>the vast majority of linux distros still have screen tearing on the fucking desktop out of the box and refuse to work with nvidia optimus
>the vast majority of linux distros still have screen tearing on the fucking desktop out of the box and refuse to work with nvidia optimus
literally who
yes because Nvidia not properly supporting this is totally Linux's fault!
You deserve neck tearing for even thinking of considering trying Linux trash.
>alt f2
>enable full composition pipeline
wow it takes a grand total of 20 seconds to fix it!
>>alt f2
>>enable full input delay
The things proprietary fuckers have to put up with blows my mind.
> nvidia
ok kid.
imagine wanting to use advanced computer things but refusing to do computer things on them!
Dude, your proprietary shitdriver is re-implementing almost the full desktop stack you have. Why not just buy an nvidia shield at that point? That shitstain is not compatible with anything anyway.
>Wow, I can click buttons that should be toggled on by default
lmao @ your life
Why is that not enabled out of the box
Found your problem.
Not really. It's just a KDE/Nvidia problem. Use Nvidia with Gnome3 and problem goes away. KDE-fags btfo.
Because it has performance overhead. Yes, that's right. If you want to get rid of tearing in KDE, you have to diminish your performance.
just use fucking gnome already
I never had screen tearing with propietary drivers with gnome unlike xfce and kde
Enjoy not being able to change themes in the near future.
how retarded are you? you can't screenshot screen tearing you dumb fuck. nice fake though.
Nah, just use a driver that isn't too cool for standards. Sucks to be a nvidiafag, I guess.
Even the gnome devs are sick and tired of fixing nvidias shit. Face it fags, your hardware just isn't future proof in an open source ecosystem.
Honestly, this is the kind of shit that almost prevented me from switching to Linux in the first place. Faggots like you who blame everything on other's failing to follow the standards. Even if that's true, which I don't doubt at all, I don't give a fuck! I want it to work. If open source fucktards can't make it work anyways, they can go fuck themselves. Gnome made it work. Why can't KDE make it work too? No fucking excuses.
>teach how to do X
>dumbfuck does Y
Wow, it's almost like pajeets are too dumb
This is why Apple-style centralization works best
Apple has the exact same problem of failing to work with things that don't follow "it's" standard. Ever tried to use third party peripherals on a macbook? Have fun unplugging everything and plugging it back in every 48 hours or so.
I don't know any non-autist who gives a fuck about screen tearing. Get a therapist or some meds perhaps.
>I don't know any non-autist who gives a fuck about screen tearing
Because it makes movies and games look like shit. Let me guess. You were only pretending to be retarded?
>hurr durr since this screenshot is a fake the actual, very real, issue will magically go away
the absolute state of lincucks
There are architectural differences between kde and gnome. That's why you have mouselag and shitty framerates on gnome and not on kde. KDEs codepaths rely on the standards set by freedesktop.org and the khronos group to work as expected. NVIDIA choose to circumvent these standards and baked their own solution into the driver. Thanks to that nvidia owners can't use latest kernels and latest x11, because nvidia forked them under a proprietary license change to their own driver(full x11 and kms stack) and thus are responsible to provide all the interfaces required to make a working desktop.
Sadly nvidia are dumbfucks that lag behind open source development and i can image that it costs them a good chunk of money to constantly play catch up to mesa and co.
Then post proof of that very real issue. It is an issue on any DE if you're using proprietary drivers, which you shouldn't until Vulkan accomplishes something.
are literally hundreds of thousands complaints enough 'proof' for you?
>it doesn't happen on MY machine so it doesn't happen at all x))
You sound pretty smart. You should work for Intel in Israel to make sure you get all the latest western technological advancements before all the normies.
>i can image that it costs them a good chunk of money to constantly play catch up to mesa and co.
Wrong. Nvidia doesn't give a fuck about desktop users on Linux. They are inconsequential. If Nvidia does anything for that demographic of people, it is an act of altruism and you should lick their boot and say "thank you sir, may I have another?". Their primary interest in the Linux market is headless servers used for things such as video encoding by big businesses. They do not have to do any "catch up" for this. They simply provide the instructions to make their product work and the businesses can follow them or not.
As for freedesktop standards. Sure, that's all fine and dandy, but the problem starts when freetard devs think their principles are more important than making things work. You will never be able to make everyone play by the rules. To understand that and then still refuse to implement the necessary workarounds is to willfully put out a broken system. We don't live in an idealistic world. Shipping a product that doesn't work and then pointing fingers at other people is gradeschool shit. Just make it work and stop giving me excuses. This is the real world and not a fantasy land. We are adults now.
>it doesn't happen on MY machine so it doesn't happen at all x))
After I've just explained under what circumstances it does happen and what causes it.
>To understand that and then still refuse to implement the necessary workarounds is to willfully put out a broken system
It had technical reasons and not political, even if greasslin likes to sound idealistic. What these are? No fucking idea.