Why Jow Forums dislikes systemd?

Legit question. I'm curious about it.

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same reason it is disliked by deVUAn guise and Free/OpenBSDers: because we want to keep the unix philosophy that: "code is better when it is small and designed for one specific purpose, and can be used in a modular way with other small tools"

systemd on the other hand is like "oh fuck it, just do it all with one package with 6 million lines of code. cuz know what, we're fucking a billion dollar corporation, signed -- RedHat"

It's poetteringware so it's half-baked at best.

Over engineered, overly complex piece of shit

stop posting here lenfart

I've recently taken to call it NSA plus systemd

Because it's a million lines of spaghetti that eats all your RAM.

I love systemd but I also have a job so my opinion is probably not what you're looking for

Purveyors of FUD and their useful idiots.


I love systemd but I also have a job so my opinion is probably not what you're looking for


Did you people get rid of systemd completely? Do you use systemd-less distros like void? Or did you just uninstall it from a distro which had it natively? If yes, what did you use as replacement?

This. Some people liked having dozens of small programs each doing one thing rather than one program performing a dozen different functions. That's pretty much all the hate. It's had some bugs and flaws but so has everything else.

I went to void, after arch because I hated systemd too much.. Runit is so god-damn good and easy to use.

Systemd was constantly either crashing or using up huge amounts of RAM. And whenever I wanted to debug, it was annoying because whatever idiot coded it decided to use binary logs.

>i choose to make my logs in non-human-readable format
>because (insert retard bullshit here)
the absolute state of systemd

Because it's faster and takes up less space. It does break the way people are used to searching through logs though. Using journalctl takes some getting used to but it works.

Here's a good link that accurately documents Jow Forums's disdain:


After getting familiar with openrc on gentoo, I see why people would complain. There has been issues I've had with my arch install that systemd has not made easy to solve. I'm not a purist, though, I'll still use it on my desktop.

I like it. Instead of messing with init config files I just have to type systemctl enable thing

It's over complicated bullshit that doesn't follow the Unix philosophy. Which is just good engineering principals. Unfortunately, the other init systems were a pain in the ass for distro developers. So they were all to willing to switch to systemd. Instead of making solutions that solve the same problems that systemd claims too. The other init developers and the distros that use them continue to be plagued with autistic nonsense. So will be stuck with systemd until Fedora becomes embarrassed enough to write something better just like their new pipewire project to replace pulseaudio.

it has a lot of security holes, though it isn't a big concern on my laptop that is used solely for writing code and pushing it to my gitlab. The unified API is a step into the 21st century for linux, it just needs a lot of ironing out

The devs such as lennart have a history of incompetence and using social media to post their SJW views is another red flag.

>takes up less space
is important in an era where storage is at it's lower price per gigabyte ever and getting cheaper every year.

>It's over complicated bullshit that doesn't follow the Unix philosophy.
Its highly simplified compared to sysv hacky garbage, also UNIX philosophy? What specific aspect or philosophy do you mean because afaik UNIX is just a proprietary OS.

>boohoo its solving problems that don't exist
Doesn't need to solve shit, its better period.