/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 1503342733434-0.png (1920x1080, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/9.5.0 nonfree/i386/

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god i wish that were me

this but 2 boys

install arch.

Is AltGr+SysRq+REISUB a 100% safe way to reboot your computer? Or are you risking data corruption or something?

What's the best way to remotely mount stuff? nfs? sshfs? something else I don't know about?

go to the school.

depends on what you want
if you want a landfill of shit for linux? nfs
want a landfill of shit for windows too? samba
is it over an insecure network? sshfs (or the above with a vpn)
is it to mirror a disk image? iscsi
is it shared virtual disk in a cluster? gluster

maybe i am a little paranoid but where do i put my GRUB when installing manjaro as dual boot alongside win7 on BIOS/MBR drive?
will GRUB allow me to even boot into windows when i will set it to install to MBR? isnt there some machine code that needs to stay there or something?
dont have repair CD for windows so whatever goes bad im in trouble i guess

I'll stick to a better OS.

With an Atom 1,6Ghz and 1,5 RAM, shoud I pick Mint xfce or MX? Pros and cons?

anyone? at least keep this thread alive during the night

seeing as both of those use debian as a base i suggest installing debian

and lxde as desktop environment

puppy linux
things gonna chug even on debian

Sorry, I meant on *nix systems

safe as milk.


Looks like shit tho

user you're not exactly in the position to be picky when you have such a shit processor.

I'd suggest a Debian netinstall with a very light window manager like i3 or openbox. Or Puppy Linux

>you will never be a cute crossdressing boy with another cute crosdressing bf

It's a proper shutdown. You can even go look up what each key does when you press it but the sequence unmounts disks and everything.

I wonder then, why is knowledge of it not more widespread? I just found it a few days ago after years of using GNU/Linux and feel like a complete dumb dumb.

I don't know. It's not like we can put advertisements for it on TV. The only time anyone needs it is when their machine freezes which should hopefully be almost never.

because it's massive overkill and a pain in the ass to do.

Maybe we should add it to the OP? Doesn't need a full description, could just say something like
>Machine frozen? - Look up sysrq keys

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I'm changing from arch to debian stable, how do you add packages and its dependencies (or whatever is possible) to the testing branch? I just want to have the lastest on the stuff that is connected to internet like a sane person.

By not relying on shitty official repos

i think you want to do pinning? wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences

Blackpill me on Fedora.

What distr should I use with this computer?

Attached: speccy.png (674x532, 38K)

A 32-bit flavor of xubuntu or lubuntu

Bit of a stupid question, but can I have two bars in one config in polybar? Or do I have to have two seperate configs? If so how do I "polybar NameOfBar"

I tried xubuntu, but it said my CPU doesn't support PAE.

Huh. Maybe try a 32-bit Debian iso from here:
cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/9.5.0 nonfree/i386/

I have Windows installed on a ssd with 23.5gb shrink volume. What size should the / partition be? Also will setting my /home directory on a hdd affect app load times? What should I do to get optimum performance out of Ubuntu?

Found my issue; PAE is supported, but unflagged on the CPU: help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE

Many laptops don't have a sysrq key.

Found out how to have many bars in 1 config but how do I start both? Do I have to do
>polybar -c .config/polybar/config bar1 & polybar -c .config/polybar/config bar2
or is there a way to start them both with 1 command?

>1818 packages on Xubuntu
am i bloated

How would my experiences differ if I installed Bunsenlabs vs if I just installed openbox on Debian 9?

Having lots of shared libraries will only make your computer stronger. I recommend installing as many as possible.

Is there something like this but with Arch? I'm on Arch BTW
Based flube poster.

>programming in Visual Studio on i5-3570k
>character segmentation software I wrote has 18 minute execution time
>same software using g++ in Ubuntu on a single core AMD from 2007 executes in 40 seconds

Why? I prefer to use Windows but I like to program on Linux because things just work better/faster. Windows has the QOL things I need in an OS but for actual work I can't use it.

What Linux do I use and how do I dual boot it alongside an already installed OS of Windows?

Is there a window manager that behaves like Plan 9's Acme?

because this is what's going on under those proprietary covers.

Attached: 1459301946459.png (1300x4704, 1.14M)

>random unsourced irc logs

>X -configure
>Your xorg.conf file is /root/xorg.conf.new
>To test the server, run 'X -config /root/xorg.conf.new'
>X -config /root/xorg.conf.new
>black screen
What now? I'm on xfce 4.10.

>What Linux do I use
Just use ubuntu with xfce or kde or something. Gnome is trash
>and how do I dual boot it alongside an already installed OS of Windows?
Its much easier if windows is already installed. Just live boot the linux usb, and resize the partitions during the installation.

