Hardware or software?

What's better, hardware or software?

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waht about firmware

Software is dependent on hardware.


Discrete logic programming

Hardware is dependent on software


Prove me wrong


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this thread got me thinking about how there will be a new *ware buzzword in the future.
the media will rape everything, including the -ware suffix

Maybe it's going to be peopleware vs. AIware or something. Something tremendously stupid, that's for sure.

Depends on what you like.
I have worked with electrical engineers and software engineers as well as computer engineers. The people that are irreplaceable are always the hardware guys. Sometimes you got a software CS type guy who is hard to replace but most of the software guys are replaceable in literally days. The manager fucked up one time thinking he could get rid of one of the computer engineers but that turned out to be a really bad decision considering that guy knew shit neither the electrical engineers or software guys knew.

You are an idiot. It's possible to physically step through a computer using analog signals, although not probable.

Literally it’s not
But you’re right

of course. Shit is normal. Freeware shareware adware ransomware nagware crippleware etc etc etc.

>He hasn't read one of the most important books in managing software teams

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Both. Neither is useful in the slightest without the other.

Hardware can become a paper weight, stash spot, prop, art. All without software.

firmware is software

>dude my altair 203932 is totally relevant in todays conversations

Without software, nobody would fucking use computers

In terms of what? They are both crucial parts of the modern computer


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>without a flat touch UI and multiracial emojis, normies wouldn’t use technology
In some parallel universe this utopia may exist.

>What's better, hardware or software?

Kill you'reself