Most of the time idea of streaming videos, music, even porn seems to be deemed as the lesser option compared to downloading the content yourself. So what's the deal? Should I start storing my favorite JAV on my disk?
Why the hate against streaming?
muh superior quarity
elitist that feel the need to feel superior than others over the smallest things
>streaming your anything
I prefer storing shit but not for this reason. If it's something I think is worth while, I'll save it just in case I need it in the future.
I don't really understand the streaming hate. Unless you're running a 4k resolution, what's the problem?
Porn is sometimes like food, you can't reutilize it, so for me it isn't worth downloading unless I really like the video.
Daiz hates streaming so 4lemmings follow.
this. streaming is superior in many ways. otherwise it wouldn't have taken over like this. only exception for me is music.
que esta haciendo aqui cabron? regresa al cartel
i don't hate streaming
i hate that normalfags don't complain about the quality of streamed content, in most cases it looks like ass because they use bitrates as low as 800kbit for 720p
And a ching chong nip nong to you young lady
>Unless you're running a 4k resolution
That's where your faulty assumption lies.
Autists need a sense of self worth somehow
Streaming it inferior in literally every way except not being able to play something right away.
You can joke as much as you want, but it's true, and you know it too.
The only thing streaming has over downloading is being able to play right away, as I already said, but it's inferior for the rest, as you yourself acknowledge by making an exception for music, since you're more concerned about quality for that.
For better or worse, this one advantage happens to be what most people want, since they don't give a shit about quality, they don't care about storing their media and don't know what they want, so they "check what's on spotify/netflix/etc/".
I don't *hate* streaming since all in all it doesn't affect me personally, but it does grind my gears to see people with expensive headphones/speakers/TVs etc. using them for nothing but inferior streaming quality. What's the point of spending so much on such equipment if you're not going to use it to its fullest potential?
With downloading the selection is very spotty and you better be ready to suck some dick if you want access to the site.
>Should I start storing my favorite JAV on my disk?
that shouldn't even be a question of course you should
There's no way the selection could be worse than streaming.
My wife Tomoko is so cute.
>usually offers better quality
>online content can be taken down
>it's free
Although you could argue that it doesn't matter whether you pay for a service or for disk space
>people with shit internet can watch stuff in one go without having to pause frequently
>you can consume media on devices without internet access
I don't really care if people stream, but it certainly isn't for me.
If streaming works for you thats great personally I prefer to download most of my media since it's nice having a local collection and you can still access that media without having to worry about an internet outtage or websites being taken down.You alkso aren't limited to what the streaming services are showing which is usually a tiny library and will never have everything you want in the first place. The biggest positive is that the quality is far superior.
>inb4 some retard comes in and says streaming is just as good as watching a good encode as it's still 1080p
Streaming isn't superior it's convenient those are not the same things you pleb
Daily reminder that 90% of the people who say that "downloading is superior" download shitty low bitrate yify or youtube rips.
And they'll still be able to watch those shitty low-bitrate yify and youtube rips when the video (or the whole streaming service) gets DMCAed, which is ahead of where the streamfags would be.
Do people store their stuff on a different drive? Or on a laptop do you keep it on there? Only have about 200G free
That's a tasty picture
>idea of streaming videos, music, even porn seems to be deemed as the lesser option
Only among neckbeards. Useful members of society value their time unlike basement dwellers compiling gantoo all day.
Except there are hundreds of streaming sites so i'm still going to find a working stream no matter what.
I had a shitty machine i got for £20 on gumtree with drives in it as a nas/plex server. Replaced it at christmas but it's still only running a pentium does it's job fine though just got it running debian
Good goy, keep paying the subscription fee.
Technically you're still downloading the shit.
Just in inferior form.
>The only thing streaming has over downloading is being able to play right away
Nope. Direct downloads? Play as you download. Torrent? Use sequential download and play as you go. Streaming has literally no benefits on a proper computer.
find any stream, maybe. Find a stream of the thing you're looking for, that you can't count on. Stuff can and does vanish from the internet, especially anything more than a few years old.
