No neofetch / screenfetch thread. Let's see what you all have.
No neofetch / screenfetch thread. Let's see what you all have
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bored bored bored bored bored
Wow, this actually exists. I had to look it up.
What's the difference between herbstluft and bspwm?
Really quite beautiful, I approve. Saved.
Got a hackintosh going. I was afraid I was going to have issues with the integrated graphics from what I was reading. Everything worked fine though.
my router's forcing my hostname to localhost with reserved IP on wifi, and it's crashing i3 for some reason.
didn't do that on ethernet..
thank you uwu
Can i have your bar config? and i3? Pretty please
How did you get it working?
I'm using the standard drivers that come with Slackware. I need to look into getting the open-source ones working soon. But the stock ones are fine for now. I don't game much at the moment, and when I do it's mostly pixel graphics games.
whiskey and band-aids
20 minutes of effort in to my new fedora install
Post pape please
Here you are, friend.
Thanks bud
Installed Devuan today, I'm very happy.
I've just escaped Debian for Slackware. How is it? Are you still able to use apt comfortably?
I haven't encountered any issues so far, apt is working as it's supposed to.
Looks pretty!
very nice. I wish fancybar would draw clients the same way awesomewm does, tried to change it myself but not good enough at C to figure out how it fully works.
They work for the most part but I can't watch 4K or 1080p on them without getting same choppiness with either driver setup and I don't get that on Windows. Nvidia is actually producing better drivers for Linux in spite of their proprietary nature.
Share configs user
first ever rice.
if your desktop was a video game i would play it
You're in luck
it is
Very cute picture. How did you get those bars?
of course you're bored.. otherwise you wouldn't be a Gentoo user.
tru dat
I can't believe people actually use twm unironically
It's fvwm
>tfw no cute witch gf
Don't be too hard on me, it's my first i3, and I am still learning.
Like, why?
Enjoying the Fredsmonumentet Narvik?
Please specify who you are replying
It gets old pretty quick
sorry was meant for
Go back to plebbit you bitch
I still need to configure a lock-screen.
Some retard in my office could come to my desk and open my laptop.
Also, anyone knows of a dark CSS / stylish theme for Firefox that actually works?
I'm just bored desu. Might switch to windows to play some vidya.
I'm sure.
Why what?
What is the font and theme on vim? Love them.
Still wearing this in, I like it so far though. I have my anime picture collection (~8k) on slideshow for my background, it's very comfy.
Are you really?
I used the default i3 for months because I was too lazy to learn and actually rice it. It just works.
Ya actualĂzate, Pedro.
How does yours look now?
As you can see I haven't done much at all.
Looks good imo
I approve greatly.
girl (boy)
Why would you have an issue with integrated graphics? The majority of Mac laptops use integrated graphics
post dick then, I'm still down
Debian's great but the ~2000 packages that it starts with is greatly concerning.
Half of that is just random shit that comes with gnome. Just do a minimal install and install gnome itself rather than the bundle
Do not! eww Ventanas Ten detects my installation is not legal when updating ... it's a friend's PC he wants this installed ...
This is the most perfect picture I have ever seen
just started learning rust yesterday, it's pretty neat
my first i3 rice
d33r, love the colors
nice colors
this confused me for a sec
yo eti lookn great
great colors
love the colors, calming
cute fetch image n pape
I have my space heater/computer on. Small room gonna have to lose these clothes soon or power it off.
bery nice
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/ && sudo rm dockbackgrounddark.png
How do you do fellow unix operating systems : ^ )
Decided to try a hackintosh for fun and to my surprise it works great.
you're a fucking queer
rate em
Just how is openindiana as a daily driver?
>36 buses had to be clicked to bring you this post
>there's a destap throd, better boot into banto to show mah waifu!
what's that font, friendo?
>beach house
oh fuck off with this shit
that cat is a faggot
you don't actually use this as a desktop, right?
changed my mind
time for FUN
As a serious alternative to a real computer? No.
I got it to learn linux and bash, and possibly fuck around with the GPIO pins later on down the road.
wtf i love deer posting now
Is there anything worse than that faux-80s garbage?
check out this thread nerds
I dailied a "stable" release once and it wasn't really bad, most of the essentials are there but for anything extra it's a little challenging because free software developers are generally ignorant retards who don't know how to write proper portable code anymore.