Can you guys please give me a rundown of what exactly linux is and how it works? From what i heard you have to be good at coding to use it, idk. I guess somehow its good for privacy and security. I really want to know how well will adobe creative cloud run on it, will adobe be slow on Linux? Please i do not understand.
Understanding Linux
Other urls found in this thread:
Install Gentoo
>open source
Linux is a kernel
>Adobe creative cloud
Do not use this, it is harmful proprietary software and an enemy of your freedom.
You're likely referring to systemd/linux distributions. Linux alone is a kernel.
or as i've recently taken to calling it: systemd plus linux
Are you retarded? Knowing the source code if anything open source makes it stronger since bugs are extremely more likely to be found by the open source community.
7 replies and nobody has answered his/her question yet.
Helpful as always, Jow Forums
Linux is a Unix-like operating system. It generally emphasizes simplicity, efficiency, and portability. The people who contribute to Linux and other related community projects help make it possible to have a modern, small, and secure OS most often at no cost to those who use it.
You can be a total computer noob or a hacker - or anything in between - and use Linux. It really does not matter.
wrong. It's a kernel.
I like popcorn, too, but I don't see how it's Jow Forumsg-related. Please remain on topic or risk getting banned.
Thank you.
Adobe Creative Cloud does not natively run on Linux systems, but you can use Wine to use it.
>have to be good a coding to use it
hahahaha you heard this anons big lulz
>guess somehow good for security
>adobe creative
jesus noob just fucking install it and stop talking
>Can you guys please give me a rundown of what exactly linux is and how it works?
Linux is usually how people calls the platform but it's actually not an operative system (not, i'm not talking about the GNU/Linux thing and i don't care about that). Linux is a project to create only a kernel that can be used by other people to create operative systems. What IS an operative system is for example Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Etc. People often just calls the whole of linux based distros "Linux" although is technically not a correct thing to do.
What you should look for is for an OS you're interested in, for example ubuntu. There's user oriented OSs based on linux but due to it's modularity there's also DIY oriented projects like Arch or gentoo, you most probably will not be interested in those. In general desktop-user-oriented distros can be used like any other OS like windows or Mac.
>From what i heard you have to be good at coding to use it, idk.
The idiosyncrasies are different, but i can tell you is true that the way things are organized and delivered on most linux distros makes it a lot more friendly for coding, you can get a proper coding environment in no time and easily. Package managers on linux are a bless you'll not want to leave once you get accustomed.
> I guess somehow its good for privacy and security.
Software is only as "good" or "evil" as the person who bundles it. There can exist a distro made with the purpose to steal information perfectly. A big advantage when you deal with open source is that the development is done in the open, have you even heard the phrase "i don't fear because i have nothing to hide"? well, it's the opposite and i think about it as a big deterrent for anyone trying to play funny shit on their users because the cannot hide it easily and the news would spread very fast. Also most distros don't require for you to accept ugly EULAs like windows for example does, check by yourself the terms of each one.
>I really want to know how well will adobe creative cloud run on it, will adobe be slow on Linux?
AFAIK there's not ACC for linux, but this is not because linux wouldn't be capable of running it but because Adobe don't want to provide a linux version. It's a catch 22 because even if people asks they'll just say "there's no enough users", but to attract more users you need more software availability, so for the platform and their users getting support from certain companies is an uphill struggle. There's an effort to reimplement the API of Windows due to this situation of monopoly and everyone only creating software for windows (to be fair the same happened to microsoft with windows phone and android), it's called wine and while a lot of programs works others don't, it's a titanic task to reverse engineer the Window's API and more when you cannot use any piece of code from windows due to copyright. Check by yourself the results:
Hope this helps.
You're fucking retarded
g e n t o o
this is obvious bait
Adobe creative cloud don't run natively on Linux, so you will loss performance, if you really need adobe software and hate Windows, buy a mac or make a Hackintosh.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
It's a colonel.
Install funtoo
someone get that luke smith quote
The first thing you need to learn about GNU/Linux is that YOU don't know what you actually need:
1 - You don't need proprietary solutions from evil companies like Adobe.
2- You can do exactly the same and even MORE with GIMP and Inkscape.
3- Adopt Creative Commons.
4- Install Gentoo and Libreboot.
5- Enjoy freedom.
Kek, you are freedom but not freedom enough to use proprietary software??
>Can you guys please give me a rundown of what exactly linux is and how it works?
Linux From Scratch. Read it. Compile it. Run it. Mod it.
Linux is a kernel. The kernel is a computer program that is the core of a computer's operating system, with complete control over everything in the system.[1] On most systems, it is one of the first programs loaded on start-up (after the bootloader). It handles the rest of start-up as well as input/output requests from software, translating them into data-processing instructions for the central processing unit. It handles memory and peripherals like keyboards, monitors, printers, and speakers.
Underrated post
Linux is a kernal
>Linux is a kernel
You're not getting my (You)'s, you insufferable faggots, everyone knows it's a fucking kernel. If Stallman really wanted people to give him MUH CREDIT that badly, maybe he should have thought of a less-stupid sounding name than "GUHNEWWWW", which sounds and makes you look like you're having a fucking stroke, and as if GNU and Linux are the only two significant players in the mix. Should we just start giving credit to everyone when we say the name? I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact GNU slash SystemD slash Intel slash Red Hat slash Linaro slash Samsung slash SUSE slash IBM slash Linux
just fuck off cunt
>on Jow Forums
>ask what linux is
summerfags everywhere.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation.
>systemDick is significant
Don't worry bro you won't miss windows. Linux has games too
> Using linux for 7 years now.
>I'm still not a xXXGodhackeRXXx or programmer at silicon valley.
>using linux for 5 years now
>still a minimum wage webdev
>everyone thinks you make bank and will soon come up with the next billion dollar idea
This is fine