Dont lynch me

dont lynch me
i wanna get into programming but dont know which language first.
tell me which and why please :(

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it's really simple if you aren't retarded

- cross platform
- easy to read
- teaches pseudocode
- teaches indentation
- noob friendly

That's the catch all answer, it's like saying "what should my first gun be"
Well if I didn't know what you'd use it for, then a pump shotgun can do it all, but not all of it well

Why do you want to program? You should know it's a tool. If you don't have a use for a tool then you will feel frustrated and lazy while learning it.

That's not true. It's simple if you understand how a computer works. Most people don't understand. I'm not saying C is bad, it's my driver and I like it. It isn't best for newcomers though.

Pick any mainstream language and move on. Its the concepts you should be learning. The sentax in each language may differ, the libraries they use may differ, and the speed of the language depending on how it compiles may differ as well; but the concepts and the use of algorithms is really what matters. Don't me a meme.

This guy is also right. If you're getting into it because your media sources are telling you to do it and you're after the job market, you're going to produce shitty code no matter what you learn.

So pick one.

Learning python first is not the best choice because it is TOO easy to get "good" at python. The problem is if you need to switch over to a more low-level language, you have a lot of learning (and possibly unlearning) to do, even though you are good with python.
My university taught Python then C++ then C, and I wish they had reversed that order.

From my experience
People who aren't forced (or taught) to do pseudocode and indentation (along with comments) become shitty programmers

In both highschool and college I was/am the head programmer for my schools' robotics teams

We had to use C (which I loved since I knew what I was doing), the people sending me code never indented or commented

No matter how many times I told them to, they wouldn't because they didn't understand why those things are important

That is why I recommend python, you have to indent and the function calls resemble pseudocode code, then go back and learn C to unfuck yourself for system Dev or go full retard and go webdev and learn their stuff

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OP here.
I'm not going adter job market or anything. I'll be studying 'Artificial Intelligence in Digital Society and Management' starting in 2 months. I don't wanna go there empty-handed. The course is gonna teach python and java but I wanna do some learning by myself now that I have free time. I was always into games but realistically speaking learning one of the harder languages (cpp) in order to program games is a bit risky when looking at my future. I don't wanna learn python first because it's said to be too easy and I'll have troubke getting into harder languages later. I'm not sure what I'll be doing job-wise but I really want to able to code something. I'm also not sure wether i want to code frontend or backend stuff. I'm really clueless I also began learning basics of cpp like 2-3 months ago but dropped it due to final exams and it seemed pretty nice.
Any thoughts?

Honestly I think following along with youtube tutorials is a pretty good way to start, it's really helpful when documentation or books become tedious or obtuse

Also if you're looking at artifical intelligence I'd look at stuff like tensorflow and c++

Even though I hate it, if you don't want to do C++, you can learn Java
It's cross platform and taught at many schools
It's verbose enough to learn some good OOP practices
If you want to go the webdev route then Java will help with Java script
And it's 'hard' enough that you will feel that you have accomplished something

The big cons would be:
- speed to verbose ratio
- java runtime environment
- most tutorials you will find will be from a part time tech support employee

Or you can not be a shit bird and learn C++ with comments, pseudocode, and indentation

Either C or Python due to how easy they are to learn, C++ if you want to jump in head first.

want to learn programming?
download and compile python 3.6
python3.6 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
open the interpreter
for range i in range 500000000:
with open('lobster%d' % i, 'a') as lobster:
lobster.write('lobster broil\n')

Okay I've decided to actually go for C++. Question is, will it be okay to jump straight into it or should I learn something like C before it or Python?

doesn't matter. pick python or c++ just for the first 3 months implement everything you do using entirely std::maps and dicts.

Alright thanks everyone I gotta stop feeding my sleep disorder so gotta go. Take care thanks for valuable intel

How does one without any programming experience at all get into programming though? When I see these "beginner" videos on YouTube, it would seem as if they expect you to already know a lot of things before watching their videos.

Do I need to take an "intro to CompSci" class before learning this possibly?


good book if you never program before

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In my intro to CS class we basically dove right into HTML, which gives you a general idea of how to program. Then we started learning python.

If you want to start programming I would recommend using python. It's really not that hard to understand the basics of python. If you follow a guide online, like Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, you can get grasp on some of the concepts and then move on to a little project or some more advanced videos if you get bored.

You should start by having a project and then picking the most suitable language. So if it's web stuff start with python or is. If it's OS or graphics stuff C/C++ is probably best. If you want to become a homosexual maybe PHP or go can help. It doesn't matter which language you start with because once you know one is easy to pick up others.


>In my intro to CS class we basically dove right into HTML
Really? Hmm, ok. I didn't think they'd throw us into it that quick, but what do I know, I haven't even really started the programming yet. I just didn't want to start "behind the curve" so to speak.

I've heard of "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" before. I'll look into it. I've also seen the following sources I'll try to check out when I gain a bit more understanding of it.


Anything I forget, or should these get me understanding the basics? How long did it take you to begin grasping it/get fluent?

pls listen to this man.

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>i wanna get into programming

Why would you ever want to do that?

Protip: by the time you git gud, the jobs will be gone. Hell the jobs might be gone already.

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