Have you maintained your Void today?

There was a kernel update last night, here are some commands to help you update and maintain your Void Linux:

(Make sure your /boot partition has ~100mb of free space! You can check it's usage percentage with the df command.)

Run these as root or sudo:
xbps-install -Suv
sudo vkpurge rm 4.17.9_1

And check to see if you have any old kernels in your boot partition with
vkpurge list

Attached: screenshot.png (641x384, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You can regularly maintain your system this way. My typical maintenance routine (every 1-3 days) goes like this:

>sudo xbps-install -Suv
To synchronize packages with the repositories. Basically, check for updates.
>vkpurge list
To list old kernels that aren't used
>sudo vkpurge rm 4.xx.x_x
To remove that kernel cleanly
To check how much % of your drive partitions are being used

Attached: Void_Linux_logo2.svg.png (2000x1648, 110K)


didn't the only person working on it quit? that spic i mean.

> /boot partition has ~100mb of free space
What the fuck? Why?
What do they even put there?

What's so special about this yet another lelnux fragmentation?

$ vkpurge list | wc -l

Why would you ever want to hoard old kernels?
Why doesn't Void just automatically remove the older kernel after updating?

Attached: 1529073013964.jpg (500x500, 142K)

Well I still get rolling updates daily
The kernel, stupid.
Just vkpurge the old one if you want your ~100mb back
Because it's minimalistic. Having this capability pre-installed is bloat


pls explain how to blacklist of the kernel the nsa shit linus have pushed to it

I got kernel panic from updating last week and am ditching this burning mess of a distro

In case you corrupt your kernel and need to boot from an old one?

>Because it's minimalistic. Having this capability pre-installed is bloat
even ubuntu don't remove automatically

How much storage and memory is saved without systemd?

That option is not set in the default configuration of Void Linux.

[note Jul-12-2018: As of now antiX artix and void have the module turned off in their versions of linux-4.17 – Arch has intentinally turned on the module that defaulted as off from kernel.org ]

source: sysdfree.wordpress.com/2018/06/12/223/

But Arch does. Now you know what distro to use.

Alpine Linux.

Fair amount, but the boot times are just... wow

it is prett fast. once you go void, anything else is devoid

using Linxu 4.17 with NSA code. Fucking retards

>Not running Windows NSA Edition by default amirite?

i got this error but it seems it not anything to worry about

Attached: screenshot_7.png (795x274, 49K)

Redpill me on Void, never heard of it

Faster than Arch? Arch is pretty fuckin minimal

Obscure distro with little documentation. I had to figure out a lot of problems on my own, but that goes for many distros. If anything, I've been contributing to the void wiki so that other people will have better documentation.

If you're coming from Arch, you'll fall in love with Void. The package manager, minimalism, and even the installer will feel familiar and stress free. However you won't truly know the feeling until you try it.

If you want things like that, just use NixOS or GuixSD.

Attached: 1510524931337.jpg (752x1063, 155K)

>update to the NSA kernel Jow Forumsoy!

replace that badge with a pepe for 10 internetz

Pepe used to be fun, but then you normalfags ruined it like everything else.
Fuck off and die. ~kudasai

Attached: 1470791521772.gif (540x304, 1.83M)

what's wrong friendo, who hurt you?

You normalfags, by existing.

Attached: 1509905385187.jpg (766x720, 71K)

>Arch is pretty fuckin minimal
Arch is "simple", but it is by no means minimal.

better get some ass cream for that ass hurt user.

>look at me guise i'm one of you


Attached: tehe pero .png (428x334, 14K)

>There was a kernel update last night
>Using default Base-System
>Not compiling own kernel config
I bet you have shitty unmaintained "Void artwork" installed right now.

can a new kernel be compiled and installed afterwards?

Stupid monkey.

>can a new kernel be compiled and installed afterwards?
Why not?

What's this NSA code about?
I looked it up and it's simply an encryption thing made by NSA. But I don't encrypt anything because I don't have anything sensitive. Is this still a problem for me?