Apply for job

>apply for job
>ask me obscure math shit
>job was just for basic web dev and html

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Welcome to life 4.0 nigger.

CS brainlets btfo

>obscure math shit
Booh, babby didn't know how to big O.

did you fail fizzbuzz user

I'm conflicted about my options
Job 1
>applied at C# ASP.NET webdev place
>£25,000 - £37,000
>interview went well
>could hear back off them next week

Job 2
>applied at Java place
>£??,??? - £??,???
>further away
>telephone interview went very well
>asked to come in for interview in few weeks

Job 3
>£??,??? - £??,???
>literally woke up at 10:00AM because of boomer on a fucking mower
>bored and busted a nut
>get a call - unrecognised number
>telephone interview at further away webdev place
>completely forgot and nearly overslept (saved by a boomer)
>barely held it together, both collecting my thoughts and trying to sound professional, with cum on my hands
>phone interview...could have gone better
>asked to cone in for a day to work with them (sort of like a day-long interview)

>sum of first n primes
>ask me obscure math shit

Just pursue all of them until you get offers. I've been through so many recruitment processes that seemed like they were going great and I just got cut off with no explanation.

What kind of math

>1.294 times 10 to the second power equals 129.4
>without a calculator

>user, this is how human beings are supposed to think

Job 1 is near and market for .net is huge, get work experience and change to better job.

>At a job interview that I've prepared hard for
>the interviewer asks me meme questions
>one of the meme questions they ask is how many windows there are on the empire state building
I felt like walking out after that desu

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>miss one fucking call from a place I applied to over 2 months ago
>call back
>sorry we can't offer another time for an interview

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If it helps...
I was trained with the idea that you never said "sorry" unless it was your fault. So it was their fault. Not yours. They've admitted it.
If it isn't your fault you express regret etc.

big O is not math, cuck.

Someone who complains about a bit of math doesn't know the difference

>need calculator to multiply by a hundred
user, what type of low level retard are you? That's elementary school math.

Fucking hell, is that a normal wage for bong developers?

Get multiple offers and make them bid for you

this is normal in western europe.

that is before tax too. most bongs take home ~€1100/month

Do they really ask such interview questions in America?

At my place it's usually questions like "Where do you see yourself in 5 years".

We have good health care here in first world europe. It is worth way more than big numbers

The no healthcare meme only applies to poors. If you have big numbers as an americuck, you can pay for quality healthcare. And if you actually take care of your body, you won't need it as much, and you won't have to subsidize the quadruple bypass for the landwhale next door.

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I'm guessing they had to interview you for HR reasons but had zero intention of hiring you.

stop wagecucking

So I applied for entry level consultancy and they offered €2800/month, car, phone, laptop, healthcare, retirement funding with a permanent contract after a year, including a raise up to €3200/month.

Just gotta not fuck it up for a year and I can buy a house. I'm gonna have fun shoving all the blame to you guys while I do absolutely fucking nothing.

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>what is private insurance
>what is private insurance when you're a 30yo male and not a obese 50yo black woman
you fell for the meme, redditor

"the blame to you guys"? Who are the "you guys?" Us here on the board or the people who were foolish enough to hire you?

How do I get to where you are now?

what the fuck? that's lower than my literal SEA 3rd world salary

The people who do actual programming

Did some meme data science master's degree. Companies eat that shit up, I don't know jack shit.

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>be security nignog
>expected to know EVERYTHING about security
>web, network, crypto, math, code, QA, etc
>have published CVE's, given talks at cons, have published books, maintain highly technical blog and have hundreds of commits on github to numerous technical projects, run local club on infosec
>NONE OF THIS MATTERS because I flubbed the question on explaining the difference between Block Ciphers and Stream Ciphers
>Despite being more experienced than everyone on the team, resume thrown in the trash for not knowing everything

Such is life

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>the difference between Block Ciphers and Stream Ciphers
are you a brainlet? that is basic

Apply to somewhere else. There are some security companies out there that'll eat talent up.

