Instant Messager for normies

whats the best instant messager for both normies and me, imlike privacy but would also like to message my friends, like whatsapp and telegram but more secure and less facebook. I heard about Tox but you guys dont like that either, so give me alternatives

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I started to use Telegram.
I can not believe how simple and fast it is.
Also there has to be a catch i have not found out about.

It's a botnet.

I figured.
Who owns it?

FSB (russian government)


Wire > > Signal
Pic related is a bit outdated (Riot is now fully open source). It doesn't require a SIM card unlike Signal so it's more viable and accessible, but signal is still fine for security.


Attached: Comparison of IMs.png (827x560, 104K)

Althought it banned(blocked) in Russia

So they spy everyone except Russian citizens.
USA can learn from that,like spy everyone except American citizens.

Whats the use in using any of them when nobody is using it?

Why are you so anally blocked about your personal info? Do you really think someone cares? That you have something important in your life?
The only reason in muh secure messager is something illegal. Are you all, perhaps, pedofiles?

There was weary stupid telegram blocking in Russia around two month ago, when the refuse to give acsess to messages like WhatsUp.
In conclusion some people switched to WhatsUp. Like 5 days ago 2 man was arrested for calling some town mayor "gay" in their private WhatsUp chat. That's fucked up.
On the other hand, literraly no one use wire, signal and riot, except Jow Forums and some weirdos.
So stay in telegram

Does it default to encrypted now? And do they still use their own crypto

Shit argument. Why do you lock your doors? Why do you have a password/pin/whatever protecting any of your devices? Why don't you share your account passwords with us?
Kill yourself, CIA agent.

I'm more okay with Russians spying on me than Americans.

Telegram is fine for normies, even they see that it has some cool features and no ads like WhatsApp soon will. Messenger is total garbage, slow huge and drains battery.

Signal is way better security wise and still kinda usable.

For best security I'd use Conversations or Riot.

lol really?
No and yes.

>No and yes.
Well fuck

I only have pin\protection on my bank account. Never bothered me in my life.
All my friends know my only password for twitter\lj(when it still was relevant)\wi-fi and my pc is always on.

>lol really?

yeah, it was so stupid. They tried to block telegram, gave orders to all russian ISP to block all telegramm IPs, wrote letters to Play Store and iSrore with demand of deleating telegram app, and, even tried to block ALL of push up on all phones in russia.
After 2 weeks of "blocking" the managed to block 25 mil (yeah 25 000 000) amazon and google ip's in Russia, fuck up more than 1000 different sites and killed some russian online-shoping buisness... AND killed WhatsUP for 3 days (despite them giving all keys to goverment) The fun part is - telegram was the only app that was working all that time.

use smoke clouds indian style

if you're like the majority of Jow Forums (aka pedophiles) then you can still use point to point telegram chats with self destroy timer, that can easily be proved not to be a botnet (unless you're totally tech illiterate like the tin foilers here)

Good for you, but not everyone is a worthless sheep without personality. You have to be a literal toddler to not value your privacy and have no sense for security.

>lol why do you want to own guns and weapons
>government will never be corrupt, why are you trying to defend yourself from them even if they do?
>you must be a terrorist if you think you need weapons for self defense
>just disarm yourself
>become a drone like me

Is that food analogy?

well, seriously, what do you have to hide?
Are you perhaps some top-notch engineer to hide your superior work? Or you have some top-secret papers?
The only thing you can have is your dick pics and I don't think they are veary demanded

Go full chinese botnet
WeChat and pay shit with it

but everybody is an american citizen

Signal Messenger.

>what do you have to hide
What do you have to show?

absolutly nothing! My life is super average (and I am 100% about yours)


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>Why do you lock your doors?
I don't live in the third-parties, so I don't.
>Why do you have a password/pin/whatever protecting any of your devices
I don't on most of them, convenience of access trumps privacy for the activities they are used for. The ones that do have a pass are because there are things I would like to remain away from general view, although my girlfriend and some friends have the pass.
>share your account passwords with us
Nice appeal to extremes you've got there, user.
>without personality
Is that really your argument? Most of us don't conflate what we do online with having a personality. Personalities are expressed in varied and fulfilling lives in the real world, I pity you if you use a computer so much it has become part of your personality - that's truly saddening.
So not only are you a terrified and scared little man, cowering away from ""enemy"" after ""enemy"" but you also have no life. Suicide is an alternative, yanno?

>she thinks she could take on the government in a firefight
How cute.

>appeal to extremes
>accusing people of being criminals or pedos isn't the same thing
You're hypocritical, so I'll ignore your shit post.

>implying the people couldn't defend themselves and even beat a corrupt government
How retarded are you? Did you even think before you made the post?

>as long as they spy on me using technology it's not real
Kys, nolife sheep. Why do you still live if you have nothing to live for nor have any free will or self respect? Again, kys.

>accusing people of being criminals or pedos isn't the same thing
That wasn't me.
>spends every waking minute at a computer, imbues his online ""life"" with ""personality""
>calls others out as nolife
lmaoing @ ur lyfe rn

I like how you call wvwryone sheep. Your life is different. You are the chosen one. Yhe only one. Your life is different.

>implying the people couldn't defend themselves and even beat a corrupt government
I'm not implying it, I'm outright saying the American people could not take on the government and win. Like how seriously deluded do you have to be to believe this? That is flat-earth, vaccines cause autism level dumb.

Yuo just have to destroy main server of goverment. duh.

>calls others out as nolife
Yes, because you're apparently not using the internet to communicate with other people. You're clearly only chatting with anime bots or some shit, because you can't possibly believe that a corporation or a government has the right to listen to a private conversation between 2 individuals. If you do believe this then you're retarded.

