
Attached: it triggers me.jpg (3024x4032, 983K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can name you one worse:
The source code for Homeworld Cataclysm wasn't at least just cucked and still exists, it was just lost after development ended so gearbox couldn't remaster it.

We'll never get a remaster of spess zombies.

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no gold cd.

I have like 5 copies of that anyway lol

Xbox hueg devkit used by some little shit as his gayming case.

I’ve got like 3 copies of those. Found them at a Big Lots once and just fuckin bought them. Why were they there?

You can see the small bloodstain in the lower left of a programmer who coded so hard his fingertips got raw and started bleeding. Little known starcraft lore.


Why do you even share this information with me. It makes me cringe even more.

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srsly? Image that shit and upload it.

My friend
At least the remaster is platinum under wine after you install dotnet40.

It's all I ever really needed.

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What are you waiting for son, upload it to tpb right now.
That is the legend.
Why such kind of people do such kind of things and how they can live with this shit. It is like trying to live after committeeing a cruel crime.
Who the fuck cares if you have those copies, anyone can acquire them. Just open tpb or search for them over any torrent tracker and it will be there. So anyone can download it.

I really disbelieve this son of a bitch.
I just got baited.

Attached: rebbi.png (1017x855, 55K)

fucking autists, who gives a shit
go back to /v/

Fuck me. I'm not an aspie, they are retarded as fuck. I just don't get it, why this motherfucker did this to the internet. First he took a picture of what he found and then mailed it to blizzard.

I would beat him for that. Such manners must be stopped. Its an cringy attitude, when you think from the community point of view. Why the fuck you would return something that can be copied and shared with others.
Guy is legitimate a loser, even among losers. He is worse.

But he got some kewl loot for it and become a blizzard hero

What would leaking it of done? sc1 was already cracked, the version of this was ancient and of value to literally nobody.

viral marketing at its finest
wasnt even real

pleb gamers reveal themselves as pleb gamers yet again
starcraft doesn't matter, the code and components used to build it do.

Imagine if everybody knew how to write good net code.

>good net code

Dude, you gotta be baiting me.
With this piece that he returned to blizzard, everyone could have starcraft without crack. Everyone could create new content and insert it on the main role of the game.

But this trend faggot, straight from the worse place on internet, kept it from everyone.. he deserves a beating.
He makes part of the scum over the earth. I don't know how he manage to not feel a piece of shit everyday. He could be part of something big using a pseudonym, yet, he choose the path of being a dumbass who sold itself for what, less than 10k?

I don't think so.

It could've quickly spawned an opensc project similar to openmw, openrct2, dhewm3, etc.

The devs of Earth 2150 wanted to release the source code.
Then they lost all data in a flood.

>What would leaking it of done? sc1 was already cracked, the version of this was ancient and of value to literally nobody.
I just want to learn how professionals code.
So much knowledge about coding is hidden behind corporate doors. Especially when it comes to vidja.

A lot of iD stuff is released, but yeah shit sucks that we can't get a glimpse at the source code.

The source is a late 90s C++ disaster zone. Would still be cool to look at and try to get running though.

>A lot of iD stuff is released
Was released. ID only released their engines under GPL when Carmack was in charge because Carmack was a foss enthusiast and after he was done making money from a product he was glad to make it public.

Hell will freeze before any of the bethesda-era id engines gets re-released under a foss license.

Something similarr happened to Westwood Studios' Blade Runner game. The studio moved from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and during the move, the entire source code to the game was lost. It's a shame to since the game is pretty features music tracks from the original and tells an amazing side-story to the one in the movie. It was also pretty fucking unique in how it handles Voight-Kampf tests and the sheer amount of endings, not to mention thye voxel usage creating a unique and mesmerizing atmosphere.


>Hell will freeze before any of the bethesda-era id engines gets re-released under a foss license.
To be fair, Bethesda has every reason to not want to release their own code.
It must be horrifying to look at.

I'm sure it's just a matter of company culture, which extends into their sub-companies.

Idiots this is old news. Fag posted it on reddit or somewhere and blizzard sent lawyers. They recovered the CD because the fag had no other options. They gave him some shitty gayming keyboard and some games and some store credit. Too bad this wasn't uploaded.

upload to Archive.org and see if it gets taken down

if you don't upload it your are faggot or liar

Upload it somewhere, dude.

