hello, so my granpda has very weak pc like >10 years old
it cant run firefox with lubuntu
it has around 512MB RAM
and 2-core CPU
what browser is best choice? except terminalbased. she cant work with that kind of stuff
Very light browser
Just buy her some fucking ram you mong
> Grandpa
> She
It's 2018 you ignorant fucker
wow very insensitive
Nothing. Throw that shit and get her a chinkshit tablet
Try Links2. I bet it would work well.
Buy your grandma some ram don't you love her?
Sowwy T_T
guys i am sirious i dont want to waste any money, just some software tweaks
for the answers about your gender studies.
>/b/ 2.0
No thanks Billy.
Light browsers can't handle the modern web. Get them a better computer.
granpda != grandpa
suckless surf
what the fuck do you want their grandpa to commit suicide? you sick piece of shit
Puppy Linux
Midori, maybe? I used that on a RasPI a few times and I think it worked okay. Then again, the RasPI had 1GB RAM - twice as much as what your revered ancestor's PC has.
Test Pale Moon or SeaMonkey first. If those also don't work, you can try Falkon, Midori, GNOME Web and Otter.
Grab a refurbed Dell Optiplex or similar with an Ivy or later CPU. Will costs you less than 200 bucks to get your grandpa a really nice PC.
>waste money
DDR2 RAM is cheap as fuck you stupid europoor
just own up to it and tell your gma she's on her own
OP is a pajeet who can't speak english.