>want to start writing code
>never completed HS and don't know how to do basic math
What can I get into?
Want to start writing code
Other urls found in this thread:
Killing yourself.
Web Development / UIX / Self Employment / Cashier
Learn it. There are practically all the resources on the internet
By 'what can I get into' I mean what languages I could learn. I don't care about jobs at the moment.
I also don't want to be a bitch to other people's projects and want to be able to make my own shit from the ground up to have a personal sense of achievement
For most basic level programming you don't really need mathematics. But good luck trying to get a degree without it
How do I get into Web dev?
What's uix
Do W3 schools or some equivalent and use all of this to make your own stuff.
Learn everything you possibly can from here.
>I mean what languages I could learn.
It doesn't matter.
>want to be able to make my own shit from the ground up to have a personal sense of achievement
We get threads like this almost daily on Jow Forums. People who claim how dumb/lazy/non-technical they are and want suggestions on what language to learn or how to get started. If you want to be successful then you need the ability to learn on your own (which depends on your ability to concentrate). It doesn't matter which language you learn. It doesn't matter with tutorial or book you use. It doesn't matter how good you are at math. Pick a language pick a tutorial and start. When you run into problems use your favorite internet search engine to find the answer. Don't worry about picking to "right" language or wasting time.
Find something that is interesting to you. Set some goals. Learn on your own.
Good luck.
No thanks I want to learn for real . I already went to school for it
You already know everything W3 schools has to teach?
Then start building shit, show your skills and get hired.
A scribe?
You don't need math for programming. Only CS cucks delude themselves into believing that because they need something to try to justify their worthless degree.
Please delete this, thank you.
What's a search engine
you need logical thinking, though. chances are that if you're bad at math you're bad at logic.
But I hate that and no I don't but I refuse to use that kind of stuff on principles
He's right about the math not being a necessity for programming. He is however obviously bitter because he doesnt have a degree.
i believe in you cuteposter
What's the first thing I should learn what order do I do this ?
How easy is it to get a job doing backend stuff with php rather than java script frontend
Freecodecamp if you want web stuff. They have a currĂculum with a bunch of languages you should know
>I want to learn web dev stuff without learning web dev stuff
Not even I can figure this one out folks
Well then you will never do development. Quite simple.
>columbo will never enter your establishment to make use of your goods or services and turn one of your casual remarks into a brilliant breakthrough and call you smart even though he's the one who made the connection
I dropped out after 5th grade and I've been a literal shut-in NEET ever since.
I'm 19 years old and I've already wasted my entire life.
Please believe me when I say "FPBP".
Don't wait to see why.
Rude. Killing yourself is sometimes the best option, but if you're surviving reasonably comfortably, misery is your own fault.
I think I have identified your problem OP. You're fucking retarded.
Whenever a re-run of Colombo is on I watch it. He was fantastic, absolutely sad he's gone.
Well from what OP's clearly established, that IS the best answer for him.
I can guarantee that the option will look good-as-gold when his parents croak, too.
You also shouldn't put "reasonably comfortable" next to "surviving", because nobody living reasonably-comfortable lives ever has to think about survival on each and every day.
I am NOT a cuteposter
Suicide is gay lol
And so are you.
Web development / Javascript
If you need to take the absolute value of a number, or invert one, there are good libraries and frameworks to do that.
It depends what you are doing.
For things like 3D or audio/DSP you definitely need math.
And so are you, so that shouldn't be an issue.
Webdev, writing CRUD-style apps. That's a large amount of professional programming jobs, but it's generally boring.
The more "interesting" stuff will require some amount of math.
How hard would it be for me to get into C using the boomer book on it.
I don't like the idea of working with high level stuff because it doesn't feel like you're making it from the ground up as much.
It will be hard if you have no prior programming experience, but won't require advanced math.
C is not necessarily hard, but boring as shit because you can't get anything done.
So if you want to do C, do it with a microcontroller development kit. You'll be as close to the metal as possible, and you can bleep sounds and flash LEDs and crap like that. Unless reimplementing Unix utilities sounds enticing to you.
I like you OP so here is some real advice. If you really want to learn then you should track down a good intro to CS book. The K&R C book or SICP book + the MIT lectures come to mind. Don't worry about what programing language they teach you as that's not what you should be taking away from this. The language for these courses is just a tool to better understand the process of programing and you can easily pick up a new language later.
When it comes to the math side just go out and start learning math from basic to advance. There are plenty of resources out there to just start learning with and while it's true some better then others (see Stewart's Calculus) I wouldn't bother trying to min max your math text books. I know you must have been told this to death but Khan Academy really is great place to go to build up your math skills. To a large extent you can ignore mathematics in programing and still get by (even in professional job). However you will get large benefits from learning some basic maths. The areas you need to know before you can learn math directly related to programing are Arithmetic, Algebra, and Trigonometry. Side note Geometry can be skipped but it makes Trigonometry, Linear Algebra (Look up 3Blue1Brown's Essence of Linear Algebra when learning this it will help a ton), and Calculus easier to learn. Now the most important maths you can learn is Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, and Discrete Mathematics. Calculus (Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, and Differential Equations in that order) is probably the least important math you can learn and while I would still say learn it, put it on the back burner if you have too so you can learn more important mathematics.
Lastly you should also study some algorithms (Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition comes to mind) as that is kind of the core of programing. Once you have some theory, math, and algorithms under your belt get programing. The best way to get good at it is too just do projects and practice it. Do simple stuff until you can join a project and then try committing to it. Congratulations a Programmer is You! Now if you will humor me OP let me give you some life advice.
Get a GED, no one will hire you in Burger Land without a HS degree or a GED so all of this work will be for not. Then consider going to school for a degree in Applied Mathematics as that is one of the few degrees worth getting in today's ever changing world. If you really want you can double major for CS and Applied Mathematics but you can break into the software engineering field just fine with an Applied Mathematics degree and programing knowledge. If it seems hard don't worry it's pretty much just the math classes listed above with like two extras. If you are thinking it might be too different from a CS degree then you are wrong. When I went to Uni I was one semester from wrapping up my CS degree when my advisor made me take two additional classes to get that double major. Good luck OP, I have given you all the tools you need to make it now you just need to do it.
I'm 23, you have much more time than me, more so if you get neetbux