Tax is handled completely different in EU.

never had this happen in any interview in europe to be honest with you fampai
it's always some fizzbuzz tier thing and or a simple take home assignment (make api with 3 endpoints or show this data in a table kind of shit) that takes 1-2 hours
I've had a few that wanted 40+ hours (like computer vision shit or making a full fledged app) but I just told them go pound sand

Yeah, no. Not possible, I make more in poland. Maybe minimum wage bongs in rural areas make this kind of salary, definietely not developers (even junior) in major cities.

wages in britain are low but this is because gbp was worth way more before and the jews don't adjust
also healthcare and pension and other insurance shit is taken off with taxes

>apply for job
>ask me fucking nothing on topic
>cancel entire recruitment process, because their planned project's customer dropped the project for them taking several months
>mfw I was likely expected to work as inefficent as a public office

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Yes, none of that other shit matters if you don't understand the technology

I applied to webdev/ux shit job and they started asking me to implement doubly linked list on white board. I said it's implemented on every major programming language as core datastruct already and then hiked my wage request by a few hundred for not doing redundant work for no reason. They told me to get out and not apply ever again.

I felt immense satisfaction when I noticed their offices had been vacated and whole business had gone bust not a year later.

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Fake news. That's not even close to minimum wage. Post-tax is like £16k p/a, or about €1.5k/mo.

I assume you're talking about full-time employment, of course

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Often people will give tough interview questions not because it relates to the job, but they want to filter out the people who don't know how to approach a problem they don't know the answer to.

Damn, I really like it when people make 4k HD ready pictures of memes. It's actual art, unlike actual art.

>4k HD ready pictures
What does this even mean? The picture isn't HD, but it's “ready”?'s not even 1080 vertical lines.

Attached: hmmm uhd.svg.png (4096x4096, 41K)

those are smug startup programmers on mount stupid

>taking figures of speech seriously
Well, guess it was bound to trigger some autismo after all.

>>ask me obscure math shit
pic related

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Yeah unless you work in finance you’re fucked

Yes, it is. It's asymptotic analysis of functions, which is math.

OP means this

> he doesn't know the difference between block and stream cyphers

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>>> 4k HD ready
> m-muh autism, rite guiz?
Yeah, no, you're a faggot.

>Go to interview
>They ask me questions that have nothing to do with my expertise
>I politely explain that my area of expertise does not lend towards answering such a question
>They take note and move on
Why is this so hard, user? Missing a question on an interview doesn't mean you fail. Sometimes when we interview people, we expect them to fail certain questions and only bother to ask them because it would be very impressive if they got it right.

right, and if you take out the costs of healthcare (calculate here using the amount the average person may need over their lifetime divided by how long you work, since you can't possibly predict what you yourself are going to need this is a valid way to make the calculation) you're going to end up at an equal or lower amount compared to the numbers someone from western europe would make.

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its funny that you say that, because you can be a programmer and get the same shit (and more) if you work at a consultancy. Let me guess: you're in the Netherlands and work for Capgemini, Atos, Accenture or Deloitte?

>applied for job
>in Interview she asks what are the 4or5 critical parts to run a pc
>dind't knew the answer
>she said i should try a nigger tier job like it system electronics technician
>my Depression got even stronger
>mfw unemployed since that day for two years

>all my autistic roleplaying doesn't matter because I can't explain the basics of my field
Hmm yes working as intended.

Motherboard, CPU, RAM, interface peripherals, and RGB LEDs.

But can you name the function of each colour of LED?

Kill yourself, retard.

E-Excuse me I need to go to the restroom.

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I don't know. My dental and health insurance costs me less than $1000 a year. I don't know how much my employer pays, but it isn't included in my salary.

In France I was paid 24.000e
But if you factor all the taxes (VAT, Income, Communal stuff, etc...) I probably got something like 1300e/month and then the 600e rent... and the 50e car insurance... 50e electricity bill... etc.. etc..
Can't even afford an escort

As a Junior web-dev out of Uni i made £18000 before taxes, £15,600 after.
That rose to £22k before taxes, £18k after, 6 months into the job. Will probably increase to like £24k in a year or 2 and max out at like £35k i'm guessing unless i take on more responsibilities like becoming a lead dev, because it's a smallish company and not in a great city for Jobs.

