How much does it cost to make a chan with only a few boards on it? Thinking about making one

How much does it cost to make a chan with only a few boards on it? Thinking about making one.

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dumb anime poster

depends on the level of shittiness you are willing to tolerate, if you can afford to build a non-shitty chan-style site you wouldn't be asking us this question

tree foooody

Free, if you host it on a spare computer that you already have at home. Some ISPs frown on running web servers and will try to fuck with you though, and your upload bandwidth probably sucks. But for the small number of users you're likely to attract, it could well work. VPSes start around five bucks a month for super-low-powered stuff. Which again will be fine for a small number of posters.

If you want a domain name instead of giving people an IP address you'll need to buy that too. Trendy TLDs (eg, .io) are expensive, the low-rent ones (eg, .xyz) are a few bucks a year, or less. You'll then need to get that name into the DNS system. The free way to do both of these things is to go to and grab a subdomain from them.

The HTTPS is free these days, btw, thanks to Lets Encrypt. You don't ever need to pay for a cert. Arguably nobody does, EV certs are pointless and paid CAs only still exist because of the inertia of big corporations.

Thanks. I wonder if I can work with the .moe people on this.

not OP, but I want to host a simple web application (api endpoints, several static or almost-static pages with documentation and other stuff)
it's done in flask (so i'll need a server that supports flask / root access to install necessary things in order to deploy it. probably, i've never done web stuff before)
what's my best bet? hosting at home is out of question, I have a really shitty connection and dynamic ip

Any VPS will do, you always get root access. The key difference is that if it's just described as a VPS, you get a whole virtual machine to yourself, and you can install whatever you damn well please on it. If it's described as (for example) a wordpress host, that's usually an indication that they control the environment and you don't get a machine or even a VM to yourself. It's shared and you have at most a regular user account, if you have SSH access at all.

I think the largest issue is keeping it alive. There is very little reason to browse other chans. Look at how many people complain about Jow Forums, but still, we're here.

The network effect, it's a hell of a drug. A communication platform is useless at zero users and becomes more useful (with increasing returns) with each additional user that joins it. That's the inherent force driving a lot of the centralization on the internet today.


stop making this thread everyday holy shit

only reason why people stay on a chan is because of either memes, infos porn

I'd like to recommend linode. Used it for years, a small server is around £10 a month. Service is really good


Flask is shit, use django

on the homepage scroll to the bottom and you'll see some stats.
Current Users: 198,779 Active Content: 1058 GB
Upkeep on a sever like this is fairly minimal compared to other websites. But this website lives or dies on user interaction. can you attract an audience to your website?

Go ahead and do it, you could do it for like $100 a year for a very low-end server. The actual challenge is not giving up and just killing your chan when you inevitably get CP-spam. Plenty chans died like that.

why? (i legitimately have no idea, flask seemed more lightweight so i chose it, on localhost everything just works™)

why is that loli so distressed?

Because she is naked in a world made of pasta.

What are folks using for imageboard software?

Cost depends ultimately on traffic expected and amount of bandwidth you will need. If we assume OP is some one-off that will make a site that might at best get 10 hits a day and use less than 5 MB per user that low demand would easily be satisfied by a shared host and those are cheap. It's when you expect to have thousands of users and saturate something simple like an unmetered 10 mbit/sec connection that you could end up spending hundreds per month mainly due to bandwidth costs.

cum anime poster