>Fag posted it on reddit
It's always stupidity. There should be a public service announcement if that you find anything like this, immediately image it and take backups, then secretly release it somewhere. I recommend Tor to upload it somewhere, since it'll work well enough even for idiots to keep vidya lawyers off you.
And then of course don't boast about leaking it. You don't want credit for revealing stalin's secrets.

Guy with multiple gold starcraft discs from big lots here.


Stay mad bitches.

>I just want to learn how professionals code.
I know a guy who worked in game development (coded for mercenaries playground of destruction). His opinion on carmack, he codes like a 12 yo. He's decent at business management though.


>I don't have them
Okay cool

so you got nothing actually

>this shit again
No, you don't care about StarCraft at all. I bet you don't even play them. But since it was done by a reddit user, you just want to shit on them and reddit to make you feel fit in.

Why would they store the source code on a disk?

Standard practice back then (StarCraft is older than you appear to notice, 1998).

You have to understand those disks are like women, sharing is caring.

But when they get too old then fewer or no one will be interested.

>commies think he did the wrong thing
Source code is property if the devs, Stallman.

Kill yourself.

Id rather have the diablo 2 sauce code desu

why would you want source code for shitty d2 engine this when there are more advanced hack and slash games that would just need assets to recreate d2 feel?

Nu-/v/ gtfo

i just wish blizzard uploaded some of their unit ai and pathfinding code. This is the main problem in making rts engines work well.

>no d2 lod source

kill me now

just say that you want the assets. everyone knows d2 has a shitty engine especially when you consider how retarded the game actes in pvp when you move rapidly.

true story: one time I found an old HDD containing all the DirectX11 and some Windows 7 source code. it was junk that my cousin who worked at Microsoft threw away. I opened the HDD, rubbed magnets on the disk, and cut the disk into dozens of pieces with a wire cutter to make sure no linuxcuck pirates could ever get their hands on the DX11 code and use it for emulating pirated PC games in WINE.

*disclaimer: not actually a true story

I would have given it back too.

You did the right thing, fuck linuxfags

So what does that many dicks in your mouth taste like?

The pathfinding in SC1 was terrible though.

Who the fuck cares.

It is dated code and the art and assets on it are still the IP of Blizzard-Activision.

Any serious attempt to do an open-source SC1 would have been shut down fast by Blizzard-Activision lawyers.

It isn't exactly "abandonware".

They wouldn't fix it because die-hard competitive-fags would complain that it would "disrupt" their precious balance. Blizzard attempted to fix the sprite draw buffer in SC1: Remastered (which would have made Valkyries viable) but competitive-fags screamed bloody murder and it was never fixed in the public release.

Protip: SC1 Brood Wars was never balanced. It is 100% tailored towards a subset of inflexible die-hard competitive-fags who cannot attempt to change. That's partly why they never liked SC2.

Square deliberately erased the 3D scene data for FFVII's prerendered backgrounds to "protect their corporate secrets".

>And then of course don't boast about leaking it
You can include an SHA256 sum of a photo of your face with it or something. You'll have the choice to post the photo and brag when the statute of limitations passes.

>he codes like a 12 yo
What does this mean?

If you can't defend it, you don't own it.

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I thought it was amazing how they basically had to reverse engineer the entire game when doing the PC port of FFVII.

square is such a bunch of fucking retards.

The devs for WINE and ReactOS aren't even allowed to look at the Windows source code to avoid getting potentially harassed by Microsoft. It has to be 100% "clean." They actually kicked out some ReactOS dev who admitted to having the source code or something.

>blocks ur path

Attached: 0cf4260a41984b56a7836236221217a0.jpg (1152x1536, 261K)

>Blizzard attempted to fix the sprite draw buffer in SC1: Remastered (which would have made Valkyries viable)
Interesting. How would it make Valkyries viable?


>of done

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 41K)

>fork WINE anonymously
>put blatantly copied windows/directx source code in it
>upload as torrent
>microsoft can't do shit about it

There is a tape somewhere in sega with songs for the sonic 3 recorded by Michael Jackson himself.
He beatboxed the whole thing with multitrack so he's the voice, instruments, bass etc..
That would be the most terrible thing to destroy.

Property is meme for weaklets. Buhuuuu pls, state protect me!!!!

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>How would it make Valkyries viable?
sc1 had a problem when there were too many units trying to fire projectiles they would hit a limit leaving other units twiddling their thumbs unable to attack

not really sure about that specific case, but I imagine because valkyries draw a bunch of missiles, one could fill the buffer with sprites (think a shit load of zerglings) thus preventing the valkyries from firing off their missiles rendering them useless.

