Tell me about that time you fucked up while building a PC
Tell me about that time you fucked up while building a PC
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>be me
>be like 10 or 11
>complicated wc3 maps like dota dont work because low ram
>get mom to buy two 1g sticks
>insert them upside down
>psu mobo and cpu die instantly
>replace mobo
>lost one standoff screw
>fuck it.Its not needed I thought.
>finish up connecting everything
>pc does't boot up
>last missing screw was between the case and the mobo and shorted out my brand new niggerbyte mobo
I dropped the CPU a metre onto a wooden floor. Still worked fine.
>Retrofitting Power Mac G5 case to fit mATX
>Take standoffs off from case's proprietary Apple format
>Re-attach in mATX positions using JB-Quick
>Put rest of computer together
>Hear weird rattling after using for a day
>Open case
>Mobo is literally just hanging from graphics card
>All the standoffs are no longer attached to case.
>be me last year
>take friends laptop
>start messing around with the configurations
>end up overhauling his entire OS
>finally give it back, friend goes home with it
>receive 20 texts that night
>his laptop fucking exploded
He no longer uses a PC for anything. He also refuses to tell me what he was doing when it exploded so its forever a mystery on what happened.
Probably was jerking it to some degenerate loli lewds, shorted the PC with splooge, and wouldn't let you touch it so his secret wasn't discovered.
>in a rush to get a job done for a friend
>their CPU died
>recommend some hardware
>mailed it to me and went out to install for them
>arrived to their house
>impatient and decided to do the swap on the ground
>floor is carpet
>to my surprise the swap went fine, booted, got to post
>see the mobo faceplace is missing
>autism ensues
>must make sure the faceplate is on
>unscrew half of the board and lift it to put in the face plate
>put the side panel back on
>put in cables
>hit power
Killed the mobo and CPU from static
Moral of the story, i always build on a table, and never on carpet. Pretty obvious but I took the risk and it kicked my ass.
people always joke about those anti static wristband thingies but this is the reason why they exist.
>inb4 works for me
>Installing motherboard into case
>grab wrong sized screw
>realize it doesn't fit. Try to unscrew
>screw stuck in standoff so standoff screws out of case
>Have to unscrew rest of motherboard to take it out
>Have family member hold standoff with pliers while trying to get the screw free
Eventually got it but was harrowing experience
Other time when adding ram to laptop
>open up, add new 8gb stick to empty socket
>boot up, still only 8gb showing
>try running memory test, still shows only 8gb
>think new stick was doa, open back up and swap both modules around
>power on, fans spin and light turns on, nothing else
>assume I static discharged my laptop to death
>buy another ram module, try to install, still no good
>use other computer to watch ram upgrade video again
>hear click when ram goes in
>go back to laptop, push ram in harder
Still have extra 8gb of ram sitting around somewhere
Yea they'd be nice fore shitty working environments like carpet.
I feel like its not as necessary if the environment is ideal for the work. But it doesn't work to ensure safety of the hardware
It probably had a battery that contained Sony cells.
It's completely pointless if you have a proper work environment without carpet but that isn't always granted and for 5 bucks I don't see the harm in getting one for when you are forced to work on carpet.
static is a retarded lie made up by lawyers. never killed anything with static.
people are retards. high voltage + ultra low amperage doesn't do any damage to electronics. just as it doesn't do anything to you. the static warnings on products are there only for companies to protect their ass.
do you use the new wireless ones or the old ones with wire?
not exactly building a pc but fucked up mobo of my crushes laptop. i still can't get over it till this day. it's also the only time i've managed to break something hardware wise.
Put on some socks run over carpet for a while and uninstall and reinstall your RAM and come back with results you fucking imbecile. There is a reason that depending on where you work you are required to wear grounding gear.
I still use the "old" ones with wire.
>Some connector i don't know the name of on the motherboard is too fucking tight, the plastic rips apart when trying to disconnect the cable.
Good thing I got 2 of them on the mobo, the other one is a bit less tight.
3 Years ago I got everything for my new PC, but didn't order RAM because I thought they'll fit the new mobo, well they didn't so I had to wait 1 more week for the delivery guy with the RAM's.
Sounds about right
Hmmmmm :thinking:
First time I have talked to someone with such a low iq
I had a retarded friend building his first computer who somehow thought he was supposed to put the thermal paste underneath the CPU instead of on top. He asked me to figure out what was wrong when it wouldn't boot up and I didn't even know what to say when I saw it.
Check this out..
Had really great i5 2500k@5ghz, almost everything was custom and this was my 5-6 pc so im not newb in this shit.
1.wanted to change paste(artic something, intreweb said it ws the bestest, i really didnt had to do it ,OC CPU was around 50-60c)
2.did it 100 times before...
unscrew EVO212, put paste,put back evo212, everything works even cooler for degree or two...but....something bothers me...
i got that itch.... i want to remove cpu and clean socket with gentle brush...
so , from really cool machine that run great I wanted to fix where fix weren't needed.
