/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

Previous thread: If you're looking for purchase advice, state your budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™

>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).

Libreboot-compatible models:
>T60 (check lcd), X60(s/t); X200(s/t. -s requires soldering), T400(s)/500; W500.

Modern models:
>X220/X230 - 12", 768p, cheap and light
>T420/T430 - 14", 900p, widely available, socketed CPU, both Coreboot-compatible (Ivy Bridge CPU support on T420); Quad Core Compatible, Old keyboard swap on *30 series
>T520/530; W520/530 - 15", 1080p, DTR, 32GB RAM on quadcore models, USB 3.0
>T440p/540p; W540/1 - Last Thinkpads with socketed processors, easily replaceable trackpad (W541 doesn't need trackpad replacement)
>P-Series - 15'' + 17'', 4K display, up to 64GB of RAM, Xeon CPU option. Expensive.

Upgraded models:
>X210 - X200/X201, i5 8250u quadcore
>X62 - X61, i5 5250u
>T70 - T60, i7 7700 hq
IPS displays, USB 3.0, m.2 x4, mini dp, no

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>The best TrackPoint™, great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support

>ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads & running GNU/Linux on them:
>BIOS logo booru:

Attached: X40.jpg (4608x3072, 590K)

Yeah, Thinkpads are not made for gaymes. Although my sweet temptation is to play Kerbal Space Program in mid-settings to push my X220's Intel graphics chip to the limits. It werks!

Sometimes I want to play games when I'm not sitting at home, so I'm playing xcom now, thinkpads are perfectly fine for light gaming.

>X40 on top

Attached: 178929400204.jpg (256x256, 24K)

What is the latest model of the X1 Carbon that fully supports Windows 7?

Attached: 1460017924271.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

What's on the bottom?

Yup. At worst use ultra-minimal-barely-standing settings. Playing on a toaster is part of the fun!

This is from the previous thread but it's so useful I want to paste it here.

Fix X220 wifi performance

Fix poor default 802.11n wireless performance with the Intel 6205 wireless card
echo options iwlwifi 11n_disable=8 bt_coex_active=N | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf
This enables multiple streams to be used (both of the 2×2 antennas in the card), and disables concurrent Bluetooth (which should be disabled anyway unless needed)
This improves performance from 35 Mbps/50ish Mbps down/up speeds to ~200/200 when near a good router. When further away, the difference is less noticeable but still significant. This gives performance similar to the Windows driver.

Reminder that there is literally no reason to use anything other than a t440p.

I can't afford it.

Fat ugly and heavy compared to an ultrabook.
>inb4 onions

I've seen lenovo sell the x1c5 with win7 preinstalled. Dunno about the 6th gen though

You mean the 440s?
I agree.

t. 440s poster
(yes, its literally the best laptop ever built)

Am I the only one collecting Thinkpads?
When will it stop? Where am I heading with this train?

you're gonna need them. all these corps are gonna start making "ultrabooks" for these zoomers with no muscle mass and weak energy (ULV A SHIT). that collection should last you till 2030

The difference between the x220 and x230 is the keyboard and better performance, the build quality is the same?

I got one for 175 syrup tokens, which is less than $150 USD.

How much of a poorfag are you?

I'll start to build a X210 when my uni projects money hit my account this month. Should I buy the mobo with the IPS screen, ram or SSD?

Is this permanent or should I run it every time I boot?
Sorry brainlet here

I live in a south american banana republic where all technology is more expensive, the cheapest I can find is 320 USD. I already have an X220 I got for much less and I don't need more for now.

Thinkpad helix is coming in on Wednesday.

Anyone know if I need special drivers on Linux Mint for the touchscreen and pen to still work?

Attached: lenovo-thinkpad-helix-3698-n3z6dmh.jpg (1920x1579, 289K)

X or T ?
Does the X throttles compared to the T at max loads?