You will only get a good salary here if you're in a tech hub, which would be London, Cambridge, or Manchester. To an American even a salary in these hubs would seem low because 1. Your used to seeing higher numbers due to the cost of the dollar vs the pound, and 2. I'm guessing Silicon Valley salaries have skewed your perceptions.

This user is also right. In 2008 £1 was worth $2, 10 years on and it's now worth $1.2. So if your comparing against US salaries a £50k salary here would have been $100k, now it's only $60k - so you might have thought that the average wage would go up to match this, but actually they have just stayed the same.

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I got paid £25k as a grad in South Wales with a 3-5% annual bonus.
Most of the companies that pay under that are pure garbage and are just looking for cheap labour for the most menial tasks possible.

I agree with you, and i could have gotten a better wage at another company but i instead chose the company that i would get the most variety on in terms of projects, and a company that i deemed to be a better work environment. Ultimately a few thousand difference is chump change, and i don't plan on working 9-5 like a slave for the rest of my life if i can help it.

>All those people whining about fizzbuzz in the comments
Why are webdevs such insufferable retards?

what the fuck is going through toyota's mind at this point

CS brainlets are a fucking joke

>This post is near and dear to me and all to similar to many “interviews” I’ve been on. The whole fixbuzz thing is a huge joke. I have never used the or heard of PHP’s modulous operator before or since I failed the fizzbuzz test.
>I’m also learning that if you have mastered all the skills listed in the description then why would you be interested in their company? You’d be at Google or something.
kek, you heard it here first, if you know fizzbuzz you should be working at Google

>that comment section
I can smell the onions from here

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Back in hs my friend applied to an accelerated learning program at a local college, there was some wierd review period he and the other applicants underwent during the summer, sort of like the show Big Brother or Survivor, at the end of the review period the remaining applicants would be interviewed and my friend got asked stupid weird questions like
>How much is too much
or something.

Simple, just ask how many floors, how many windows per side, only facade windows or interiour windows included etc.

It is not about a number, it's about the approach and not noping out the second you don't know something.

>Not knowing the difference between block ciphers and stream ciphers


Don't be surprised ur on g

correct answer:
"idk, ask siri nigguh"

Will getting a tan and using curry as deoderant make them go easier on me?

>Applying to a job
>'When was the last time you had a job?'
>'Over two years ago'
>'...What you have been doing all this time?'

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Everything in the universe is math, brainlet

you mean it can be modeled using math, dunce

this hit too close home

installing gentoo
discovering my inner self in a religious quest in india.

there are tons of bs shit answers you could give.

>he doesn't like math

Never going to make it.

some backwards ass logic

Start applying now before they deem fizzbuzz racist and thus illegal to use in an interview.

>interview is going well
>whiteboard rolls in

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>£25,000 - £37,000
LMAO I got paid $75,000 (£59,000) straight out of college. The absolute state of the UK.

how hard is it to actually get an entry level programming job?

>how the pajeet become a callcenter scammer instead of a google employee
the post(s)

It was a test to make sure you were not a brainlet.
You failed, sorry.

I'm on £30k and that's enough to live on without having to worry about finances.
I don't know how it is in the US, but taking home £2k a months is honestly more than i realistically need. I don't use even close to that much.
Remember we're not paying out for insurance or absurd bay-area rent

It is. They are also called Landau symbols and occasionally used in analysis completly outside of computer science, usually as a form of error term.

They ha decided that they didn't like you or they already had someone they wanted to get the job.
Some companies have a rule that all jobs must be advertised externally. This is how the HR people subvert that rule.

>tfw I get 9k$ for being a plsql dev
>tfw can't change job because anxiety not allows me to solve problems on a whiteboard in limited time while being watched by 3 people.

The only reason I work there because there wasn't a whiteboard interview to begin with.

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Go for C# because it's a language that won't drive you insane, as a webdev.