>only one
A lot of people aren't retarded or under 12.

You're deluded. Not only would most soldiers and policemen side with the people but even if they don't they're severely outnumbered and killing most civilians would just harm the government. You're underestimating the power of a fucking gun.

>soldiers and policemen side with the people
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh, you're serious? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
The government (both parties) is already corrupt, and nothing is able to oust them when they aren't employing force. Do you seriously think a bunch of overweight & undereducated hicks with guns are going to make a difference if they start with force? I only have one thing to say to that
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah you seriously overestimate your pasty fat ass.

>soldiers and policemen side with the people
Yeah, just like when USSR collapsed. The "good" (not) new goverment with tanks kicked bad comies out of white house!

I wish there were a Pidgin for Android. I don't want fucking 4 appss that do the same shit on my phone.


I use telegram since a while I love it.

I have a group chat
(blocked for iOS)

and a bot:

>free software

cool it with the inferiority complex buddy

iMessage for one on one, GroupMe for groupchats.

Also FB messenger for one on one if you can handle the botnet.

You obviously want xmpp. It's easy for the end user (think of email when explaining it, everybody know how email works) and perfect for you. It's end to end encrypted without much hassle thanks to omemo, an implementation of double ratchet. It's federated nature makes metadata collection impossible and you can host your own server all you want. No phone numbers are needed and you can create as many anonymous accounts as you want.
The Jow Forums server is at, everybody can create accounts there for free

Attached: Xmpp.png (1200x1234, 86K)

Telegram is a fucking botnet and you should stop using it

Not that guy but research about thailand

every normie already uses it
don't be that 30 year old boomer that uses facebook

No, nobody under the age of 40 knows how email works, CC, BCC, and the constant FW: RE: FW RE: FW: RE:
It might be the worst way to communicate on the internet

But you know the concept of email: Create an account on a server, send emails with that account to other people's accounts

>he asks everybody in his address book for permission to sent their information to the jew
yeah right not going to happen faggot

I would prefer xmpp or that matrix meme but sadly, moxie's botnet is the only option right now.

How come?


I would love to use Riot but I know zero people who uses it.

Be the first one then

Maybe learn to spell messenger before using them lol rekt cunt

I tried Wire and Signal with them, Wire worked better and didn't tie to a phone number.
Unencrypted group chat.

Attached: wire.png (620x336, 36K)

Does wire have encrypted group chats.


Im testing it right now, seems to work good.

>tfw no friends so i don't need an IM client

Wire has a shit interface.

What are your Wire usname so we can test group chat.

>not posting yours

Elaborate. How is it worse than Signal? Signal doesn't work on desktop without linking your phone.

Also, anyone tried Keybase chat?

Add me boys, just for testing.

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Ruski pig botnet


Nobody adding me :(

Nice try CIA

Wire stores metadata which is less secure than Signal

closed source botnet as TOP1
nice joke

>Illiterate goat fuckers using USSR era weapons can successfully harass the US military for 20 years but it would just be impossible for Americans armed with 300 million modern rifles to cause problems against a tyrannical government even though anyone with a lick of patriotism (most of the military) would turn on a dime in such a situation.

>Illiterate goat fuckers using USSR era weapons used to a life in tough, mountain conditions
>fat, poorly trained Americans used to eating fast food who'd run a mile before eating an MRE, too busy staring at computer screen in a comfortable house
I at least respected the goatfuckers when I killed them, can't say the same about the armchair warriors I'm now faced with.

Step outside the city and you'll find a lot of hard working people. Not everyone is a 300lb bay area transgendered whinebag. It's a big country.

Wire Vs telegram you can compare signal and Wire the group chat is difrent

>free for 30 days
Fuck you shill


I just use Discord for Internet people and Telegram for irl friends. Works great.

You forget that not everyone is a fat suburban drone with a fleeting interest in firearms. The flyover states are mostly populated by tough, resilient types who spend a lot of time outdoors and also spend a lot of time shooting at things. When I was in Montana, I was extremely impressed by the marksmanship and survival skills of the ranchers who lived around Drummond, and the whole fucking heartland is filled with people like that. In the event of an insurrection against a tyrannical federal government, the local army units WOULD turn against Washington and would seize control of ground assets alongside the civilian population. It wouldn't matter if the feds still had air superiority. They would have no way of feeding the coasts or supplying fuel for them, because the situation on the ground would be similar to Afghanistan. There would absolutely be asymmetrical warfare, and there would be no way to get grain stores, meat or petroleum to the major population centres. Europe is too fucked up to help, China and Russia would both be laughing at the whole situation, and within a few months to a few years, the coasts would be frozen or starved into submission. But I strongly suspect that before that happens, the government would most certainly collapse.

Depends what features you need and what you care about but assuming you know about XMPP already etc... federated network is best and the client is most popular for it though there are others. It has the best feature set for a wide variety of tasks.

Wire is next. It's not federated and thus based on a central server but otherwise great save a few issues that can be fixed on update.

Signal is pretty much on level with Wire save it requires a phone number - thoufg you can use VoIP - and has great crypto that has been adopted by others.

Most others are not up to the same level

I wish telegram had spell check on the desktop client

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 41K)

Line is my vote

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Wire (both the client and the server) is free as in beer and as in freedom.
Only the corporate-oriented version costs money and has a 30-day trial.

>the local army units WOULD turn against Washington

Telegram bargain tier
Wire middle tier top tier

Riot seems unresponsive.

signal is israeli bullshit funded by the us Congress for cia

google signal broadcast board of governors

It was always encrypted by default. Always. You can't use telegram without encryption. You can use it with end-to-end encryption or with a symmetric key generated by the server.

I meant E2E


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