Lmao, my t420 with i5-2520m overheats a lot more than my x220 with i7-2640m. Dunno why, the t420 has a cleaned fan and new cpu paste, while the x220 still has dust in it the fans and I've never bothered to clean it.

does anyone have a x250?

wondering how the 1080p IPS screen looks. trying to locate one soon.

maybe is the t420 software, check the cpu usage when idle. I mean both on heavy loads... the T420 should win in cooling

How do I remove my stickers in an aesthetic way?

Does the 9 cell battery for the X230 also work with the X230t?

take them off and apply rubbing alcohol, There may be markings due to wear/tear. You can always replace the palmrest just in case.


230 tends to have a better battery life owing to the newer cpu. But yeah thats basically it.

You should mention the igpu on X230 is vastly superior.

X four life(with a good IPS panel if possible)`. Perfect portable with excellent battery life. If you need more computing power, just remote into a proper machine instead of lugging around a heavier laptop that takes more power.

looks like I should forget the T420 plus quad core meme and get an X230 yes?
Then I would make a workstation with a fast GPU, I mean you can compile faster with a GPU or still will be better with a fast CPU? Well whatever, a desktop is easier to upgrade anyways. I was even thinking of having a X220 plus a T420 for home but this is almost retarded considering how hard is to set up the external GPU.

When I run lsblk on my x240, there's a second 16gb drive that's actually a ssd.

Apparently this is used for 'expresscache' when running windows. Is there any way I can use it for similar function on my linux OS (manjaro)?

Attached: elon misk.png (575x413, 171K)

Sounds like more useless bloat to me.

i could use a smol 16gb ssd for my pfsense box
give it to me goy

fug, is there a 9 cell for the X230t?

Linux Mint should automatically recognize the drivers. It and Manjaro are the only 2 distros to recognize my wifi drivers.

I've got $600-$850 to spend on a laptop. Mainly going to be using it for schoolwork, but I would like to be able to run some decently intensive programs on it, too. Can I get some recommendations for a Thinkpad to buy?

There is yes

New Thinkpad sucks ass. This is how I deal with thermal throttling of P71 when compiling gentoo. It is so stupid I am never buying anything Lenovo (Chink, fake, break often, and does not perform).

Attached: damn-thermal.jpg (4032x3024, 2.36M)

Change the thermal paste Brittany.

Yes, ZFS has native cache support. You can try your luck with other solutions but they probably won't be as performant or reliable.

That, or just put the core OS files on the SSD since 16gb should be enough for any linux distro.

This is why Linux developers and professionals use the Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display instead.

Is the x210 worth it? I've heard the battery life even with a 9 cell isn't great

I sure hope it recognizes the wifi drivers because I bought it with no OS and that nigga ain't got Ethernet.


Leave it to roasties to waste money on new garbage.

No, anything after **20 era isn't worth it.

Any news on the Thinkpad A series laptops? Like a concrete release date?

There are no official ones. Apparently some generic 9 cell available from china but who knows if they are legit. I asked here before but no one seems to have bought one for the x230t.

From the pictures on ebay they seem to buldge out more than the 6 cell so maybe they are real after all. Or just a trick.

can you suggest me anything that can play overwatch?

My girlfriend wants to buy a laptop mainly for browsing but sometimes she may want to play overwatch

she mainly games on console so nothing seriously powerful

and i wanted to help her get a tpg refurbished approved toaster without spending too much

i have the same issue on my t470s. shameful

t.roastie who cant into Jow Forums even though she tries so hard.

Gentoo + thinkpad = pure geek love

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gaymer normies FUCK OFFF

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If you don't buy her a Retina Macbook she'd just find another walking wallet to live under.

hey bro chill out i'm a Jow Forums guy, but i know nothing about gaming laptops

i use a laptop for work as a helpdesk and a desktop for gaming so i have no idea how's the gaming laptop scenario


Fuck out of here

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not going to buy her the pc
and she would shit over me if i would buy it, she's the kind of girl who hates when the guy pays for dinner

ThinkPads aren't gaming laptops, fucking look somewhere else

P50, at minimum. Overwatch is garbage optimized. Also Thickbads use Quadro business cards so they're not as good as geforce ones anyway.

