UBlock fork (not Origin) bought by AdBlock

Seriously fuck these AdBlock guys with their "uBlock" and "uBlock for Mac". They just want to dazzle and confuse your feeble caveman mind.

Comment from gorhill:


Attached: AdBlock Acquires uBlock.jpg (885x577, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>not using ublock origin

I use ad nauseam :^)

Gas the phonefags


they are trying to hire based gorhill. did cancer aljoudi changed the licence from glp on ublock? these adblock faggots have to open source every improvement they make right? giving ubo to that aljoudi cancerous kike was a mistake

yeah if they choose to comply with the GPL, they would have to give away the usual rights to source. But forcing anyone to comply with the license would require legal enforcement by the author/copyright holder, and i doubt gorhill would bother to persue an expensive lawsuit to do that. He is pretty chill and laid back and would just rely on word of mouth to discredit his enemies.

AdBlock is slow, failing, and morally questionable. They just want to siphon off the uBlock name recognition to boost their failing enterprise.

also their general incompetence (cf. Adblock) implies there will be no significant improvements

>They just want to siphon off the uBlock name recognition to boost their failing enterprise.
pretty much this. and their marketing idiot is failing miserably at damage control too

depends if they bought all the copyrights including code and got any external named contributer's sign off, either on a CLA or privately.

gorhill is a god, umatrix is a must-have for me in any browser

not really. he's doign wha this job is. say things that confuse and shut down the conversation with nonspeak or selling points. they're doing their job just fine. gorhill and et al who get in le ebin twitter rants with these retards honestly look stupid. they will never break and say anything other than what is the kosher corporate image.

Also the uBlock faggots are now tracking your browser/OS and personal usage stats and phoning it all home, sending your data to

Onions News article summarizes the situation pretty well


Reproduced here for the lazy:

The once-venerated then once-defunct uBlock had been abandoned for years. Minimal interaction on Github, almost no commits, no interaction on the issue tracker not much of anything besides asking for donations for nothing. Well, a few months ago, a user by the name of uBlockAdmin unceremoniously joined Github and was given control of the uBlock repository. Not many changes have happened since. Basically, just changing the Readme around and bumping the versions for the various browsers, while ignoring the breaking bugs that makes bumping versions a bad idea. But, one commit does stand out from the rest:


That is right folks, a privacy tool that makes money from people confusing it for another piece of software now has the bonus feature of tracking you! With renewed activity and new versions being deployed to the various extension stores (thus making it harder to tell the real from old by latest release date and incompatibility with newer browser versions), it might be a good idea to check if you are using the real thing:



Attached: asd.png (777x635, 26K)

>say things that confuse and shut down the conversation with nonspeak or selling points
and he is failing _completely_ at that, not a single person is buying his damage control. if i was doing that "job" i would just removing those tweets and avoid bringing further embarrassment to a failing company

Fuck the 4ch s o y l e n t -> onions word filter got me

it's not about selling the damage control and given how little convo is happening on that shitty twitter post, it looks like it worked.


gorhill fights back

>it worked
what, embarrassing themselves? the fuck kinda pathetic corpo uses a strategy like that? lmao

You do realise the company is based in TelAviv

Literally /ourjews/.

Thanks for the commit. That's really eye opening.

The want the brand name.

No one calls is ublock origin.
Everyone calls it ublock.

Does it hide ads and possibly cost advertisers money?

If Jews jew Jews and I like the product then who gives a fuck. Now go back to

>This is basic debug info we use to ensure the extensions are running properly. This data is not being used to do anything other than to give us a sense of where our code is running and to help us identify issues. Thanks.

Why did it fork into ublock and ubo to begin with?

Ad blocking in ad nauseum is handled by ublock origin


That twitter conversation is distilled autism.


Attached: who is this man.png (996x622, 74K)

gorhill gave it to a kike named chris aljoudi that had cancer to deal with... i dont remember then the faggot kike monetized ublock and backstabbed gorhill so gorhill to his talents down to south beach and made ubo origin and cut ties with ubo. after that you can see the commits from other people just dropped. the kike even made a video basically saying "i dindu noffin, i have cancer, gibs me pls"

Am I an autist for always calling it ublock origin? I just didn't want people confusing it for the bad one

deprecated, use adnauseam

you're doing gods work user

No, most still use adblock or ABP so they don't even know of uBlock. Always call it uBlock Origin.

He does it for free.

Gorhill has absolutely no right the complain because he created this entire mess in the first place. If he had just taken a day or two away from shit instead of throwing a tantrum and turning over a major project to a literal teenager just because he was the first person who asked for it, there wouldn't have been a split in the first place and we would all be better off for it.

I think he probably learned his lesson and uBlock Origin is obviously awesome, but that was a real bad mistake and completely unnecessary drama.


This. I used AdBlock for years and only just switched to UBO earlier this year.

>did cancer aljoudi changed the licence from glp on ublock?
he can only relicense his commits which were mostly pull requests (which he also doesn't own) or trivial changes to asset files

>But forcing anyone to comply with the license would require legal enforcement by the author/copyright holder
but by willingly violating the licence they open themselves up to all sorts of legal troubles down the line either through whistleblowers or by forgetting that they're stealing code and going to try and sell it on
they really don't give a shit about the code at all, a couple thousand developer hours is irrelevant to them, they're only interested in the brand name and leeching off of the popularity as you say

copyright almost certainly wouldn't have been assigned to aljoudi so they can only buy a fraction of the source - all the irrelevant bits, and it's a 3 year old codebase so even if they could have bought the rights to the full thing it'd be literally worthless

hopefully some other mainstream filters take to blocking it also

gorhill decided he didn't want to work on the project any more and gave it over to someone else, then changed his mind and needed to fork the project because he gave it to a greedy jew

tfw you'll never be autistic enough to turn into a literal coding machine

he was fucking retarded but it's all of us that are going to suffer for it

What did twitter mean by this?

Attached: >inb4phoneposting.png (1080x1675, 75K)

>to a literal teenager just because he was the first person who asked for it
that teenager just got supah ez cash apparently
god i wish i was that teenager

I thought uBlock (non Origin) was deprecated.



give away your baby and have to fork to get it back?
use a new name retard

even on desktop it requires less bloat to load the page

Yeah, I smell like Gorhill will completely change the name.