Is Android even fixable at this point? Seriously I can run newest Linux on my 12 year old laptop smoothly...

Is Android even fixable at this point? Seriously I can run newest Linux on my 12 year old laptop smoothly. How google managed to make so shitty modification of Linux?

Attached: android jakautuminen.png (205x404, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>coming out with new versions of software is somehow a bad thing
>Smartphone companies pushing people to buy their new expensive profit making cell phones rather than maintaining old smartphones is somehow the fault of Android

The version "problem" is from the cell phone jews trying to push new hardware. Older phones technically support new versions of Android perfectly fine.
The only real problems with Android are the Google botnet and the fact the OS is Java.

Both are based on Linux
The difference is android has to deal with lots of proprietary firmware

You already posted this and got your reply.

Not based on Linux, have the Linux kernel.
The Android kernel is based on the Linux Kernel but Androoid itself isn't based on a kernel

>Older phones technically support new versions of Android perfectly fine.
They need new drivers. SoC and camera manufactures don't make them for newer Android versions, that's why old phones with custom roms rely on a bunch of shimmys and blobs.

the kernel has a shitton of drivers that have to be dealt with too yknow

>The difference is android has allowed lots of proprietary firmware
Trying to please everybody in search of market dominance.
Look where it's got them.

Lots of money from illiterate poor normie demographic? Seems like a good deal

I believe you mean both are based on GNU/Linux so Android is GNU/Linux/proprietary firmware,nor as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux plus backdoored modem drivers

>old GNU+Linux kernels

as far as i remember google did only 1 thing well in the last 10 years: Go. it's not even google tho, more like Ken and Pike

Can't they just make drivers for cameras etc. seperate? You don't need constantly new drivers for that. Even my webcam from early 2000's works on windows with some general drivers from 12 years ago.

it's Google's fault for not separating system updates from carrier updates and device specific updates.

>3rd party companies dont give updates after 2 years
>somehow blames google for this


They just implemented that with Oreo, project treble. Every android phone that shipped with Oreo or higher can run a generic image of AOSP with no issues, assuming the boot loader is unlockable.

That's why Android Oreo exist.

Based KitKat users

Man I miss my nexus 5.
Easily rooted with a lot of good roms..
Good phone design died after that. Why won't they make a new m7 or nexus 5 styled phone with updated bezels baka

Attached: google-nexus-5-lg-d820-d821-android-kitkat-44-white-casing-color.jpg (800x287, 136K)


Thanks for the (You).

ur welcome

but seriously, wtf is going on with the shitt Jow Forums servers? I can't post in some threads

The nexus 5 was amazing. Google went full retard with the pixel phones.
I got the Nokia 6 as a replacement,

That's why in place of buying a new phone I just bought an HP surface clone and turned off the wifi on my Note 4 as its updates have stopped.

>oems don't properly implement google's vanilla android(aosp)


>google tried to lock out people who don't implement aosp properly


Make up your fucking minds fa/g/gots.

>OS is Java
1. It's not
2. What android runs isn't even Java

Attached: 1532424697210.png (1200x1335, 269K)

>shitty modification of Linux?
No. 25 days without rebooting and no problems.

Attached: IMG_20180812_131631.jpg (720x1280, 106K)
Serial: 224C4e7?930
How close am I?

Android does not contain any GNU parts that I know of.
t. someone who always say GNU/Linux when applicable

not familiar with your second example

Shitty doesn't mean it's going to crash entirely on you. Although, I have seen that happen to some people's phones. A friend of mine still has an S4, and the last official Samsung updates he got caused his phone to reboot periodically and have other horrendous issues.


Samsung phones from the S4 period including note 4 were designed to burn out after 24 months as wear leveling of the flash chip was omitted.

Premium android/ios smartphones and tablets should be ditched. There are mobile devices like

which are as repairable as a good laptop and receive indefinite patches from your OS of choice.

What's the point of having a new OS if it's going to slow down your phone and give you worse battery life? That's literally what every iOS version does.

only compiles with gcc

I did think of that as I was typing my post. Does that count? Genuinely curious. I thought it was more about the coreutils, which are replaced by busybox or something else on Android.

Linux is a kernel, brainlet.

no, because linux blobs are built out of tree and chad linux makes sure to break kernel abi to fuck over retards who try and do this. thus why you have a lot of shitware that has vague text like "works on linux 3.12.x" but fails to work on anything newer.

Its just Linux and the Android OS. In fact there are no utils like coreutils or busybox or anything like that in Android.

Yeah, I remembered as I was writing my post that I've manually installed busybox on android before, so I went and added "or something else". I guess the bits that take the place of GNU are just what we call Android.

The GNU site has a whole page for shitting on Android and how it's not GNU, presumably because creating anything vaguely useful to non-autists goes against everything the GNU project stands for