Now that Linux has been exposed as NSA backdoor anal rape how do we start the BSD revolution?

Attached: KILLTHETUX.jpg (800x600, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how come you're not banned yet you fucking nigger?

Before I even knew what BSD was I looked it up because of these memes with killing and raping tux
They should rename it FreeBASED

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How is one OS so cucked? Enjoy the speck, lelnux babies

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>how do we start the BSD revolution?
simply: contribute money or quality code

Too late to start

No thanks.

then just use netbsd or openbsd...

When did it get exposed as an NSA backdoor?
Citation please.

>Now that Linux has been exposed as NSA backdoor
gib source

A cryptography algorithm developed by the NSA was added as an optional, off-by-default feature in the linux kernel. There's no specific proof of the algo being backdoored and unless you specifically get a kernel with it and specifcally use it, it does nothing.

Read this timeline, it's gold. FreeBSD was the one chance to escape the pozzed Linux turd, but now we're stuck with it. All thanks to SJW CoC.

Hello CIA nigger


arch has it by default, soon all distros will follow suit just like systemd

Attached: mrhappy.png (317x108, 22K)

By starting the Plan 9 revolution instead.

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OP being a faggot as always. Provide more info next time.
Could it be a backdoor? Maybe. Look at it yourself. Don't trust it? Turn it off. Compile a kernel that removes it.

>soon all distros will follow suit just like systemd
What a story, Mark.
>not compiling the kernel himself.

forgot the picture

Attached: Void_Linux_logo.svg.png (2000x1648, 110K)

You're a big guy.

If you weren't a moron, you would've seen that it was a code commit to the kernel mailing lists and not a proprietary blob.

But sure, if your distro of choice is moronic enough to include it when it is clearly designed for IOT devices and low-end smartphones that can't handle AES, recompile your kernel. I more than encourage people to learn how the kernel works. Keep in mind that even if it is in your kernel binary, it still doesn't do anything unless you specifically set your partition to use it. This is clearly visible if you read the patch in the mailing list:

Why should I prefer void over gentoo?

You shouldn't.

>Why should I prefer void over gentoo?
Unless you want a faster booting system, the latest TexLive distribution, or the binary package system, you shouldn't. Gentoo is special and there's nothing that can quite replace it.
Although, I'd probably recommend Funtoo if you don't care for the latest packages.

9front is less supported than Haiku dude lol

The only succesful plan9 fork (9front) is literally ran by antifa retards who have their own personal politics injected into everything they do, hell their own website icon is an LGBT flag and they have an ''anti nazi'' music video linked on their page.

These tweets are hilarious

Arch is irrelevant. It will only happen if Red Hat does it (so, no chance whatsoever)

Yep, CoCsuckers ruin everything nowadays.

lol half of us are german

No. They're exactly the fucking opposite of that. Have you ever looked at their IRC or anywhere else other than the front page?

No, I haven't. Have any proofs of this behavior? If their front page is littered with this LGTBSJWAntifa shit then that means that most of those who are behind the project are in accordance with those virtues.

From people who call themselves "elitist," "contrarian" and "trolls," this is both expected and not to be taken seriously.

>Turn it off. Compile a kernel that removes it.

Only 1% of people who use Linux do those kinds of things. Most of them just roll with whatever big corporations like Canonical, Red Hat, Suse put on their kernel.

>how do we start the BSD revolution?

pledge() all your programs

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No-one here realizes SELinux has existed for a long time now right?

rm the .so of a module you cucks
Also blacklist it or don't build it at all if you don't want to

OpenBSD is a meme
SSD TRIM is vital to supporting SSDs, as without it, they degrade quickly due to unnecessary reads and writes. Sadly, OpenBSD has decided not to support this.
OpenBSD also does not offer a modern filesystem option. You simply get the very old BSD "Fast File System" or FFS.
Why is this important? Because when most people think of a secure system, they think of being resistant to evil hackers breaking into it. But that's only one part of security. InfoSec can be generally split up into three components: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
In this triad, availability seems to be the one that's lacking here. Who cares how hack-resistant your system is if the data you're protecting is corrupted?
That's not even getting into the volume management stuff that's missing, and the snapshots, and the everything.
"b-b-but MUH BACKUPS!!"
What are you even saying? That bitrot all of a sudden doesn't exist anymore? That backups are the one and only thing you should do and should not be supplemented by a more stable filesystem?
You do realize that if the filesystem is not secure and does not protect against bitrot and corruption, your precious backups are going to be fucked, because you'll be backing up corrupted data. Who even knows how far you'll have to roll back in order to get to a clean state?
"ZFS is one big thing! Very not-Unix! Just combine tools, bro"
OpenBSD doesn't have logical volume management either. Even if it did, FFS doesn't have the checksumming, bitrot protection, etc. Even if it did, OpenBSD softraid doesn't support as many RAID levels as other operating systems' solutions. It's just a worse deal all around.

