Markdown, Restructuredtext or ASCIIdoc? Fedora and Red Hat are porting their docs to ASCIIdoc/Antora...

Markdown, Restructuredtext or ASCIIdoc? Fedora and Red Hat are porting their docs to ASCIIdoc/Antora, but a lot of docs are made with Restructuredtext/ReadTheDocs or pure MarkDown. Jow Forums, what should I use?

Attached: antora-gitlab.png (240x240, 8K)


looking for a good markup for blog, I really miss some features in Markdown, especially in the classic one without extensions (underline, dictionary list, title as non-h1 level header)
AsciiDoc seem to have some had software around it, not really sure about AsciiDoctor or what pandoc uses as backend
Linux uses rst, will check it

yes for what?


uh ok thanks

Fr tho it depends. idk what advantages one has over the others (if you looked that up you should be able to answer your question yourself). I it were me I'd be using whatever I feel more comfortable using, in this case Markdown

thx, i think i will end up with md, but i wanted to know what you (Jow Forums people) prefer

Use texinfo

honestly I've never written a documentation page or a blog, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I've only used md for readmes and I've seen it's quite powerful, suitable for this kind of thing, so I'd use it. You should seriously consider trying each of them out and stuff

What does everyone use to read their docs? A browser, some separate application?

OP here, i use a browser

For me is browser too, even for local docs, which are mostly HTML or md

Doesn't really matter, because you can pretty easily convert between these formats.

My set up is mainly writing/maintaining in an XML format and then automatically outputting via pandoc:
- Markdown (for the READMEs on Github)
- manpages (installed with the programs)
- plain text (for my website/gopher)

>what should I use?
For docs? Meh. It's not important AS LONG AS YOU ACTUALLY WRITE THE WORDS DOWN. All that formatting shit is a very minor problem by comparison.

org-mode is the only answer

it's not bad although I don't quite like Emacs and github/gitlab rendering is inferior to what markdown gets
but the built-in html generation is bullcrap bloat, does pandoc do better?

>does pandoc do better?
For HTML, the org one is slightly better, because pandoc doesn't know what to do with a lot of org's blocks.

For pdfs, they both suck on different ways. The pandoc makes it easier to customize the documentclass and bibliography. But the org one deals better with, again, org's blocks.

Can someone explain to me why people don't just write in HTML?

For the same reason people don't write a LaTeX-formatted scientific paper to write down their grocery notes.

Both ASCIIdoc and RestructuredText make Markdown look kind of half assed. There was a lot of thought put into them and it is not the result of a weekend project.