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Considering I bought a new graphics card a month ago no. No I'm not :/

I am. I'm stuck with Intlel integrated graphics since 2016, all I want is a good gpu for a decent price.

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Evidence this is going to be a quantum leap and not an small incremental improvement? Last I heard, they were talking somewhat more powerful than current gen but considerably lower power consumption. Which is great news for laptops, but not that exciting for desktop users wanting to play at 4K with high frame rates on ultra.

>Quantum Leap
Damn, I forgot all about these things. Used to like them a lot as a kid.

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After 2 years of Pascal, everyone wants next-gen GPU

length matching you fucking scrub

>what is fanless gpu


even if the next generation was able to do real-time raytracing in 16k i'd still be happy with current gen getting cheaper

why are there so many other components other than the gpu chip?

Not happening yet, but that could be nice. Still, nothing wrong with a fan that spins at a low speed, or using water cooling if you don't like air.

Nothing is pointing to this being more than 10% better than a 1080ti.
And it's going to cost $999 lol

>August/September 2018 is an amazing time to build a new PC.

>Intel releasing a consumer cheap I9-9990K 8 core BEAST!!!!

>Whos hyped for next month?!?!

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No open NV-link because Nvidia are niggers.
No open access to their brand new meme accelerator features for ray tracing. Meaningless performance increase + price bump. No thanks.
I'll catch them in 2019 when they have to compete against 7nm AMD GPUs.

>2 years of the brightest minds in silicon valley
>Nothing is pointing to this being more than 10% better
pick one


> brightest minds
> Silicon Valley
Literally a meme
> 2 years to figure out how to rape their customers the most by gimping an architecture they already were producing cards for

A quantum leap is literally the smallest possible change that can occur.
So am I? I mean, we've seen tiny improvements year for year, so what difference does an immeasurably tiny change do?

>The new Volta SM is 50% more energy efficient than the previous generation Pascal design, enabling major boosts in FP32 and FP64 performance in the same power envelope.


>tfw a quantum leap is used to signify a considerable step forward in technological evolution
>tfw a quantum leap is actually related to atoms so it actually means a very small distance.
This triggers me.

35w fanless 1150 ti!!!

At high frequencies wires are more like transmission lines and you need to do phase and impedance matching. Geometry needs to be taken into account as well to avoid leaking signal to other traces.

In brainlet: wires turn into antennas and autismal straight line geometry you want because of your OCD is not optimal

This is all true but I think the main reason is to get the timings right.

But why other Nvidia (GPU to PCIe trace) are straight?

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>"people" are still spouting this bullshit without knowing what it means

I've been trying to find the youtube video explaining it but can't, basically:
Software and hardware is now powerful enough to find better layouts for less signal noise and interference, automatically generated from a neural-net approach.

The design tools for this kind of thing are relatively new. Just a few years ago the idea of automatically generated optimal transmission paths was just a research endeavor.

>mfw I can pick up a Vega 64 for 200 bucks after Nvidiot releases their 2080 cards

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it's organic

maybe we will finally get 1-slot graphics cards with translucent shrouds again

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> mfw I will be selling one of these 2080s on ebay to some pleb for 2x the MSRP when it releases and keeping my existing nvidia cards

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Blowing hot air inside the case is a great fucking idea indeed.

I don't doubt that the 1180/2080 will be better than the 1080. The question is by how much, and whether it will beat the 1080ti or if we'll have to wait for the 1180ti/2080ti for that.

As a 1080ti owner, I'm not going to rush out and buy this, unless perhaps if it's like leagues better.

I'm all for reducing power consumption, but meh. Desktops have space inside them for 2-slot cards.

That's what everything other than waterblocks and noisy blower cards do. It's the best cooling strategy short of liquid. Cases tend to have pretty good airflow to remove hot air from inside them.

>tfw i return it back to you destroyed with a not as described case in my favor


Too bad Vega's a dumpster fire.

I guess new board design software generates them like that.
I've seen more curved traces in many new circuit boards.

Undervolt it, faglord

AMD and Nvidia discovered that people that want single slot cards pay premiums, so now only firepros and quadros come in single slot.

t. 1080ti owner who overclocked his memory and core clocks so that the card consumes more than vega 64

Then it's slow.

No, I'm ready for a minor incremental refresh.

As long as I can get a massive jump over my 2GB 960 for ~$500, sure.