>removed cooler
>removed cpu
>removed paste
>blow into totally clean socket
>brush it really gently
>satisfied with myself
>put CPU
>put paste
>put cooler
>turn on benchmark
>PC turns of in 4-5 minutes..
>turn on pc, play something, turns of in 4-5 minutes
>no red flag in my brain
>turn on, play heavy duty 3d gaem, PC turns of and I hear puff and smell
>open it, one leg in socket blew up,
>OK, still 1149 legs left,try to put leg back
>another leg
>it got stuck with CPU
>kinda fixed all, turned on
>WORKS, yay..half hour later
>MBO,RAM & PSU went to shit
>i managed to fix perfectly good PC into only working GPU under less 1 hours
Everything is fun until you are fixing a +10k$ machine and you wouldn't even touch it without a wristband.
I don't care if I'm using rubber soles on a concrete floor in a safe room, the risk is too high.
I feel that paranoia
You're just spoiled by the resiliency of today's hardware.
In the 80's and 90's it was not hard to kill something with static, that's why you see stuff from that era talk all about antistatic workstations and such.
Today you're basically fine if you fucking stand still while working on the PC, and any time you move or something just touch the metal of the case to discharge.
The worst feeling.
Everything is there and ready to go, except one component that is absolutely needed to run.
>Order Thinkpad X220 for a user
>Install XP, Office and all that other jazz
>Use Lenovo util to update to the latest bios /uefi for shits and giggles
>Call Lenovo support
>"Errr, brand new laptop bricked, what do"
>Techie out the next working day (or maybe that afternoon even, it was really quick) with a new mobo
>"Yeah, you shouldn't update the bios unless you really need to"
>Paranoid about doing bios/uefi updates ever since
Mobo companies put warning disclaimers all over the place for bios updates. I never even had an issue before and I'm still paranoid about it
If you ever have to do it again, check if the device has dual bios. I haven't had the need to resort to it but at least I feel safe updating the bios.
Though I also have equipment to flash it externally, but they are a pain in the ass.
I bought Intel.
I think the only time I'd ever update BIOS is to fix a critical bug or enable support for a newer processor.
For whatever reason upgrades seem to fail randomly, and when they do it's either hours with a tedious EEPROM flasher, or a new motherboard.
BIOS flashing has been garbage for decades. Why can't they fix it?
I fucked up the front panel cabling.
I still do.
>>insert them upside down
>be me first time building a PC
>hours of setup and tutorial videos
>finally finish building and hook it up to monitor
>no response.jpg
>take it apart and have a clumsy friend build it
>he drops 8700k on mother board
>pins bend
>have to buy a new motherboard luckily not another CPU
>get a not clumsy friend to check out PC
>turns out I built it complete correct and forget to press the monitor input button.
I feel retarded to this date.
>be me
>buy Motherboard and CPU for new PC
>add CPU to MB
>realize MB is DDR4 and I have DDR3
>remove CPU
>try to put plastic cover back on MB to return it
>bend 30% of pins on MB with plastic cap
> FML.jpeg
First time connecting a power switch to an at power supply I welded the connectors together (had it plugged in).
Another time I opened a box i'd just received a new hard drive in and watched it slip from my hands. Lucky I still had the box, I returned it for warranty replacement.
Someone I knew screwed their motherboard straight to the tray with no standoffs and another tested his new mobo on the anti static bag and shorted the PSU connector so I don't feel so dumb.
Everyone fucks up when they're 17.
Make sure the sock are 'for programming' and post pics.
I've replaced RAM on servers without that wristband, fuck, even I've never used it and 'I've never burned anything.
I did something even worse with spacers
>Building first PC, ca. 2011
>Friend gave me his old ASRock LGA 775 board of some kind with 4 gigs of RAM for free, he was upgrading from a Pentium D to an i5-2500k
>Got a used Q6600, ready to fire the whole thing up
>PC doesn't boot
>Spend an hour checking connectors etc, can't fucking figure it out
>Friend comes over the next day to help, looks into the computer, and asks "where are the motherboard spacers?"
He fucking forgot to give me the spacers and I didn't know they were needed. Ended up shorting out the mobo, had to hunt down another LGA 775. Thankfully the processor and RAM were both fine, and the computer still worked until I retired it late last year.
I also bricked a T420 trying to upgrade the BIOS to fix the Spectre bug. Have quite honestly never had an issue updating it on any other device, ever. I think Lenovo's Windows BIOS update utility is just shit and prone to failure on certain machines, you're better off using the bootable CD.
I think you're lost.
