C++ thread

C++ thread

Tips, tricks, projects and questions allowed.


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Tip #1: Don't use C++

Monadic C++ is pretty good. It's annoying writing the bind functionality, but when it's written it's slick to use.

Which is best windows compiler for C++?
>Inb4 instal gentoo
There nothing wrong with Windows if you are not pedo or a criminal scum


the gcc port obviously

vc of course. i'd actually suggest you to watch episode 1 of handmade hero to see how to build & debug witch vc without the hassle of vs.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

All the 2d loli games are for Windows, though.
I've checked.


C++ is the greatest language made. It's ok if you disagree, pleb. You're still wrong.

FBI makes them.

Tip #2: Don't use std::endl, unless you want to flush the buffer.

I’m currently reading “Accelerated C++” and working on the examples and exercises in the book, but I can’t really tell what i’ll be able to use it for. All the examples are of sorting data more or less, and there’s plenty of programs that already do this (grade inputs and accounting etc).

is there a better book for a mostly complete beginner or should I finish it and then read another?

Just start a project, you'll learn way faster that way. When you're faced with a practical problem you are forced to learn. Use books and other stuff as a reference only.

Finish and work on your own project.

any recommendations on a good learning project?

This. Needs not even be large, eg. you might try to implement your own generic delegate type.

my idea of interesting isn't gonna match yours mate. find something you want to do and take a crack at it

for me it was making save editing easier. i ended up creating a save editor capable of hastening the process of finding in-game items unt shite. kind of re-inventing the wheel since stuff like hxd exists, yeah, but it's good practice and will look good on your portfolio.

Attached: 1520887288115.png (150x180, 67K)

So pedo is the new word we use to completely kill any discussion where people may disagree with our staunchly held beliefs. It's the new "terrorist" or "communist" or "racist" or whatever.

Even though acc. c++ is a good book, I'd have suggested c++ primer from moo and lippman. It is a more complete book imho. You can also use it as a reference, going through both books together.

If that book is too boring for you, I'd say finish acc. c++ and start doing stuff. Choose something you want to do and start doing that. Research, try, fail, ask.

VCC on the visual studio IDE.

A simple game

>There nothing wrong with Windows if you are not pedo or a criminal scum
Or you know, if I prefer to save my CPU cycles, RAM and bandwidth for things besides microsoft datamining and DRM

command-line markdown editor.
You have a text file and apply commands line "make these words of these rows bold" and shit Fantastic real-world training.
Why, are you running a server?

>Why, are you running a server?
Yes, but even if I wasn't, it still would not be an excuse to waste resources on botnet garbage.

So are you mining bitcoin or something that you cannot afford 1% CPU usage every few minutes?

No but just because I can afford it is no reason to waste CPU. If I was running any kind of large financial operation on my servers then yes I would be even more concerned about 1% CPU savings than I am now.