5 CS books

you need to give a person with 0 knowledge of computer science 5 books that will make that person understand how a computer works and turn that person in the best programmer possible with those 5 books only. What are your 5 picks?

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five doujins

You can just ask for some books to read, you don't have to be cryptic about it.

Attached: Annoyed.jpg (306x306, 20K)

useless shit
just dounload vintage basic and programm something

five mangos

From what i’ve read:
The C programming language by C&H - Teaches you C, which is a good base to learn any other orogramming langauges. Also teaches you about how types work, pointers, and other low-level things
SICP - Teaches you a functional language and how to think like a programmer
Code by Charles Petzold - Teaches you how computers calculate things, binary, how memory works at a hardware level, circuits, etc
Operating Systems: Design and Implementation - A book torvalds used to write linux, will give you insight on how OSes work
Hacker’s Delight - Algoritms and misc

To be honest though OP, Jow Forums isn’t a great place if you’re actually looking to be a programmer. Jow Forums isn’t a place for insightful conversation, as you’ve undoubtedly noticed by the first few replies. It boils down to pajeet memes and which linux distro gives you the most nerd cred. Leave this place and study programming everyday, after a week you’ll be better than 90% of the people who haven’t left yet. The Jow Forums wiki is pretty good for finding resources,l to learn, see wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Programming_resources

Godspeed, user.

>K&R C
One gives a practical overview of a language useful even today, and an understanding of "lower-level" languages. The other explains all the high level concepts. Perhaps not the best introduction to programming, but if they're smart they'll pull through.
>That Algorithms book whatever its name is
>Knuth's Art of Programming
Get some knowledge on how to actually solve practical problems.
>GoF Design Patterns
And how to solve design problems and actually organize your code.

I didn't include anything about clean code because it tends to be full of memes and Design Patterns cover a lot of good practices. The rest is either common sense or can be learned by osmosis from examples: as long as you're not a pajeet, there shouldn't be any need to explicitly spell out the fact that variable names need to be descriptive or whatever. I also didn't add anything about coding in a team, because your teammates can help you out there. You don't read a book to learn git, for example, you just use it and figure out how to solve any problems you encounter, and soon you're experienced and comfortable with it.

> Operating Systems: Design and Implementation
Is this still relevant to modern OS design?

Yes, very much so. Modern OS design is built on this, and it’s only a matter of building abstractions of concepts introduced in the book