>AC breaks in house
>gotta build a new PC though, finally got all my components
>first time building a PC so getting a lil tense
>sweat starts to build up
>inserting RAM sticks
>feel a bead of sweat slowly falling down my forehead
>its on my nose now
>I watch as this ball of sweat falls in slow motion from my face directly onto the motherboard chip set
>directly onto the motherboard chip set
This is why I buy barebones.
Fuck figuring this shit out.
Yeah, Lenovo's seem pretty touchy with BIOS, seems to be the only downside i've encountered with them.. Someone gave me a Lenovo with InsydeH20 UEFI to fix that won't boot, I suspect that the UEFI and/or EC is corrupt, but i've no idea how to extract the 128K EC from the firmware I got off the Lenovo website to flash it manually. When you take into consideration 2MB for the UEFI and 128K for the EC you get the total size of the firmware image, so maybe I just need to write a program to split it into the appropriate sizes, unless anyone knows an easier way.
how'd you fuck it up?
It's the most annoying part of building a PC for me since it's always different. I have no idea why they don't standardize that shit. The only good thing is that you can't really do any harm unless you're medically retarded.
Isn't my story, but a old friend's computer building story. I built many computers in my time and my friend wanted to do it this year.
>gets parts (Ryzen 3 1200, Gigabyte motherboard, EVGA PSU blah blah blah)
>builds motherboard on bed sheets
>while putting the motherboard in the case he strips a standoff
>doesn't know how to plug in the USB 3.0 header
>gets everything built
>pc doesn't turn on
Don't know specifically why to this day, PSU and RAM were fine. He was probably autistic and just didn't plug in the power headers
>ask to see the motherboard and cpu one day
>get the cpu and motherboard
>the outside pins of the Ryzen are flat (literally flat)
>the CMOS battery holder is loose from the board
>the RAM lever is loose
that day I learned he is not only a autist, he is a mega autist
can tell you're a massive newfag
t. newfag
>bought RX480 on release date
>bought custom air cooler
>don't use included backplate because no space
>thought vram, vrm does not need heatspreaders
>thought air would be good enough
>forgot to adjust fan profiles
>fans always at lowest speed
>modded skyrim and had lots of black textures
>played anyways for two month
>now ex gf lost interest in gaming because of crashes and bugs
>ff few month
>realised my mistake
>bought heatspreaders and two compound thermal glue
>didn't knew I had to mix the two compounds
>thought it's called two compounds glue because it makes two compounds stick together
>while reassembling a mounting screw breaks
>put it in PC anyways
>heatspreaders fell of while gaming and gpu crashed
pic very related
I got tested multiple times in the past, with 6 I had 137IQ, with 14 only 125IQ. I'm really afraid of the results of my next test.
Well, at least I learned much (the hard way).
oh fuck my English
s/had lots of black/encountered lots of missing/
s/didn' knew/didn't know/
>be replacing server motherboard at data center for local ISP.
>data center is basically in oversized garage
>left alone in data center
>pull out new mobo and set it on top of small tv style cart
>old server chassis is dinged up and dented inward
>try to pull mobo out after removing all screws, pins, latches etc.
>some give but not much
>yank it by mobo knob handle things
>one breaks off and i go flying back into the cart
>knocks new mobo off
>badly damaged
>PCB broken where ports attach in the side of the rear
>force it back straight, rape the old mobo out and force new one in
>boots to ILO
>won't boot OS
>tell contact that i think it's defective
>he orders 2 more and tells me we'll try again next week
>next week, swap it out
>break another nob off trying to get the new one in
>nobody suspects a thing
>throw damaged mobo away
>get sysadmin and boot new unit
>wont boot without binding to a removed nysq server
>nobody cares
ye thats bad, but im skeptical that you wouldnt notice some of the internals activating.
I guess that must have been back in like 2003 when doing pic related on a Socket A motherboard. Slipped and cut a trace in the motherboard. Fortunately I could solder it back into shape, so no big deal. These days it must surely be impossible to fuck it up.
Nice Hakenkreuz.
God I forgot how scary those old mounts like that were
I swear to god every time googling the motherboard in the hope that someone has figured it out and posted it somewhere. JUST
It's pretty impossible to fuck up unless you recently have been declared clinically brain dead
>>fuck it.Its not needed I thought.
>>finish up connecting everything
I don't see how this could be a problem as long as you didn't try to screw the motherboard down in that area
>flash bios several times
jus werks
Do I just get lucky?
Just dry it off and everything will work nice :)
I accidentally ordered a CPU for a socket I didn't have and had to return it.
although i only upgraded dell and vaio laptops
i have no idea. her laptop was throttling so i replaced thermal paste (i've done it plenty times before) and it just shat itself. maybe shorted some shit but i did remove the battery before i did anything to it so i dunno.
>live in a humid environment
>never have these problems
But seriously I'd rather have these problems. Constant high humidity is cancer.