
Which vim plugins do you use ?

Attached: vim.png (220x220, 16K)

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Why would I need a plugin to edit text?

The ones bundled with vim. Mostly for code completion.

Sometimes Goyo for writing

And I just found out vim has a built in rot13 command with g?

Now the feds can't crack my super secret writing

ftplugin, but that's bundled in with it. Otherwise nothing, I'm pretty happy with vanilla (neo)vim.

Just a few scripts for XML editing, like completing tags and visually selecting by element. Otherwise the built-in stuff has been good enough for me.


Attached: Screenshot_20180810_200125.png (484x225, 10K)

I still dont know how plugins work in Vim, any help?

As few plugins as possible or in other words less is more:


And of course solarized dark colorscheme

:help packages

>picture unrelated

Attached: 1376165728937.gif (500x572, 1.11M)

Liks for the scripts

i dont use plugins and i have only a 15 line vimrc. am i missing out lads?

On the contrary, you're using the editor as intended.

The biggest strength of vim is its ubiquity.
Once you start ricing it with plugins, you can't just ssh into any machine and use a common tool.
And of course vimscript is garbage, if you need to customize your editor you might as well go with the sane choice and use Emacs.

>using vim
lmao I'm and senior at a big tech firm and we laugh our asses off when one of you vim hipsters show up

>>Once you start ricing it with plugins, you can't just ssh into any machine and use a common tool.
That's really not true. In my riced out local copy of neovim, I have a custom colorscheme set. If I ever find myself in a default vim installation or worse in a vi implementation, my color scheme is not there. Because my color scheme isn't present, my muscle memory automatically reverts to default or compat mode.

Being able to use stock vim after using riced out vim is a complete non-issue.





+ project specific stuff

> less is more
> using tons of plugin.

Pick one. I dont use any plugins for Vim.

Before giving my list, let me just say that nerdtree is super gay shit and I really don't see why everybody likes it so much.


and a few language-specific plugins of course.

I personally think that a lot of quality plugins is the best. Nobody uses vim without plugins and does professional software development with it.

Why syntastic over ale?

Does YouCompleteMe works well with C?
All the examples that I see of it working is with python or C++.

Vim is so comfy for C progamming but it would be nice too have some robust autocomplete function.

No reason, I've never tried ALE. Do you consider it better?

For me the asynchronous nature of ALE makes things run more smoothly. But I have not used syntastic for a long time so I have no idea if ALE is really better.

Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' " status line
Plug 'francoiscabrol/ranger.vim' " Ranger file manager
Plug 'rbgrouleff/bclose.vim' " needed for Ranger
Plug 'kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim' " colorful parentheses
Plug 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides' " higlight indentation
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround' " surround mappings
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary' " comments
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " git
Plug 'justinmk/vim-sneak' " faster navigation
Plug 'bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace'
Plug 'jremmen/vim-ripgrep' " rg search
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'brooth/far.vim' " find and replace
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
Plug 'carlitux/deoplete-ternjs', { 'do': 'npm install -g tern' }
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips' " snippets
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' " snippets for utilsnips
Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim'
Plug 'nelsyeung/twig.vim'

wow rude :/

In our company it is quite normal to use vim and there are a lot of senior devs using it.

Tern is dead.

Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'

Plug 'vim-ctrlspace/vim-ctrlspace'

Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'

Plug 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'

Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'

Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'

Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'

Plug 'ervandew/supertab'

Nerdtree is gay btw

Also, if some of you anons have figured out how to use Ctrl space with ditfiled, lemme know.

Mostly just TOhtml.

Vim commentary vs nerdcommenter ?


Those, and a thicc .vimrc transform it into an IDE pretty much.

Whatever spacevim has enabled in the stock build

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Holy hell almighty.

Attached: DELET pokemon.png (680x980, 288K)


>Plug 'bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace'

This is built in. eg. 'let c_space_errors = 1

>mundo: visually navigate undo trees
>vim-surround: pair helpers
>vim-commentary: comment helpers
>vim-unimpaired: more navigation commands
>vim-abolish: better replacement
>vim-repeat: plugin action repeating
>vim-sleuth: indentation inferment
>vim-fugitive: git integration
>tabular: align text
>airline: better statusbar
>ctrlp: fuzzy finder
>ale: async linting
>vimwiki: personal wiki
>ultisnips, vim-snippets: snippets
>vim-polyglot: automatic language plugins

plus two plugins that I wrote

I don't have much use for anything else


Is ALE better than Syntastic?

just started a java job, can i get some related vim plugins/help

nigga I was just checking them two. ale looks good with its asynchronous support, but I'm using neovim and it's already running plugins asynchronous (I think) it wouldn't make too much difference. haven't used any plugins in a while but considering testing out ale, seems like it has an easy install without having to use any plugin managers which is nice.

I haven't used syntastic for years but ALE has been working a lot better so far.

ALE has been working better for me out of the box than neomake, recently switched from neomake to vim 8.


:help the plugins

How's ALE on big Java projects?

I haven't had to work in very large repos recently, not sure. But I haven't seen any hiccups.


