Weebs of Jow Forums.
Is there someone who could help me get into anime encoding ? I would love to start a personal archive of self encoded stuff. Any resources about optimal settings, procedures to filter source or anything that comes with it. Perhaps some of you wouldn't mind spending some time helping an autist like me and explain some bits if you know anything personally.
Weebs of Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
man ffmpeg
If you want, you can easily find guides like this for VP8 and VP9 as well. However there's a reason why they aren't commonly used for anime.
Depending on what your sources will be, you might also want to take a look at this
Thank you for this, seems like a nice starting point. I know it's silly but I was hoping to skip the trial and error stage so I am looking for some tips on settings. and such I read that when there is too many dark scenes then the bitrate should be higher and filter should be applied if there is too much noise for example.
I will go learn about separate parts and fully understand their part in the whole scheme so I can figure some stuff out myself. I was planning on joining an IRC/Discord of some release groups but I am not sure if they wouldn't be annoyed.
Thanks a bunch again.
For quality encodes you usually go with a constant quality (usually defined by a constant rate factor = crf). This way the encoder makes sure every frame gets the bitrate it needs to achieve a certain level of quality. If look at the settings some people post, many go with crf 18 or 15 with libx264.
>filter should be applied if there is too much noise for example
That's what the 4th link is about. It covers the hqdn3d denoising filter.
And just how do you expect to accomplish a 4:4:4 720p downscale with that?
MKVToolnix GUI
x264 10 bit --preset veryslow --ref 8 --aq-mode 3 --aq-strength 0.8 --no-fast-pskip
Use MeGUI's one-click encoder and pay attention to the avisynth scripts it makes. This will teach you the basic syntax of avisynth so you can later make your own.
Sorry to hijack your thread, but I think my question is still quite relevant since it has something to do with encoding/ffmpeg.
Anyone has any idea which value to change to convert a rather large video to fit Jow Forums's file size constraint but with quality close to original? At first I tried with -crf 4 and -qmax 10. While the quality is almost the same with the original, but it can't fit because the video is cut in the middle probably because of the 4mb limit constraint. Then I tried again with -crf 4 and -qmax 50. While now the result file has all the duration, but the quality is very low.
Is there any sweet spot for Jow Forums webm's qmax/crf? Or is the only way to do trial and error from 10 to 50?
Not all sources are created equal.
ffmpeg may suffice sometimes but for shittier sources you'll need avisynth or vaporsynth. Learn your filters and not to abuse them.
I use this, maybe you can get some use out of part of it
#time format == HH:MM:SS.Milliseconds
#$1 == (start time)
#$2 == (end time)
parseSeconds() {
splitString=(${1//:/ })
splitArr=(${splitString[2]//./ })
totalSeconds=$(($((hours * 60 * 60))+$((minutes * 60))+$((seconds))))
echo $totalSeconds
#convert start/end time in time format to just seconds
startSeconds=$(parseSeconds $2)
endSeconds=$(parseSeconds $3)
#filesize = bitrate * duration
#bitrate = filesize / duration
lengthSeconds=$((endSeconds - startSeconds))
#-y sends yes for replacing and handling 2 pass
#output debug info from first pass to /dev/null
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -ss $2 -to $3 -c:v libvpx -an -sn -b:v $targetBitrate"k" -threads 12 -preset slower -pass 1 -f webm /dev/null && ffmpeg -i "$1" -ss $2 -to $3 -c:v libvpx -an -sn -b:v $targetBitrate"k" -threads 12 -preset slower -pass 2 $4
Sorry, forgot the (you)
Many thanks. Is it okay to omit -threads? My PC is only dual core.
Yeah, I editted it a bit to work better with longer webms, to use 2 threads, and only do single pass since double pass takes a while on a dual core
#time format == HH:MM:SS.Milliseconds
#$1 == (start time)
#$2 == (end time)
parseSeconds() {
splitString=(${1//:/ })
splitArr=(${splitString[2]//./ })
totalSeconds=$(($((hours * 60 * 60))+$((minutes * 60))+$((seconds))))
echo $totalSeconds
#convert start/end time in time format to just seconds
startSeconds=$(parseSeconds $2)
endSeconds=$(parseSeconds $3)
#filesize = bitrate * duration
#bitrate = filesize / duration
lengthSeconds=$((endSeconds - startSeconds))
Is hevc worth it? Also I'm assuming anime doesn't go up to 60fps eh?
Low bitrate encodes? Yes. High bitrate? If you have the crunching power or the time and copy a good group's settings you can see a reasonable reduction in size, but less so than at low bitrates.
Is hevc = x265? I'm not an expert but I prefer that to the regular one because small filesize.
I mean as a watcher, not encoder.
Just use VBR with qmax. qmax 50 is good start as minimum quality. Calculate the bitrate based on the file size limit and the length of the footage.
video_bitrate = size_limit_in_MB * 8 * 1000 / length_in_sec - audio_bitrate
libvpx doesn't have the preset option like libx264. You can choose between deadline (or quality; both have the same effect) best, good or realtime (default is best). Good and realtime can also be used in combination with cpu-used (I think speed works as well). For good you can set it from 0 (slowest) to 5 (fastest). Realtime can go up to 15 or 16. I don't use it, so I'm not quite sure.
Usually -deadline good -cpu-used 0 is the way to go. Produces pretty much the same results as best, but can be twice as fast in some cases. For the first pass use -deadline good -cpu-used 5, as it is faster and has no negative impact.
Also -threads 12 won't be utilized. libvpx determines the number of max. threads used via the video width. width / 500 (and the result always rounded down) is the max. number of threads utilized. So e.g. for a 1920x1080 video you can use 1-3 threads, not more.
>Calculate the bitrate based on the file size limit and the length of the footage
Won't that result in a file that's always at the maximum size limit?
Is using Sony Vegas pro to convert stuff considered encoding?
>Sony Vegas pro to convert stuff
why the fuck would you do that? It's like acquiring a whole car manufacturer just to commute to work
use ffmpeg or Handbrake if you're not good with cli
Yes, and in the best quality possible in that file size.
>Won't that result in a file that's always at the maximum size limit?
Basically. It's no exact science though. You might need to adjust the video bitrate based on the footage.
>4:4:4 720p
Autism. Just stop here.
4:2:0 8bit 720p with a decent bitrate is all you need.
ffmpeg -i foo -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 bar.mkv
Try HEVC too if you can decode it.
anamorphic widescreen
1 mbps cbr
10 bit
Thanks, user. I don't know a shitton about encoding, I just skimmed the man pages and did some simple math to calculate the desired bitrate.
>order of -i and -ss determines the method of seeking
Why the fuck am I just now finding this out?
This works fairly well but I had to add variable filesize based on duration. Currently I am using
length >= 90s 28000
length >= 60s 32000
length >= 30s 35500
What's bufsize
"-bufsize specifies the decoder buffer size, which determines the variability of the output bitrate "
Higher value means it has more variance, lower value keeps it closer to the desired average bitrate.
HEVC is trash for anime right now and the only people that use it don't know what they're doing.
Wouldn't it be good for an older SD show like DBZ? Since it is a lower bitrate wouldn't you get a smaller filesize?
Could you please explain why?
Why? It supports 10-bit and the banding doesn't seem any worse.