/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Would it be a good way to dual boot by basically setting my HD up as: NTFS: FAT32: EXT4?
I want to use the FAT32 as a home directory I can mount for both OSs, thus letting me have access to the same files no matter what OS I decide to use.

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I need a tool for server stats monitoring (load, temp etc).
Someone had suggested github.com/jrgp/linfo but I would to know other options.

linux supports ntfs, just install ntfs-3g or equivalent for your distro
chances are it's installed by default

>use luks to encrypt your harddrive
>do some weird keycombination that kicks me out of my session and gives me a black screen
>panik and restart laptop
>can't use my key to log myself in when prompted (regularly)
>can use my key to log in when using the recovery mode
I tried adding a new key to the luks and it doesn't let me, it says that the old key (which I used to log in when using recovery mode) doesn't exist. Encryption really doesn't work for me, the last install completely went insane and deleted my key, coulnd't log in anymore even with a live USB. Am running kubuntu 18.04. Any ideas how to change this? I think the initial keyboard layout might have changed but no idea how to change it back.

how about not setting a retarded passphrase in the first place?
sounds like that's the only problem you have

What are some useful aliases?

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i dont really know how to phrase this question, can anyone here help, im wanting to switch between two full screen processes (emulationstation and omxplayer if that knowledge is helpful i guess), im using debian and not running an xserver (and dont want to) and is all in console, the question is just how do i 'switch' focus or 'minimize' via a script in this context without just terminating the process itself

alias dd='dd status=progress'
alias back='cd -'
alias newnet='sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager'
alias extip='curl -s www.icanhazip.com'

mkcd() {
mkdir -p $1 && cd $1

# Go up directory structures
up() {
cd $(printf "%0.0s../" $(seq 1 $1));

>lets all love lain


>cd $(printf "%0.0s../" $(seq 1 $1));
cd ..

or just

in zsh

Would it be better to make the /home NTFS partition in Windows or Linux first?

i use this to run scripts remotely but i dont exactly understand how i can use it here, both processes would want to, from my basic understanding, output to display0 on being started, i could run both processes at once but how would i switch between them or tell one to stop displaying and to display the other

NTFS has no user permissions so you really shouldn't use that on linux


and the idea is to type up 3 and you go up 3 dirs without typing
cd ../../..

fucking retard

tmux has tabs, just switch out the tabs when you want to with Ctrl+b
and Ctrl+ b c to create a new tab

what kind of n00b does shit like this instead of eg cd ~1? lmao

So would FAT32 be the better option?

No, because it doesn't have them either.

>1. thats a zsh thing, and as i already pointed out is fucking bloat, and doesnt work well with vi mode
>2. that goes to the previous 3rd last dir you were in, so cd ~1 = cd -
up 3 goes up the dir structure, regardless of whether you have been to that dir in your current session. i could be nested 10 dirs deep and want to go to the 5th dir deep, up helps with that. if you havent been to that dir before, you're shitty zsh trick doesnt work for that

i'll have to mess around with that in a bit thanks, though my understanding was that these processes (videoplayer, emulator) dont output to the terminal but sort of hijack the terminal and write to the display, so changing tmux tabs to change displays would require me to indirectly be inside tmux still, if that makes sense, but i guess i'll just have to goof around more with it

What are the best programs for security and freedumbs? On Arch

>programs for security
What does this even mean? A firewall? Disk encryption? What?

If you're asking this question and you care about security you probably shouldn't use Arch (referring to malicious packages in the AUR, you messing with permissions, etc.). No mistake, Archlinux is great for learning how Linux works but you'll have to seat down on your security.

Firewall: ufw for a straight-forward firewall or firewalld for Red Hat's overkill modular stuff

Disk encryption: dm_crypt, but you're going to delete your whole disk so just install Qubes OS or FreeBSD instead

FWIW, most of security is "looking up open ports, good practices, and caveats for every program you install (nginx, node.js, etc.) and every dependency that comes with it", leading to avoid installing too much packages and hence not bothering about what's called in the Archlinux wiki "the easy way" or "the dirty way". I personally had 777 permissions on my GPG keys and I survived, so that choice is up to you.

