How do you normally unlock your phone?

How do you normally unlock your phone?

Attached: 1.png (300x300, 37K)

Give it back, Jamal.

Give it back, Jamal.

Give it back, Jamal

Give it back to Jamal.

Give it back, Jamal.

Give it to me, Jamal.

Give it back, Jamal

Give it back, Jamal

Jamal, give it back.


by faceID

Yeah sure thing, reddit.

Attached: firefox_2018-08-01_12-07-58.png (357x311, 10K)

It's too late to pawn, DeShawn

Do you really use FaceID? i want to on my iPhone X but I just thought like what if they like keep a track of my face or somewhat for the global database?

>camera pointing at him 24/7 during phone use
>but this time is different

I use a stick over my camera....

Your face is saved on separate chip in the phone and is not uploaded anywhere. Same as fingerprints on previous models.

I put a sticker over my camera

is it really though?

so gay.

for you ;)

I never knew Jow Forums could be this racist.

Quote one example of racism in this thread.
We're helping our fellow man.

Jamal, please.

kek I'm so sorry I've ruined your epic r/Jow Forums post

yes, It's not accessible by Apple at all


>kek I'm so sorry I've ruined your epic r/Jow Forums post
When did you accomplish that?

With my passcode. Here you wanna know it?


That seems weird that Apple can’t access it, I never set it up as I thought they would of

if you use anything other than a password, you're dumb as fuck. fucking 4 digit or 6 digit pins or some bullshit pattern or fucking bio unlocks. learn security

english por favor arigato

>Delete and warn the post pointing out the obvious intent of the shitpost thread.
>Don't delete the shitposting thread itself.

with this pattern

Attached: IMG_20180801_220511.png (714x689, 16K)

Fingerprint because it's faster than even swiping
I don't care about security though it's just the most convinient way

Fingerprint or pin

i don't have any
i even have porn on my phone for no reason because i watch them from [insert porn site here] and i always forget the phone everywhere.
it's a brick and no one would steal it