As said:
> A quantum leap is literally the smallest possible change that can occur.

This isn't a new Intel processor.

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Until it's so fast you gotta use fiberoptics instead of metal, I ain't considering it a quantum leap

7nm made XX50 fucks Vega 64.

not really practical or economical. go look up graphene.

electric signal travels at the speed of light already


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I'm read for that not-NVLink to be an upgrade and/or improved replacement of SLI

If the bridge costs $600 I'm not ready for it.

can someone explain what the right side of the board is used for?

Why would a bridge consisting of a PCB with a bunch of traces on it cost $600 when the rumored price for the card itself is $700-750 and current bridges sell for $40 or come included in the package of various mobos?

I don't fucking know, but the current NVLink bridges are a PCB with some traces on them and cost $600.

Nigger that says turbo twist math

Have to shunt mod the gpu or flash an xoc bios for that to even be possible. Even without overclocking the 1080ti is faster than a Vega 64 at 450w.

Aren't those used for Teslas and are as such sold according to ridiculous enterprise/professional pricing schemes? No consumer cards with NVLink (or some derivative) currently exist on the market.

>Aren't those used for Teslas and are as such sold according to ridiculous enterprise/professional pricing schemes?
>No consumer cards with NVLink (or some derivative) currently exist on the market.
Not yet they don't.

>imagine actually believing that a gpu generation will improve by more than 10-15% in a given year

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Then I don't see how that price figure could be applicable to any consumer product.

There was a time when a 30% improvement was considered inadequate.

Should i buy a new pc with a 1080 ti now or wait

I'm stuck with a 6xxx AMD gpu. We're talking about 80 celsius while watching anime or YouTube here. Fucking minerfags ruined any chsnce to get a decent gpu for a normal price.

I'd wait, it's rumored to come out soon, although it's been rumored to come out soon since before I got my 1080TI, if I was you I'd wait until the next gen comes out and either buy it or buy a used 1080Ti since the price will go down

Wait. If you think the 11xx/20xx generation is worth it, you'll be glad you waited. If you don't, that 1080ti will be cheaper. So either way you win if you wait.

prices have decreased

You can drop 100W on a Vega 64 while only losing 5 FPS.

Buy overpriced GPU, mine during cold days, get free heating and earn back the overpaid offset.

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Of course! give me a geforce 750ti.

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Theres almost zero profit to mine if not with an asic
By the time you kill your card coins with either be dead or you made enough to buy a new card

how does it feel to be poor?

Sealed Brand New in box. No returns.
Pictures taken.
Nice try.
> Thinking this is my first rodeo ... faggot

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To be honest, is not that bad at all.
The only thing that hurts to look at is satisfactory.
I'm pretty sure i won't be able to run that one and i want to run that one.

How long do i have to wait for approx.?

Replace thermal paste

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The shills have been saying later this month. I don't know how accurate that is.

Find out on Aug 20th.

An Aug.30th Hotchips presentation was listed back when the shills kept claiming a July launch.
Cards won't be in regular people's hands til September.

I only took one year of pixelform, I can kind of speak it but I can't read it.

But they haven't even put in the components yet

>quantum leap
>the smallest events known to man
Actually sounds about right for rebadged pascals

Why not
Get the 1080ti now and enjoy it, sell it later if you want the new cards, ti's hold value really well.

I'm ready for salty gaymercuck tears when it's another 10% improvement with the x80 card priced the same as the 1080 Ti.

It's a prototype board, designs haven't been finalised so there's no point optimising trace aesthetics

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>insult people
>say not related shit

The city of gnu

quantum computers won't surpass what we have already in several decades, molecular computers however is going to the next thing

>Waiting for these new cards to come out
>Not just buying a 1070ti, 1080 or 1080ti in the time being
You realize if you wait, all the mine fags with pounce on these new cards like hotcakes and then stock depletes, prices go up and then you are stuck with no card.

Just buy now.

NVidia 7xxx series to 8800GTX

Mining with GPUs isn't profitable right now.


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enjoy you performance "improving" patches once next gen comes out

just buy a cheap 1080ti friendo. they are already below 700 msrp. ebay is your friend.

>GeForce RTX
>Quadro RTX

but we are the molecular computers

that won't prevent ebay from giving your money back to the buyer

you don't know what you're talking about otherwise you would correct those people