>referring to malicious packages in the AUR, you messing with permissions
anyone who doesnt read through PKGBUILDS and understand what should have x permission will never have good sec

I'm now to Linux; is Gentoo really a meme or is it good?

Its a meme thats good for certain things, like most memes on Jow Forums

>Archlinux is great for learning how Linux works
bad meme

It's both. You learn alot and waste alot time

Should I try it out if I've never used Linux before?

no, its difficult

As said, it's difficult for beginners. On the other hand it is well documented and you basically just do what the handbook says. You must choose.

I recommend for beginners Ubuntu, which is just hitting some buttons and you're ready.

What's the best way to learn the console?

Type help into it

use it. thats it. I do everything from the console except browse the web.
just teach yourself to write good bash scripts like you would teach yourself any other language.
could install arch on a vm, and actually understand every command you run. luke smith has a pretty good arch install vid

I've never learnt a language before

check derek banas on yt

Hi boys,

I'm making the switch from GNOME to xfce; still a noob with GNU/Linux

anyone know of an alternative to GNOME To Do? (piccy) love this thing in gnome

also an alternative to gTile would be nice :) feel free to lmk what else you like that i should add on xfce

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Fucking bump

How do I manage BTRFS subvolume labels? Is it even possible?
Nemo and any other file manager is labelling my BTRFS subvolumes with the label of the BTRFS itself, which "media". Instead, I want the mounted subvolume @music to be labelled "music". LSBLK basically does the same shit and shows the mount-path of the BTRFS from subvolume which got mounted last.
Omitting my code block here, because 4chin thinks it's spam

Attached: Btrfs_logo-1024x653.png (1024x653, 13K)

I think you can change the wm in xfce, or run xfce part in other wm.
Just a tip: why won't you try a "real" tiling wm (i3, xmonad, herbstluftwm, awesome, ...) in the first place? Most of them will work also with various xfce4 part (like the panel) if the jump is too high ;)

For the todo thing, I'm using org-mode in emacs: no too user-friendly at the beginning but powerful

only @music is currently mounted, the global subvolid=5 is not

$ lsblk -n -o name,size,fstype,label,uuid,mountpoint /dev/sdd
sdd 2.7T
└─sdd1 2.7T crypto_LUKS *LUKS-UUID*
└─media-A 2.7T btrfs media *BTRFS-UUID* /media/music

# all subvolumes
$ sudo btrfs subvolume list -a -t /media/music/
ID gen top level path
-- --- --------- ----
257 45 5 /@music

$ sudo btrfs subvolume show /media/music/
Name: @music

$ grep @music /etc/fstab
UUID=*BTRFS-UUID* /media/music btrfs subvol=/@music,defaults,rw,noatime,compress=lzo,space_cache 0 0

$ mount | grep /dev/mapper/media-A
/dev/mapper/media-A on /media/music type btrfs (rw,noatime,compress=lzo,space_cache,subvolid=257,subvol=/@music)


what's a good font for my resume?


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I'm going to install new linux system but this time i want to do everything right.
Where is a lot of controversy going on so i would like to know YOUR opinions with arguments on few things or at least to know what are you guys using atm:
> which terminal is best and why?
> which shell is best and why?
> which de or wm only or both combo is best and why?
> does systemd suck so much what i should go for non systemd distro?
> which editor is best?
> what to use for coding?
> which language are you using for your scripts?

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nagios :D

use gentoo

>> which terminal is best and why?
st. minimal as shit.
>> which shell is best and why?
bash with vi mode enabled, because its not too bloated and vi keys are best
>> which de or wm only or both combo is best and why?
i3. vi keys
>> does systemd suck so much what i should go for non systemd distro?
>> which editor is best?
>> what to use for coding?
>> which language are you using for your scripts?
bash and python

Convince me to use Arch.

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Active or passive monitoring? dstat is good shit. htop is good for active

Just write a small script that redirects dstat output to a file. More than that, write something in Go that'll do the same thing but send it to some database

this are a lot of questions
> which terminal is best and why?
st, because it uses fontconfig and therefor better fallback than urxvt. tho it has much slower IO than urxvt, but that's rarely the bottleneck.