>Michael the hedgehog.

Attached: michael_jackson_the_hedgehog_by_anamariathehedgehog-d48bfx4.png (435x828, 121K)

We got an expert fisherman in the thread bois.

I really won't be surprised at fucking all.

Property doesn't require a state. It is sufficiently enforced by individual uncoordinated violence. Read jim.com/rights.html.

They would murder mutalisk and wrath stacking.

One salvo from a decent size group of Vayrikes = dead clump of mutalisks.

Die-hard competitive fags (mainly Zerg mains) cried about it and they are the main reason why Psionic Storm was nerfed hard back in the day.


I'm not sure it would make much difference. As it is valks are sometimes used to combat mutas, but they build so slow that getting enough valks for the bug to matter is very unlikely, and the mutas needs to fuck off even when faced with a single valk if its over marines.

This is why I hate "gamers" and "gamer culture". It's filled with corporate fanboys that will let any studio fuck them over entirely. Most gamers are underage either physically or mentally (i.e. being 30 and having the mental capacity of a 15 year old).

If you haven't grown bored with video games by 19-20ish, there's almost no hope for you. You will continue to live in squalor as a gaymer faggot.

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agreed. Gaymers are the worst group out there, they worship corporate cock and spend thousands of their (parents’) money on trash. But to each their own.

I remember when I was 14 and I thought all those upcoming Halo 3 """pros""" were kewl xD. Then when I finally became their age, I finally realized they were losers with no skills, no education, and no future outside of US GAYMERS AMIRITE?

Let them live their life though.

t. Veronica

Who? I had a roommate named Veronica, she was this Chinese girl that would bang everyone in the house.

Did she bang you?


The url speaks for itself

Macfags are still worse.
They're the epitome of technology hating bastards.

Nope, but she did call me daddy. I wasn't gonna' fuck with her seeing as I have a South Korean girlfriend atm.

Macfags at least aren't greasy, pimply, socially autistic losers. They're just ignorant losers that know basic hygiene and fashion.

And what the semen of strangers in the bus station tastes like.

I love how Macfags will pay top dollar for 5-10 years old Macs on Craigslist and ebay still.

At least they don't physically stink. They shower after they get fucked in the ass. Gaymers don't shower.


>Macfags are still worse.
Which ones? There are different types. Mac users are more than just the newer generation of social media snowflakes and the older "everything mac can do is better than windows" types.

I personally like the older blogging generation that spent their free times making applications for Mac OS X. They seem just right in the head to think about better things to do things, instead of simply doing what all other applications does. I don't think Apple panders to these people anymore tho, and I don't think there will be enough new people to replace the ones that get fed up with current day Apple.

I think we'll end up with a generation of Mac users that hang on to their older Macs, a bit like the ones that still use their PPC Macs.

I have a feeling everything I just said is bullshit, but there are more different types of users, so you can't simply label them all as Macfag.

>It is 100% tailored towards a subset of inflexible die-hard competitive-fags who cannot attempt to change.
You mean autismos.

There's plenty of competitive games that aren't full-on autistic. Like C&C Generals, where the micro game actually requires you to think on the fly to make the most out of the various properties of units.
Like using an ambulance to destroy a bunch of anti-tank infantery units and a building in construction, because you can crush infantry and your enemy decided to use the TNT charge ability on your ambulance which has an area of effect.

I fucking hate how SC and SC2 are so fucking restrictive in terms of gameplay. They lack the freedom that makes RTS fun.
It's more like playing a game of "the one who's less perfect about fighting the UI and repeating the same steps endlessly loses" than it is about being better than your opponent.

Square is a really weird-ass company.

Objectively speaking, they literally do not know how to design a game. I once went on a Final Fantasy dive. Played about six or so of the games.
Every single fucking one was unplayable and broken in some fashion. Often it's blatantly obvious that systems are put into the games for no actual reason.
Look at money and random encounters in FF10, for example, which is a game too linear for the ingame economy to make any sense.
Or the entirety of FF2's level-up system. Or FF8's level-up system. And I don't even remember what was retarded in FF7, but there was a lot.

The only one that was good was FF1, but that's purely from a high-concept point of view. Starting the game with a "full" quest and then having you cross the bridge and see the actual title screen was a genius move.
However, the game was also hilariously disfunctional and broken.

I'd like to think nu-iD has better programmers than the Bethesda's programmers for Elder Scrolls/Fallout.