
cd code
cd ..
cd code
cd ..

>Near, far, wherever you are
>I believe that the meme does go on
>Once more you open the door
>And you're here in my meme
>And my meme will go on and on

Attached: kode.jpg (1066x1456, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>all those failed password attempts
Why would you record and publish this?

Just do another take. It's not live. What are you doing?

iirc, there were like 40 users connected to this terminal session at once, and they were mostly programming noobs

She knows damn good and well that she can't sell. The whole thing was a planned marketing effort to a get a piece in the "girl power" fad.

tfw no karlie kloss gf

Attached: 1530140290974.jpg (1280x1208, 187K)

karlie kushner...

kode with kushy?

Attached: image.jpg (1800x2399, 267K)

>she's 100% a model
>programming is mentioned in 2 sentences in a decently big wikipedia page about her
>somehow she's a huge meme on Jow Forums
truly eye opening

the photographer decide to photo this girl in the corner. probably tell the "peogrammer" to write some code looking code, anything. and this is what she come up with.

She's pushed really hard for le womyn in stem maymay

At my university (well respected research engineering school) we just hosted a kode with klossy event for high schools girls

Literally 0 software was written and we dumped a couple grand on food for a bunch of teenaged cunts

Attached: abigail.jpg (356x436, 17K)

In an honesty my terminal generally looks like
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..

What did you do?

that's a really really broad question, i watched from afar with head in hand wondering why there were a bunch of cackling whores outside my fucking lab on a saturday

that's pretty depressing, the terminal is a very powerful tool and should be used as such. learn some new syscalls my dude.

Obviously I meant what was done in the event, I could've guessed that you were being grumpy and mumbling about dirty stupid HS whores

Just use a file manager for that like a normal person. Or install xdg-utils and run xdg-open . to open the working directory in the file manager.

My terminal looks like
Vim snake.py
Python snake.py
Vim ~/.i3/config
Cd /
Xdg-open .


oh gotcha
head of CSE gave a talk about how ~inclusive~ stem is and how we need more stronk wymyns and shit
pretty sure it has nothing to do with klossy herself but it's like a babby's first mini bootcamp where it takes them 3 weeks to learn how to hello world

you can just lookup "kode with klossy buffalo"

She converted to Judaism fittingly

You made a snake game with python?

Yeah when I'm doing something over ssh I usually think of these images when I use cd and ls

koders HATE

Attached: 1530628811133.gif (320x240, 991K)

>kode with kushy?
how is he allowed to fuck female goyim? My jewish dad would kill me if I did it (with intention of marriage).


>not doing `cd ..;ls`

more like Karlie Kosher

Attached: E10FEF7F69C2467A9046D4ECD0237C74.png (1200x1339, 967K)

>she needs to join our startup

I assume she needed to compile her project from the command line?
Not knowing how the command line works is exactly what you get when you use a file manager all the time.

literally me when i first got linux and was used to dos commands

I wish I could touch her first program ....