> which shell is best and why?
I don't know I just use bash because none of the other shells offers anything extra I really need

> which de or wm only or both combo is best and why?
DWM, I like its defaults so I barely need to configure anything when installing it

> does systemd suck so much what i should go for non systemd distro?
I don't mind systemd, it's just very vast and takes a lot of time to dig into. install gentoo if you hate it.

> which editor is best?

> what to use for coding?

> which language are you using for your scripts?
python for internet related things and bash for local scripts

> which terminal is best and why?
st + tmux is god tier. I personally find urxvt comfy too
> which shell is best and why?
zsh is amazing, but also ksh is good. Bash is good too.
> which de or wm only or both combo is best and why?
I'm in love with xmonad. There is literally nothing you can't do, but also herbstluftwm is good. Try i3 if you've never used tiling wm before (it has a good community, good support and is decent ootb)
> does systemd suck so much what i should go for non systemd distro?
systemd sucks only when you realize how much of the current gnu/linux environment is managed by it. But for a desktop it could be ok
> which editor is best?
(Another holy war?) I've switched to emacs + evil mode from vim, but I don't have tips here: try some editors (emacs, vim, kakoune, ...) and use what you like most. Recommended to understand the basic of vi though
> what to use for coding?
What do you prefer/feel more comfortable.
> which language are you using for your scripts?
sh, 'cause you want youre code to be portable. C also sometimes. python is a decent option

If I were to pick out the hardware for a brand new system with a Linux installation in mind, how would I go about determining whether or not the processor/motherboard are compatible with the Linux kernel before actually buying them? Is it all just down to googling for forum posts from people with the same hardware and if there aren't any you're shit out of luck?

fast and stable

Would be accessed via ssh-tunneled http running on localhost, so, active.
Ebun. I believe, I'll stick to that. But the main thing was to get an example with which I could do
Guess, it's a rather good tool since it has so many likes.

As a follow up to my Hi13 Linux experience. I managed to dig out my old XP Pen Star 03 drawing tablet and fortunately there is a beta linux driver released for it and it's kin this very month.
The H3 Pen I don't think I can get working, (I figure it's a driver issue with the Goodix touchscreen. Probably has a generic universal driver), but at least I can flip my screen around in the keyboard dock and sketch to it via the XP Pen drawing tablet in Krita at 3000x2000 res instead of like 1500x1000 I was doing before that was a little laggy.
I can't draw for shit, but might be a good laugh for doodling. Pen pressure mostly works.

>linux system
> which terminal is best and why?
It doesn't matter. That said, Urxvt and ST are great.
> which shell is best and why?
Bash, lightweight, isn't in your way and you're at home everywhere since it's default on 90% of all distros.
> which de or wm only or both combo is best and why?
WM: Sacking? OpenBox, Ricing? Bspwm. Go for i3 for babbies first tiling.
DE: Whatever floats your boat. You can combine and DE with any WM if you want.
> does systemd suck so much what i should go for non systemd distro?
It sucks, but not so much that you must avoid it. If you really must use a non systemd distro, use Devuan.
> which editor is best?
Vim or Emacs.
> what to use for coding?
Vim or Emacs.
> which language are you using for your scripts?
POSIX shell or Bash - depending on what makes more sense in the specific case and if it should be portable.

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systemdfags get out

this is just desperate

Or maybe it is overkill.

GuixSD or NixOS?

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thanks, im a bit scared to try i3 desu. just dont feel advanced enough for it yet; i'll look into the others. gTile wasnt all that necessary, but just a nice little thing to have

i actually found the gnome to do thing in the software store so im happy about that :)

one thing that's bothering me with xfce is:
i can add a chromium launcher to the panel, but that just opens up a new instance everytime i click it. it also adds a new chromium icon to the panel

what id like is how windows, and gnome and unity has it where i can 'pin' chromium to the panel, and use that one icon for the instance. you know what im trying to get at?

do you or anyone know how i can fix this?

You could integrate DockbarX into the xfce panel and configure and rice either the way you want, if you don't mind something external.

As for i3, you can mess around with it on the side, that's what I do.