Streaming services can also shut down and re-downloading everything isn't possible in all use cases. Musicians also make pennies through streaming services and that's another downside. Applies to as well.
Not only private trackers offer music and movie downloads.
I stream VLC. It pulls and builds when I start it and cleans off when I close it.
Good goy, keep sucking private tracker admin dick and make sure to keep that ratio!
I seed on both public and private because why the fuck not? ISP doesn't give a fuck here and lets me upload near a TB every month. How is this even comparable to paying multiple subscription based services?
I got that sentiment when streaming quality would regularly not be better than 140p or only marginally better. By today where virtually everything starts at least at 720p there is little reason to be against it so much.
For people who can settle with average quality yes this works well.
You have to suck cock for hours and sacrifice bandwidth while I pay less than an hours work a month for instant access to everything I want.
Feels good not being a NEET
i can get 720p out of X anime site so why would I waste my time downloading it.
the only time I torrent these days is if I stay up to watch it right after it airs.
You repeatedly bring up porn and the problem with porn streaming services is that
>they're full of ads (often malicious)
>provide shit quality (like literally 360p when 1080p/4k versions of the same content are available on torrent sites)
>often provide mislabeled clips/previews of the video in place of the full video
>prone to errors (like videos not loading) and downtime
Because you're typically renting whatever you stream with Spotify, Netflix, or whatever repository of pre-selected media you decide to limit yourself to for a premium price.
>he wants to download gigabytes wants to see an anus in 4K
Porn is something you get it over with in 5 minutes
I once tried downloading porn but then just jerked it to a 720p stream and cancelled the download
Nothing wrong with streaming free content
You make it seem like "downloading gigabytes" requires extra effort on my part. I don't know what kind of computer you use, but mine doesn't require turning a crank to download.
Nothing wrong with streaming from your file server.
>download 500GB 4K BLACKED that you'll spend 3 minutes jerking it to
I have a wired connection and can do that too, but.. for porn? Seriously?
You might want to explore getting laid if you need 4K 60fps porn.
Whew, look how mad this kid is that some people aren't running AOL dial-up like him.
>having bandwidth caps
>bringing out the wagecuck income cope
It just keeps getting better.
Offline access is patrician way of accessing your data (plus you're sure it won't suddenly disappear / you get to have JAV in the improbable way of a global internet blackout)
Streaming is the thinking man solution as you get to enjoy your pixelated vagene from Chinese servers without hoarding on your machine.
Downloading and hosting online yourself might be the optimal solution but it's too much work.
Btw I'm building a JAV database in a near future project. I am hunting for data and I am writing a script to scrap sougouwiki. (I can already scrap info from dmm but I still need sougouwiki to get info when an actress has several nicks)
You want to join?
>bandwidth = data
Really puts the "Not in Education" into NEET
What are languages are you using?
Do you have a source code repo?
It's not in your hard drive so you can't control what happens to it.
But I only watch it once? I don't need anything else to happen to it? Why would I store it on my hard drive?
*What programming languages are you using?
Online video players suck donkey dick, muh superior quality, and there tends to be more descriptive quality choices as opposed to choosing between resolutions alone. People who watch streams don't care about all the technical shit so you tend to get less choices and description on said choices
Because the quality is absolute garbage, pic related
>user's ISP so shit it can't upload and download at the same time
Still laughing.
>he sends private tracker admins pictures of his weewee everyday so the cabal don't blacklist him because he cant afford 5 dollars a month for streaming
still laughing
>feeling any sort of accomplishment over paying $5/month for multiple services when you already pay a magnitude more for internet service
This is just embarrassing at this point.
>being poor
This is just embarrassing at this point.
like alex jones rambling. keep watching for 1 year and suddenly it's removed because liberals cant handle bantz
projecting a bit hard there faggot
So what if it was some good shit? Wouldn't you want to store it incase something might happen to the Interwebz?
