How can we achieve 100% free software?

How can we achieve 100% free software?

1) Abolition of all forms of private property in ideas.
2) Withdrawal of all exclusive licenses, privileges and rights to use of electromagnetic spectrum. Nullification of all conveyances of permanent title to electromagnetic frequencies.
3) Development of electromagnetic spectrum infrastructure that implements every person's equal right to communicate.
4) Common social development of computer programs and all other forms of software, including genetic information, as public goods.
5) Full respect for freedom of speech, including all forms of technical speech.
6) Protection for the integrity of creative works.
7) Free and equal access to all publicly-produced information and all educational material used in all branches of the public education system.

Attached: Djm702KWwAALrxy.jpg (567x567, 28K)

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Everything is free with pirating.
Inb4 nigger. I know most of you are unemployed and secretly pirate anyway.

Get rid of the jewish money, get rid of the jewish hierarchy, get rid of the jewish people.

Problem solved

Why would people develop software if they don't get paid for it?

because its fun

here we go!

Freedom as a goal is just dumb. No autistically intricate list of "rights" will stop people from saying "mine". Freedom is a means to an end, and that end will always be to deprive certain others of freedom. Oh, but you are too noble for that? Then you seek to subjugate those who would deprive others of their freedom. Oops, classic paradox of freedom.
Free software is good because it stops developers from exploiting their consumers and halting progress, nothing more. Your list demonstrates fanatical idealism with no place in reality akin to communism.

Here we are, a man of action with a practical plan.

Personal use, though I doubt OP had complete technological isolationism in mind when he cooked up his manifesto.

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>1) Abolition of all forms of private property in ideas.
>use a totalstate to enforce public property
>use an organised monopoly on violence to steal from individuals
But Hypocrites, what about rule zero? Rule zero came before this rule one, freedom means you cannot dictate to anyone!

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>get rid of the jewish people
>embrace stallmanism
Oy vey, that's a good goy

Shit nigga dis me after weekend of cocaine

There's nothing wrong with pirating unless it's from small business.

Bolsheviks weren't goys

That's the point, jews getting goys to work for them by convincing them that communism isn't jew trickery is the ultimate jew trickery

>classic paradox of freedom
that isn't a paradox, it's the basic premise of living in a free & autonomous society. your autonomy stops at the point where you would seek to deprive others of it

>No autistically intricate list of "rights" will stop people from saying "mine".
people can say "mine" all they want, part of your duty when living in a free society is to tell them "no it's not yours" when they are wrong, because otherwise people would just steal

btw, op is retarded

OP is 100% right

Free software is not viable since you can't force people to buy it. (reference: *Free Software, Free society*, RMS)

It could be viable under other rules than the FSF and different licenses.

You can judge free software as viable only if all companies on the world can use it like they do right now.

You should ask people why they develop free software, then.

>freedom means you cannot dictate to anyone!
No it doesn't.

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Financially viable? It has already proven to be.

if we did that, the software wouldnt be FREEā„¢
gpl and other licences require copyright to function

Most of what you said has nothing to do with software.All that has to be done to achieve free sofware is to abolish ridiculous copyright laws."Ownership" of information that is already out in the open is a concept so apsurd that only greedy jews could think it up.

>How can we achieve 100% free software?
anal cream pie = pajeet