>GuixSD: free software, shepherd, linux-libre
>NixOS: open source, systemd, linux
You must choose.

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Im on manjaro anf just installed a new gpu but once i get past grup i get
Sp5100_tco i/o address 0x0cd6 already ib use and then the system freezes.

Old card was amd, so is new card. For some reason using the new card also stops my windows drive from shoeing up in the bios. I had to fuck around with csm and still nothing. Tbh i dont get how just a gpu can do this.

Convince me to use Fedora 28

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Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-25 18-45-47.png (1018x95, 21K)

It seems to me that Manjaro is doing everyting right.
You can install a working system within 10 minutes.
You can access stable repos with ALMOST latest software and AUR.
You can install video drivers right from the settings, like in ubuntu/mint.
And, of course, PACMAN.

Does anyone know how to turn off bspwm setting and how is it called that after going to a new workspace or a window cursor jumps to the middle of the window?
It pisses me off so much that if im not able to find a solution i will chande wm for sure.




arch can do all these things and even better:
You can install arch in 10 or less minutes (depends on your network speed and how fast you type)
Latest software and it's ez pz to install trizen for AUR
One command line to install video drivers
Yeah, pacman

Plus it's not a distribution based on distribution



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Does anyone know why the webm player in Chromium (approx Version 67.0.3396.87) has recently broken on Debian 9.5 Stretch?

Ok guys, windows update broke everything again and I'm ready to ditch the botnet, one last question
Is it worth to migrate to GNU/Linux if almost all the software I use only works on WIN/OSX?
>audacity (also on linux)
>ni circuit design suite
>spice (also on linux iirc)

Attached: despiteallmyrage.gif (720x405, 919K)

Try github.com/CobayeGunther/ServerStatsBot

>audacity (also on linux)
>ni circuit design suite
>spice (also on linux iirc)
theres a bajillion options, i jsut use a file manager desu
libreoffice / office online

>Is it worth to migrate to GNU/Linux if almost all the software I use only works on WIN/OSX?
Nobody can answer that but you. Are the consequences of you not having access to that software worth it? For some people that might mean getting fired from a job, so how should I know your situation.

Although you might want to consider whether those applications can run in WINE or not. Then you can still use them. Another option is to run Windows in a virtual machine just for those applications.

use wine or google docs or libreoffice

for some software if you have good enough computer use windows virtual machine

in the end it's your decision, use what suits your needs

Mint here i cannot log in to any account that is not mine. For example account "mother" with password "mother" - there is black screen for few second and it comes back to login page - without any error massage. I could login to other account in terminal tho

try booting into terminal only and see what happens.

your mother probably changed her password to protect you from nudes she shares with strangers on the internet

how to do it
there is error massage if i write wrong password. If i write right there is just black screen and it comes back to login page after few seconds. Its like that with every new account i make

could it be that you made new account incorrectly?
how you create new accounts?
if via GUI have you tried with terminal?

Haven't been here for a while, are people still autistic about systemd?

nah, everyone accepted the inevitable

i liked the idea of my workspace being minimal so i stayed with windows just because i didn't see the point of running a vm for everything but the last month it's been a pain in the ass, anyway, thanks guys

Always terminal, i just tried it again to make sure
sudo useradd test
sudo passwd test

And when i tried to log in to test same shit - black screen for few seconds and come back to login page. I could login to my account tho, so maybe i use wrong shell, or i "block" login shell or something like that?

I now tried to login in terminal at my account. Cltr shift t, su test, testtest... and i logged successfully but i found weird thing - there is no home dir for test when i write "cd" "/home/test" no such file or directory"

try useradd with option -d
like so:
useradd -d user

go into grub settings (advanced boot -> e)
and add 1 after the first linux line


The razorblade necklace is fucking cringeworthy.
Thanks for listening

just like arch linux distribution
you're welcome

Does anyone know how to get Asian fonts to display correctly? I am using Arch and I've already installed noto-font-cjk for Asian fonts, but they are still not appearing.

was it ttf-noto-font-cjk ?
did you fc-cache?

what linux program to fix pirated music info with song names, artwork and so on?