What’s your first program you wrote when you have started to program?

What’s your first program you wrote when you have started to program?

>some text game on python

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Hello world

10 print "hello world"
20 goto 10

Probably Hello World in C++ when I was 12. I then ditched C++ for Java when I was 14.

if interpreted languages count then some garbage in vbs (visual basic script when I was 10 or 11.

Quiz game on the C64 in 1985.

A hello world in MIPS assembly li la loo

This, but the slightly more complicated Hello-world-what's-your-name example. 10 PRINT "Hello World!"
11 PRINT "What's your name? ";
30 PRINT "Hello "; A$; "!"

#include stdio.h
printf("Hello World");

Calculator wich only adds on javascript when i was 12

If really shitty ones count, some text adventure in Batch

A batch program that asks if you have epilepsy then rapidly changes colours no matter what you type

No idea it was 18 years ago.

>What’s your first program you wrote when you have started to program?

A C++ script that replaces decimal commas with decimal dots in numerical expressions in a text file called "test.txt" that is in the same folder as the script.

A Weak Aura Lua script in wow to display target health in absolute and percentage with string formating and all. Pretty useless but i learned a lot.

first "code" i ever did was html back in the late 90s. made some geocities and shit

first "programming" i ever did was some stupid .bat files to send to friends that would shut down their computer or put their computer in an infinite reboot sequence

first real code i did was CS101 Java stuff

You have 30 seconds to wrote hello world in MIPS assembly.


when i was little i wanted to create my own website and watched some php tutorials on the internet so i guess my first program would be a hello world one in php. i wasn't as good in english back then so that's why i didn't really know what i was doing.

Same as Linus Torvalds' first program on a vic20.
Except instead of saying my sister was nice, I made it say my brother was an asshole.
>basically this
I think if you put a ; on the end it fills the whole screen, if memory serves.

Text games with QBasic. A bit later I dabbled in Visual Basic. Now I'm an unemployed loser.

a boolean logic expression evaluator in Java. It would evaluate an expression, and for variables print out truth tables