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I'm working on my own Linux distro that will aim to be like FreeBSD as much as possible

"Only two remote holes in the default install!!!!!!!"
I hope you realize that this literally only applies to a base system install with absolutely no packages added. In other words, not exactly representative or meaningful towards... anything really.
OpenBSD also does not have NFSv4 support even 18 years after its standardization. This is an issue security-wise because version 4 is the only one to offer authentication with Kerberos plus encryption with the krb5p option.
A common retort to this argument is that the NFSv4 protocol is "bloated", and that's why OpenBSD doesn't support it. Going off this, the OpenBSD project seems to think that authentication and encryption are bloat. Take a moment to consider that. It's certainly a very strange stance indeed, for such a "security-focused" operating system.
Let's of course not forget that OpenBSD lacks a Mandatory Access Control solution such as SELinux, AppArmor, or TrustedBSD, which provide benefits that are relevant to companies, organizations, and governments looking to better secure their systems and classified data.

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A few years ago, OpenBSD was actually in danger of shutting down because they couldn't keep the fucking lights on. How could anyone see this as a system they could rely on, when it could be in danger of ending at any time?
"but it's open source! Someone could just fork it"
Oh yeah because surely they'll be able to maintain the entire OS
Actually now that I think about it, that really depends on the person/organization that does it. And they might actually have some sense and be able to fix some of the issues listed here.
It's official. OpenBSD would be better off if it shut down and was restarted.
>C Standards-compliance
"B-But OpenBSD is written in strictly standards-compliant C! Clearly that's better than muh GNU virus!"
So you're not allowed to create extensions to the standard? You should only implement the standard and nothing more? Keep in mind that this is nothing like EEE, as the GNU C extensions are Free Software, with freely available source code, as opposed to proprietary shite. People should be allowed to innovate and improve things.
If you're gonna be anal about standards-compliance, then why let people make their own implementations anyway? Why not have the standards organizations make one C implementation and force everyone to use it?
OpenBSD's pf has inferior performance, as it only utilizes one core of one processor. GNU/Linux's netfilter firewall does not have this problem. Neither does pfsense.

Attached: NOpenBSD.png (1000x1000, 168K)

They probably don't realize that because no one uses SELinux or disables it as soon as they can.

So it's nothing, figures

Try to be a little less retarded.

>It's nothing
>big distros are already shipping with it by default.

>its nothing
Lelnux fags on suicide watch.

Nice source faget.

>systemd is nothing guyys you can disable it!

Yes, and?
What exactly is the problem here?

Yes you can. Install GuixSD.

Attached: guixdouble.png (814x576, 257K)

>he has to recompile his kernel to disable a botnet

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setenforce 0 doesn't disable it user.

It's completely optional to use it, what's the issue?

The leaders give SJWs who don't even contribute in any way to the project a say in community guidelines, even when it caused maybe 10s of package maintainers to leave.

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The very fucking FACT that I need to recompile my mother-fucking kernel to disable a backdoor is the same argument that winbabies give that you can just DISABLE the telemetry in Windows. I shouldn't have to do it in the first place, it shouldn't be enabled automatically.

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You don't.

Attached: .png (2000x1830, 583K)

>a backdoor
It's not. Take your meds.

No, you have to recompile the kernel if your ass is paranoid. You can just blacklist a module or avoid using it, that's an option.

you can't disable telemetry in windows or any tracking all these "disable windows botnet" is placebo.
some guy did all this and monitored windows.
But if you recompile linux kernel you won't have binaries.

Anyways, it's optional and unless you specifically use it, it's nothing.


why they're upset?

Debian Current did not build it in the kernel, as you can see the kernel config file has it commented out, i also checked the /lib/modules/[kernel version]/kernel/crypto and the module is not there

Attached: 2018-08-05-160617_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 79K)

come on stallman, get more developers on Hurd and make that kernel a viable replacement for the Linux kernel

They shipped a txt of "Mein Kampf" in the base os

>inb4 all the pozzed distros like Debian suddenly stop allowing you to recompile your kernel

Can a program also load the module without the user's knowledge?

you have no idea how linux works, do you?

That quite literally can't happen.


