"Trendy" pc case

Anyone got one of these? They're pretty expensive and also wondering if wood case would cause heat issues.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 3.55.55 pm.jpg (3226x2944, 336K)

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Nice a fireplace. Just add an i9 or vega spark to it and enjoy the 3000$ fire

> be op
> post link to fag stuff
> use a mac

all checked
special bonus point for $20 ikea furniture adding $1000 bucks to your build

kys now, stop wasting oxygen.

Lol, you probably couldn't afford to even test out; ignorance is bliss I presume.

Attached: 1532335776172.jpg (250x250, 9K)

They look like nice pizzabox style PCs like the ones from the 90s. Too bad they're made of cheap wood with faggot flippers on the bottom and they're massively overpriced.

Desktops aren't really cooled by conduction and radiation so case material doesn't matter. My case is sandwiched in wood to keep it quieter and it doesn't affect anything as long as I don't block the side vent.
Looks like this has an AIO cooler that exhausts out the bottom and a rear fan. It seems to use a blower GPU face down, and it's low enough that I'm guessing its intake is on the bottom as well. That probably isn't good for noise.

>$1.5k starting price
>Core i5
>8 GiB of RAM
>500 GiB HDD
>Windows 10 (((HOME)))
Please don't be this stupid OP.

There's 0% chance of me buying this. Just wondering if anyone has seen one in person or used one to see real world performance.

I'd buy the case with nothing on it

Yeah actually a meme since a TB of ssd should fit inside that price...
And no gpu
Where did all the money go? Researching wood curving? How to make wood transfer heat better?

>How to make wood transfer heat better?

I don't know why but this got me good

Well I'm serious where does 1500$ go for a 1$ worth of wood and probably less than 500$ in parts?
Also, according to their site a I9-7940X will fit with an 1080TI and 4 sticks of 16GB of ram in that little box while still saying it's possible to fit 2 drives inside?
I'm not sure how they can fit all that in when it's like 5 inches tall and 14-18 inches wide (from the outside)
And they supposedly add a water cooling to the cpu that uses a hole on the bottom as a vent...
All of that won't run on a 600W power supply... It's just dumb... And charging over 5500$ for something that'll catch on fire or just won't turn on or work properly due to the 600W power supply...

>visible end grain

Attached: 0DB43E90-9A2F-46B6-8E2A-41D025402820.jpg (217x225, 25K)

>designed for life

Attached: 1526125752319.jpg (831x639, 337K)

That looks like bamboo.
So yeah where the hell did the budget go considering bamboo is cheap as shit?

Alright I checked and that setting will consume under load 580-630 watts depending on the drives and cpu TDP(90-100%)
So in some cases the power supply will just not be transfer enough but they still offer that as an option....

>All of that won't run on a 600W power supply
An i9 and 1080TI will absolutely run on 600W, unless I'm severly underestimating how much load a water cooling solution requires.

>Inspired by "honestly" made wooden furniture

Attached: 1532409700618.png (372x340, 225K)

Some of the cpus they're offering are overclocked slightly.
Had to use a cooler master maker instead of what these people are using to check wattage will be between 580 and 620/30W depending on the TDP usage and if it's with SSDs only or hard drives.
They have a water cooler 92mm + 80mm side fan from the back + 140mm/120mm fan on the bottom.
A wlan integrated card.
Let's say we take 512GB of 860pro m2 and 2TB of HDD
4x16GB of DDR4
1080TI and one of the high end I9s there
You'll get 590-600W under heavy load.
That's not where you want to be really... You'll want 650W or 700W

How can you heat your case to over 300 C? I thought CPUs and GPUs throttle at 100 C or shut down completely?

buy tools and build a case. you will love it more.