I read on the documentation and on reddit I think that the usual thing to do is called backports. As pinning (as the doc says) is almost guaranteed to break something. Maybe pinning is less automatic haven't read much as I was not on the pc

I would either use it as a paperweight -
Or add another 2GB Ram and put in a 120GB SSD and THEN install an OS.

anyone lads?

whoa too far

Don't use that, read the arch wiki on xorg it recommends not to use auto configs of any sort, read how to set up a monitor, the gpu with screen tearing fix and that's it.l (which is only on configs on xorg.conf.d). Also didn't you add a normal user? Since you are configuring that for root...

my media keys don't work in spotify? what do?
>inb4 spotify botnet

idc im using free version with host block.

Is Cinnamon/Mint a good distro?
I’m new and I’ve seen how they look and operate in comparison to some of the other distros and it just makes me feel kinda at-home, like it’s very user friendly for an ex-“Hurr durr Windows 7” supremacy faggot like I used to be.

What’s the difference between the two? Are they even different?

I did add a normal user, X -configure works only for root. I also had to add a password for root despite this action not being Ubuntu way of doing things because "hurr durr, make me a root account, superuser with sudo is not the same". Currently digging arch wiki.
I'm trying to make dual monitor setup work and it's fine while doing things on local machine. The problem is that the machine has to X -query on startup, screens get mirrored there.

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> they look and operate
>What’s the difference between the two
between what? Mint is a distro and Cinnamon is its desktop enviorment, you could get for example mint with mate enviorment but its still mint

>tfw no good rolling release distro

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Installed NixOS recently. Anybody here using it? How do you use it? Do you dump as much as you can into the declarative config? Or do you use "imperative config" as well?

Horse-fucker drop its own distro.

What is Opensuse.

just install siduction, thank me later


orangepill me on how to install ungoogled-chromium on debian please

Attached: question.jpg (474x250, 13K)

1st result in any search engine retard.

Install icecat.

not in my country

i use waterfox so no need for another firefox clone

Because you cannot be assed to install Jow Forumsentoo.

whats the best audio player in linux?

>how to install ungoogled-chromium on debian

> can't read this shit. possibly retarded


why the fuck does my emacs uses 5 spaces to indent C code? how to change it?


i cant decide which one to pick. I dont want to be ricing and playing with my machine during university. Stability from ubuntu is nice but fedora offers better battery life..

also, is testing the laptop battery from a live usb a legit test?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-08 07-34-40.png (374x147, 11K)

struct S {...};
struct S {...} S;
struct S {...} K;
typedef struct S {...};
typedef struct S {...} S;
typedef struct S {...} K;

so whats the difference?

Install Arch, lol

>Stability from ubuntu is nice but fedora offers better battery life..

that my experience, man. Although fedora isnt that bad, i did have more problems in general than ubuntu

>struct S {...};
Defines a struct called S.
>struct S {...} S;
>struct S {...} K;
Defines a struct called S and a variable of that type called S/K. Aside from the variable name, there is no difference.
>typedef struct S {...};
Useless declaration.
>typedef struct S {...} S;
>typedef struct S {...} K;
Defines a struct called S and an alias for it called S/K. Again, no difference besides the name.

I really really like Linux, the Linux community and Linux Torvalds. I run Linux at home (Ubuntu) and at work (OSX). I love the Linux command line and would like to be able to connect both Linux boxes in a network using a Linux/Unix utility, but

When instaling grub to MBR will pre installed win7 (shipped with computer) override grub with its own mbr code?

foobar with wine
it just werks

no grub should.
then you run os-prober inside your distro to add w7 to grub

weak bait

No, only if you manually choose to do it so.
Installing windows after installing any other OS overwrites the other OS' bootloader code from mbr of course.

thats what i thought straight away, but this machine is some HP office/bussines one so i sort of expected it to have those dumbproof features like e.g. overriding mbr whenever i would boot to windows
second question just to be sure, will grub2 boot win7 without any problems? i know that after instalation its adviced to grub-update

assuming it finds the OS which it should, yes.

Battery life with powertop and tdp and set to the lowest default power profile still isnt great. Still an hour or two less than Windows 10.
I wonder if its an issue with it detecting the battery though. Its being detected as 37Wh and 5000mah, but the tablet has 2 5000mah batteries to make 10000mah overall.

How do i learn to use the terminal?
I'm on linux mint and fedora

when it wont find windows im supposed to add its entry according to wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB right?

if you follow it carefully, yes, it should work.

Linux as widely used desktop OS with games when?