Attached: linux2.jpg (614x461, 32K)

you use modules without user's knowledge all the time.
see: it's not enabled by default. To use it, you have to specifically enable module, otherwise no program can access it.

Mach is so outdated now they need to start from scratch


I am trying to do that
Kernel 4.17.11-arch1
Did "mkinitcpio -M " but can't find it.
This is all the shit that starts with s

the module is not there

Attached: 2018-08-05-160551_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 110K)

I'd jesd like do indebjemd fob a momend. ghad yoe'be befebbing do as Lineh, is in famd, GNe/Lineh, ob as I'fe bemendly daken do malling id, GNe ples Lineh. Lineh is nod an opebading sysdem endo idself, bed badheb anodheb fbee momponend of a felly fenmdioning GNe sysdem made esefel by dhe GNe mobelibs, shell edilidies and fidal sysdem momponends mompbising a fell OS as defined by POSIh.

Many mompedeb esebs ben a modified febsion of dhe GNe sysdem efeby day, gidhoed bealizing id. dhboegh a pemeliab debn of efends, dhe febsion of GNe ghimh is gidely esed doday is ofden malled "Lineh", and many of ids esebs abe nod agabe dhad id is basimally dhe GNe sysdem, defeloped by dhe GNe Pbojemd.

dhebe beally is a Lineh, and dhese people abe esing id, bed id is jesd a pabd of dhe sysdem dhey ese. Lineh is dhe kebnel: dhe pbogbam in dhe sysdem dhad allomades dhe mamhine's besoebmes do dhe odheb pbogbams dhad yoe ben. dhe kebnel is an essendial pabd of an opebading sysdem, bed eseless by idself; id man only fenmdion in dhe mondehd of a momplede opebading sysdem. Lineh is nobmally esed in mombinadion gidh dhe GNe opebading sysdem: dhe ghole sysdem is basimally GNe gidh Lineh added, ob GNe/Lineh. All dhe so-malled "Lineh" disdbibedions abe beally disdbibedions of GNe/Lineh.

I have been tempted to give FreeBSD a go due to the benefits of ZFS.

>Ok, booding dhe kebnel.

Why does everyone ITT call Linux ' the kernel'?

>unless you specifically get a kernel with it and specifcally use it, it does nothing
>NSA code
>Does nothing
you glow brighter than the sun

linux is already taken
>linux = gnu
>kernel = linux

Attached: 15327027350280.jpg (450x450, 60K)

Because that's what it is ?

>Jow Forums
pick one, you cannot pick a fucking feminazi operating system

You do know FreeBSD is one of many *BSD's right?

I did open a thread last week asking about BSDs
NetBsd seemed to have some traction
Also curios about Dragonfly and Midnight.

That's like saying Linux sucks because Ubuntu came with Amazon spyware

Get a better example like those CNZZ trackers in Deepin OS, senpai

I don't see how they're any better. The point is that turning down a group due to one member is moronic.

Yeah, I see

I will never forget this

I don't like Linux and the Linux Cuck-Foundation, but BSD too has a cuck mentality; let it become popular and you'll have much more corporate shit in there than Linux is today.
Shit like useless windows drivers and all the other crap companies shill into Linux.
Just wait, soon Linux will get proper DRM support and you can login with your Facebook account.

If only there were a kernel made by the community for the community.

>how do we start the BSD revolution?
30 years ago.

we're doomed!

Can anyone show me what real world effects the CoC has had so far? Have contributors been kicked out for disagreeing with the way it's written or has anything else happened? So far all I've seen is whining and some people voluntarily leaving tve project. I've never actually seen the CoC be enforced.

OpenBSD is anti cuck

WEW LAD. Haven't seen this much autism dumped into a web browser for some time. Is this copypasta? Just in case somebody else is fooled by this nonsense:

OpenBSD is not a commercial distribution. It is a research project. OpenBSD is not interested in recruiting people over to their operating system to use as a daily driver. OpenBSD developers are the userbase, the system has a lot of cutting-edge features that end up getting pushed into the market as a result. The posts I'm quoting are full of straw men, and wildly inaccurate gross misrepresentations of the system. Just saying... 3/10 bait I replied.

Attached: IMG_4932.gif (200x200, 2.44M)

oh wow the autist guy is back at it! welcome back friend!

for one you could join the project and start supporting more hardwares. where is the 802.11ac support?

>Is this copypasta?
Sure is, it's spammed every time OpenBSD's mentioned

Yeah, figured.

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font ?

I just switched from Arch to FreeBSD today. Imported my dots and have it mostly riced. I like it a lot. I think I'll keep it.