>vim-scripts/ProportionalResize, so windows dont get fucked by terminal resize

>mhinz/vim-startify, a start screen with quick access to recent files

>justinmk/vim-sneak, for improved "f" functionality

>rstacruz/vim-closer, a plugin slightly more sophisticated than the quick remap I was using to close brackets

>airblade/vim-rooter, to automatically set project root

>sheerun/vim-polyglot, improved ftplugin for many programming languagees

>flazz/vim-colorschemes, a collection of colorschemes

>moll/vim-bbye, for a buffer close hotkey that does not close a window

>jeetsukumaran/vim-filebeagle, for an extremely simple and lightweight file system explorer

>SirVer/ultisnips, snippets

>bling/vim-airline, a lightweight status/tabline (I use it for buffers)

>ncm2/ncm2 (+ completion sources), by far the best autocompletion I have ever used in vim

>w0rp/ale, for linting and language client features

I also have a few other filetype specific plugins. I love using vim.

Not great. Intellij is better if you can stomach the vim emulation plugin. I often edit with vim in an Intellij project, going back to the ide for non-editing features.

Why would I need more than 2 keys to edit text? Because it's convenient.

One key would do


Neovim doesn't magically make syncronous code async. Neovim has support for asynchronous plugins. Synchronous plugins are still synchronous.

both of them are reddit tier memes, just use :make

>because my colour scheme isnt present, my muscle memory automatically reverts to default mode
seems like a cool idea user i might try it

just use **
don't know what it is
what's wrongwith ctrl-n ?
use :grep or :vimgrep
handy to have
not really needed but same as above
use marcos or keymaps for frequent commands
just use :make

most idiots that use plugins and like to install random shit in vim or linux in general are very similar to ricefags, in the sense that they install stuff they don't use/understand so that they believe they did something worthwhile with their time, when in truth if they really cared about what they were doing they would've just used the original key combos present in vim by default

Is there any reason to use this over just pressing

>just use :make
There's not wanting to install redundant shit, and then there's pathological minimalism. The point is to have syntax checking done automatically, in background, with less resources per check. :make is better in some circumstances, worse in others.

This reminds me of that Jow Forums guy on Youtube, Luke Smith. Tries to present himself as some FLOSS neckbeard overlord with his riced-out setup but doesn't even know how to use tee because all he does is type up LaTeX all day.


Why not VimCompletesMe?

Visual Studio

>just use **
You do not understand what fzf does.

>just use :make

So Emacs then.

I bet you've memorized all the keyboard shortcuts in your 'development environment'.
I have to cringe when I see that.

Try not to use too many plugins. Vim has support for basically everything that most plugins can do out of the box, and it's usually better.


Attached: nice.png (960x1024, 153K)


the red line looks distracting

the one that loads emacs instead.

Attached: 1530562482888.jpg (640x852, 67K)

that's its purpose, you dumb nigger shit.

>having a red line for the sole reason of distracting you

Attached: 1523208020021.png (504x504, 54K)

more like
>having a redline to remind you to keep your kode readable and properly formated

unironically using vim in 2018
emacs masterrace

>unironically using vim in 2018

ITT popular cargo cult shit.
Netrw is unironically better
:h makeprg
:h grepprg / :h find / :h path
Pure trash. Slows down you editor to add a bright distracting bar. :h statusline
>YCM/deoplete/whatever the new fotm completion plugin is.
Also trash. 90% of what these plugins offer is just :h ins-completion. The 10% that's not is annoyance.
Is a waste of disk space. Vim has all of this built in.
Your editor comes with a manual. Fucking read it.

How do I read manual

Look it up stupid

some tmux one and a few others.


You can make that colorcolumn a slightly different shade of gray to get all the utility out of it and none of the eye rape.

what do you think about Emacs nerds? I can watch Netflix inside Emacs while coding.

ale is asynchronous, and preconfigured for many use cases.
autocomplete plugins are just easy preconfiguration for many completion sources.
polyglot's ftplugins and syntax are generally superior to default.
I agree with the other ones.

I don't. I use Vis instead

Ctrl P, Goyo, vim-pencil/vim-wordy/etc

Thanks for pointing out vim-closer! Made my day better.

when you learn how to use vim properly you don't really need plugins as pretty much anything is a few keystrokes away. generally set nocompatible tabstop, shiftwidth and expandtabs and that's about it.

Dear sir,

In my opinion your your comment is total bullshit.

In my plugin filled vim with one key stroke I can:

- run unittests on another tmux pane
- use snippets to make my work less repetive
- Add files to git to commit
- switch beetween unittest, and implemtation file
- handle surrounding characters of textobjects, for example change "foo" to 'foo'
- toggle any option that I toggle frequently in vim
- refactor multiline dicts and functions to single line and vice versa
- zoom to one of my splits

With zero keystokes I can
- see which lines have changed since last commit
- See any linting errors
- see in which branch I am in git

This is not possible in your unconfigured vim. Please correct me if I am wrong. I highly doupt that anyone does professional software development with unconfigured vim.

Br, user.


Yep, vis. Vi + improvements of Vim + Sam's regular expressions + Lua for plugins.

Very light, written from scratch in C and Lua. Not quite on par with (neo)Vim yet, but pretty good.


the "nerd" stuff
and slimv and bunch of others I don't remember

I use Spacevim

I don't have anything to say other than to ask: Why even bother using vim over VSCode or something?

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Unironically this.