 that you posted I prefer atom
>hurr durr muh electron bloat
I don't have a potato of a computer

vim has an awful ui and I don't have the time to read a manual and memorize a bunch of keyboard shortcuts just to use a fucking text editor
sublime keeps pestering me to spend 80 dollars (>paying money for a text editor)
and while vscode is pretty nice it unfortunately lacks some plugins that I use on atom (cough cough atom-ide-ui)

Attached: mpv-shot0003.jpg (1440x1080, 440K)

Notepad++ & Sublime Text 3

Notepadqq is not on-par with Notepad++. You might as well just get the real thing and run Notepad++ in Wine if that's what you want.

v to select something
y to copy
d to cut
p to paste

>hurr durr look at me I wasted hours of my life reinventing the wheel
Take your (((you))) and fuck off

>Sacrificing multiple gigs of RAM because you can't be assed to learn to press i or escape

Just quit programming now user we don't need more pajeets like you

>t. ramlet

>Implying learning two (2) shortcuts takes hours

Guess the simple life is slow paced too, eh user?

>implying stock vim with use of only basic shortcuts compares to vscode
To make it actually function on the same level requires hours of autistic ricing

I like vi/nano and linux

But why am i supposed to learn this things when i can mouse select and ctrl-c/v ?