Looking for laptops with an i5 (7th or 8th gen preferably), 8 gigs of RAM, and good for running Linux, at a fair price. How is the DELL Inspiron 5370? And are Mac's good for Linux? Because they have the ideal price, and the specs I need. Basically anything with minimal configuration, especially when it comes to wifi drivers, because its very infuriating to deal with those kinds of problems. Looking to run something like Debian, Manjaro, or Ubuntu. Are Chromebooks any good? Also, Lenovo Thinkpads? I've seen one with 4 gigs of RAM, is it enough?

Make me

How to remove hdd in t430 if there's no pull ribbon with the hdd case?

>the reddit spacing
>having a gamer girlfriend
>"im a Jow Forums guy"

Ho nononono, not today.

Attached: Back to reddit.jpg (396x382, 41K)

stop replying to bait

>reddit spacing
Most reddit meme there is. Back off, redditor

It writes a file that changes how the driver behaves every subsequent time it's loaded, so it's permanent. You have to unload and reload the driver to make it take effect.

First post from my new x61. Damn, I forgot how comfy XP on 4:3 was. This thing is amazing, what a steal. Need to clean it up a bit, flash the bios, do a few upgrades and possibly replace the fan but I'm loving it so far.

>dual boot windows 10 ltsb and arch on my x220
>never use arch
Fucking meme'd I tell ya.

Attached: 1531769739112.png (300x250, 13K)

But this is the classic style thinkpad with better parts

Ok, thank you

buy quad sandy bridge for 45 for T420 with Nvidia that has caused me nothing but problems in linux or buy T430 and get ivy bridge quad eventually?

Attached: 1532326012077.png (402x469, 166K)

sell t420
get x230
acquire fhd
enjoy comfy

I tried this out a Best Buy

It seems perfectly fine for taking notes at school. Has windows ink and a built-in pen.

Keyboard was miles better than every other 2-in-1, including the yoga series

Is there any reason I should avoid this?

Attached: Screenshot (1).png (1730x502, 310K)

Redpill me on refurb x230 with ips

Thank you, it works well, I nearly doubled my up/down speed

You're gonna make it completely free right?

Delete Windows.

>Is there any reason I should avoid this?

Yeah, it's 1000 fucking dollars and modern Lenovo shit. And you're buying it to take notes. What the fuck, are common sense and rational decision making not a thing anymore?

its a meme, 768p is perfectly fine on a x230

IPS isn't a resolution, brainlet.

fuck off dumb freetard

Not anime face, but acquiring a x230 fhd display looks like it'll require me to learn Mandarin. Seems like a lot of work.

so I need to flash my BIOS so I can use the replacement wireless card i've bought. Some anons pointed me in the right direction but i'm running linux right now.

Do i have to install windows to flash it or is there some other way?

You also need to learn how to solder.

soldered cpu

It would be useful to know what thinkpad model are you talking about.

t430 soldered cpu ?

>buy pepe pcb from the cyka
>buy screen from aliexpress

>learn how to solder
nigga if you're in Jow Forums you already know how to solder

the less common s model is though

so what? you have a dual core that outperforms the posterior ulv shits


For europe users is a problem with voltage if i buy at usa

I can get a quad core for $40

If you will to force it I've played overwatch while it alright for those few months at 30 fps locked (unlocked it runs anywhere between 30 and 50+ fps)
I've also ran mgstpp with a few shadow resolution tweaks at 25-30 fps
It's better than nothing when you just wanna kill some time with whatever you have in your steam library on the go

fuck off of Jow Forums, retard


Get out on reddit

Is there libreboot+qubes os compatible thinkpads
(coreboot or other business laptops are ok) ?