How do i use the terminal more as a windows user?

How do i use the terminal more as a windows user?

Every job I had always uses windows, and i dont have much experience with windows. How can I utilize powershell or cmd in my daily life. I think it looks aesthetically pleasing plus Ill look more productive. I primarily work with SQL server and visual studio.
Even if its just a script I can leave running id take that.

Attached: 2013-03-02_f3_terminal_html5.jpg (1000x707, 146K)

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Matrix screensaver

Install cmder or m2sys.
Also, chocolatey

Start writing powershell scripts for daily tasks at work?

I was in the same situation with a new job working with windows. I just brute forced it and used it for anything I could think of, even if I knew another way.

cmder looks cool. Ill check this out.

Any reason why?

Can you give some examples?

use Cygwin or Mingw over ConEmu

Attached: screeny.png (890x509, 30K)

Conemu or cmder.
Whatever task to you want to do it in the UI you can do it in powershell. Just search for what your doing.

It interacts nicely with SQL, try creating absceiot in powershell rather than an IIS package. Instead of recursive cte or something, use powershell and do a for/foreach loop etc.

You can compile and build code that's in VS using powershell as well.

>any reason why
Fucked up the arrows. I meant to say that *Nix has better shells. I don't like PS command syntax and CMD is useless. On top of those points I think both are slow as hell.

also next time
>I primarily work with SQL server and visual studio.
stop this. don't pretend to be a programmer. Programmers don't need someone to tell them what to do with computers. They just have ideas on their own. This is what differentiates them from roleplayers like you.

This looks like what im searching for. Whyd yoy recommend those other two programs and then go on to explain powershell?

Damn dawg that hurt. How would i move off those programs if it will be my new job?

Why are the addresses random?

Didn't mean that you should move off them.
I meant it's a lie - you don't use them, are you. If you were a programmer, you wouldn't ask people to come up with toy problems for you to solve, because your todo list would take 20 years to complete. Also you wouldn't post a hacking screenshot from a videogame.
You are a larper, and larpers belong to cyberpunk general.

You can use any bash or shell with ConEmu, etc cmd, powershell, cygwin, Git bash
plus you can use different themes

Attached: Conem.png (1860x552, 94K)

Change your shell to powershell and remove the explorer.exe package.

I use conemu because I then my terminal, it supports powershell, and you can have tabs. Rather than having multiple powershell sessions open in individual windows you can use conemu and have tabs. Start a job in one, click the next tab and start one there. Check it out. You don't have to but it makes me much more efficient.

Oh yea thats fine i can accept that. Im just tired of only using the gui and want to use the terminal to learn and look cool. And yea i do use those programs, but i am a shitty programmer.

So cmder can also do powershell stuff?


In addition to what has already been said, learn to use command line applications. Things like git and docker can all be done completely from a terminal. If you're a .NET developer, you can do pretty much anything Visual Studio can from a command line. Use msbuild to build solutions and projects, csc/vbc for simple programs, look into al.exe, ildasm, windbg, etc.

>and larpers belong to cyberpunk general.

Honestly, all of you faggots belong in ricer general. None of this shit has to do with productivity, it's all about appearances which is 99% of linux on desktop users in a nutshell.

What is the advantage of this?
Also are there any guides?

Find something you do every day, and do it with powershell. This isn't fucking hard.

you don't!

windows is not meant for terminal users, that's why we hate it, that shitty cmd is not nearly as powerful as the nix terminal

cmd sucks, powershell is an abomination
you can try and use something like cygwin, msysgit or the wsl for a *nix shell but you'll always run into issues and things not working as expected and having to implement ugly hacks (see ssh-agent under wsl) to get something that just works without issues in any linux or bsd

fuck windows, install linux and learn sh, awk and sed

>OS is literally called "Windows"
>wants to use the terminal more

crazy stuff these days

Google is your friend. But Visual Studio uses MSBuild internally when building solutions or projects. A csproj or sln file is literally a manifest that MSBuild uses to determine which files to include and how to compile your application. The command line is fairly simple, I don't know it off the top of my head but you just pass the path to your sln, the type of build configuration (debug/release/etc) and any other options like processor architecture to compile. .NET Core actually uses a new API (just the dotnet command followed by args to do anything from building to cleaning to running tests or resolving NuGet packages). MSBuild uses csc/vbc internally. Ildasm is a pretty neat tool also, you can explore DLLs and EXEs with it and it can be useful when you're dealing with 3rd party closed source libraries.

File copying and renaming tasks where you want to rename on a complex criteria.

The problem is that any native terminal on windows is horrible, that's why some people thinks terminals are scary. CMD can do a lot of things but the tools that runs for it are usually very bothersome. Powershell has a terrible syntax no one wants to touch even if you argue it has better tools. There's a good reason why microsoft rather encourage using linux distros (a competing product) for the people that needs it as long they don't keep bleeding developers.

Also as for benefits, you can avoid loading VS up just to do a build. It can save you hours in the long run since VS can take upwards of 30 seconds to fully load with big solutions even on fairly powerful machines. And just understanding the inside of your OS better. I've had to use all of the tools I mentioned at one point or another from the command line. You can do most things with a GUI, but knowing the command line makes it easier it figure things out when something goes wrong and it also makes it very easy to automate things.

Anyone who says Windows is difficult to script for doesn't know Windows. PowerShell is an incredibly powerful tool, I would argue even more powerful than Bash. It's basically a quasi-object oriented scripting language that gives you access to the entire .NET framework.

You seem like you know a lot about .Net developement. Do you do it as a career?
Would you recomend it cause its the field i seem to be drifting into.

install gentoo

use git bash

I do and I would. .NET is pretty much cross platform now for many things and it's a great ecosystem to work with. Great documentation and good language design assuming you're using C#.

There is a lot of .NET specific configuration and conventions and shit that you'll have to learn, but I find that they're not overused and actually pretty well done. MS has made a large effort to make their shit more open source and collaborative, so most of the framework is completely open source and I dig into the internal quite a bit. Take a look here:

What's unique about .NET is it's historically kind of been Windows first, which makes it basically a first class language for creating Windows GUI apps using WPF if you don't want to use C++ and use the Win32 API directly. It also means you get to use Visual Studio, which is probably one of the best (though resource heavy) IDEs out there. It's just a comfy ass experience overall. Good pay too and the C# rabbit hole goes deep if you like it, with the ability to use pointers directly in C# (see the IntPtr class) or interop with C++ assemblies, most medium to large software projects providing a C# API, etc.