And why the fuck wouldn't you? Okay, yt rips are a bit too much since they tend to be overly crappy but yify type of shit is still worlds ahead of vhs and dvd quality, 2-3gb movie is a amazing balance between quality/size, having 10x the size won't make the shit 10x times more enjoyable.
It's prolly cheaper to store all your crap on SSDs than using streaming services for 2-3 years.
I have a SSD as a system drive and a HDD as a storage drive so every download etc goes to the HDD.
>It's prolly cheaper to store all your crap on SSDs than using streaming services for 2-3 years.
Probably. I really don't care about streaming services, so I don't know what they cost. Also I rather admit that torrenting/downloading isn't completely free before I get stupid replies (probably with a wojak edit, because that's how things are these days).
Sure my dude
Stop watching porn you degenerates.
I prefer streaming, stuff like Netflix and Amazon have added more and more convenience features that just make it very comfy
Though the quality could be a bit better, but someone as blind as me doesn't notice this unless I press my face against the screen
hi Jow Forums sorry to barge in your thread here, but they banned me from all major streaming sites,and this is sort about that.
bitchute runs like shit, arcive is taking hours for just100mb, where do i go and upload my very bad goy videos?
Please forgive any typos
This desu. Mongolian comic book strips depicting sex for the sole purpose of procreation is superior desu senpai.
the only thing I watch is a few tv series that are easily memorable and anime, for which I have a myanimelist account (which I also have backed up personally) so I know what I have and haven't watched.
Please tell me how to set that up
Because I have NEVER
got a video torrent working as I downloaded it
I have always dreamed I could watch a movie as I download it, and when I finish downloading it, have it auto removed/deletes from disk within 24 hours
pls teach me how to do this
where else do you get entire libraries of movies/shows for instant download at higher bitrates?
No repo yet. I should make one but I move very slowly because I'm alone and this is a side project
I use python for the scrappers. I used to use bash but python is trendier so I give it a try
Database will be with sqlite because it's easy
I occasionally post on the /jp/ JAV threads. Let's meet there once this thread gets archived.
Stream youtube through MPV because youtube servers are very fast.
Stream porn because why would I download it, if I'm gonna delete it after I bust-a-nut.
Everything else download because it either shitty, slow servers that keeps buffering, fucking ads that popup every time I touch something, or it's quality entertainment that deserves to be watched from a quality download.
wait is it 2007 again?
Jesus I have so many undos to ctrl-z.
Most clients have an option to download the files sequentially meaning it's like a direct download.
Just check that option with the client of your choice and play the file with the player of choice.
For a torrent client I use qbittorrent and for video playback I use mpv.
if it vanishes or stops being seeded, it isnt worth watching in the first place.
now if you dint mind me ill be rewatching some random marvel capeshit for the billionth time :^)
freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences
Well back here in reality freedom of speech does exactly mean freedom from consequences. That's such a contradictory thing to say
>"You have the right to say whatever you want but we reserve the right to silence you".
Maybe you retards will get it when that shit gets turned against you.
Stuff like plex makes downloading and hosting online super easy.
>he thinks poor people aren't more likely to spend money on shit they don't need
It protects you from legal consequences, not internet lynch mobs.
>I shouldn't have to listen to wrong opinions
reddit might be a better fit for you
are you being intentionally retarded?
the whole failure of that xkcd is the list that sneakily tries to lump in "yellled at, boycotted" which is protected counterspeech together with "canceled, banned" which are breaches of contract which can be challeneged in civil lawsuits and outright corporate censorship of otensibly "open" telecomunications platforms, misrepresantations to being something other than a COMMUNICATION platform to the contrary (they are required to be open by virtue of cda and dmca safe harbour)
to reiterate, if you are especially retarded: "internet lynch mobs" are protected counterspeech.
no-platforming isnt.
side note: sone interwsting legal defenses have been argued about semi-public forums such as shopping malls and the right to hold political portest, picketing, boycots and the like there.
sadly they havent won, but the arguments they raise are equally relevant for online corporate mcfreespeech websites
there are no consequences for saying something (except maybe for throat cancer or RSI)
you talking about punishment / reward