Where does HDtracks source their 24bit 96kHz flac files of the big bands from?

where does HDtracks source their 24bit 96kHz flac files of the big bands from?

Attached: 1534022424449 (1).jpg (607x720, 60K)

Probably reel-to-reel tapes.

What's with the 4 black lines in the picture?

i don't know. maybe someone wanted to repost it on a board where it already existed

The record labels. Almost all digital recordings are captured at a bitrage of ''''32 bit float'''', and down sampled to 16 bit during the mastering process. It's not too much for them to produce a 24 bit version as well.

millennial employee: i'd really appreciate being paid the same as an experienced manager or entry level engineer even though i work in retail sales or entry level tech support

non-bitch millennial employee: i realize what labor is actually worth on the market, and that it's a global knowledge economy, so I did everything within my power to remain competitive in such circumstances and i'm actually not doing bad

You know, I think both are correct.
There are some regions where cost of living has risen much faster than wages, especially starting wages, but those regions still need people in low experience, labor and unskilled work.
It's not always something the employer can do something about, but there will be cases of that.

Although, I do think a lot of millennials have been caught in the consumerist trap. They have to have Starbucks every day. They have to replace their cellphone every year. They have to have certain levels of technology in their homes/apartments.
Companies are trying to make you spend money, and a lot of millennials are just falling for it.

>I'm cucked and proud, may I please pay $1.5m for a house now Mr. Boomer?

From the record labels? Where do you think they get them from?

Could someone please explain this shit to me? Why do people feel like they should just be given a "livable wage" because they're willing to spend 40 hours a week asking if you want fries with that? If they're so unqualified and unskilled that they can't earn enough to survive without appealing to pity, shouldn't they just die? Is it really their employer's fault they have no marketable skills or assets that would allow them to earn more? And if they truly cannot live on that wage and the employer needs someone to fill the position, how are they still in business? It doesn't add up.

Attached: 1506270377291.png (363x481, 175K)

this. only business owners and people with 8 years of college under their belt should be able to earn enough to live comfortably

>spend 40 hours a week earning money for the company
>get a pittance in return
Now, if you freely increase peoples' wages if they have good attitudes and do good service, that's one thing.
If they can only get a pay rise once a year and they have to beg for it, and you give them 10c extra an hour even though they've been model workers, that's another thing.

>8 years of college
Or even 2 years of trade school. Nobody should be able to live comfortably in a minimum wage position, these should be temporary jobs you take while trying to become a productice and useful person. Trying to coast through life in a McDonald's hat absolutely should be a miserable experience, that behavior should not be encouraged by any society that does not wish to be overrun by unskilled idiots. Nobody owes you a comfortable life. You are welcome earn it if you can be arsed to put in the effort.

Neither how much money you enable your employer to earn nor how well you perform your menial task are really relevant. If your employer could not make that money without you then you could demand higher wages, this issue only arises if your role can be filled by a 16 year old. You only get a pittance if that's what you're worth. You don't have the assets to run a company and you don't have skills to be vital to their company. What makes you think your attitude is actually worth anything? The fat fuck will still buy a McShitter Deluxe whether you suck his chode or say "Welcome motherfucker."

Exactly. Also when you're 18 you have to leave home and spend those 8 years of being unable to support yourself by yourself.

>Nobody should be able to live comfortably in a minimum wage position
why not? there is already incentive to get a better job and thats not being a fucking garbage man or flipping greasy food all day. though that said i dont think anyone wants to be a surgeon either and they are literally just in it for the money. but comfortable wages does not mean you wouldn't want more either, there are better lives than simply being able to afford food and a place to live every month

>Nobody should be able to live comfortably in a minimum wage position, these should be temporary jobs you take while trying to become a productice and useful person.

that would work if these corps weren't completely and utterly relying on people who didn't go to school. Many fast food joints/convenient stores/grocery stores/gas stations are open 24/7 and sometimes even holidays. You think college students/graduates have the fucking time/desire to work the 3rd shift 6 days a week? Do you think your drunken 3am chicken sandwiches are made automagically?

From shellac, probably.

It happens on iPhone when you crop images. If you touch the edges too early it will think you’re drawing on the image, which whoever screenshotted the original image probably did and didn’t bother to fix it.

TL;DR phone faggots.

There’s literally nothing wrong with being a garbage man
Soon fast food will be 100% automated

You think real estate bubble is because of employers? Maybe you should look into it before making a fool out of yourself.

I'll give you a hint: it's central banks and government meddling, not free market.

Is this loss?