How do I bind caps lock to do the same thing as escape in vim?

How do I bind caps lock to do the same thing as escape in vim?

How do I bind $mod+enter to open a terminal in fullscreen, and shift+$mod+enter to open a floating terminal in i3?

>inb4 use a search engine
Currently I use double j as esc and it's messy but I can't find a way to write capslock without vim config not recognizing it.

t. Vimlet

Attached: 8289894856339570595995copyImage.jpg (639x695, 36K)

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Vim is a fucking abomination, why do people use it again?



doesn't nano work through ssh?

ed is the standard editor

Google it, retard.

Add "&& i3-msg floating toggle" after the command.

Xcape might be what you're looking for.

What does this do exactly?
What is Xcape?

I googled it, couldn't find anything once again

it is a bit faster than using the mouse for normal navigation, and macros are a godsend when you need them

i3-msg sends out actions the same way as a key combo bound to "bindsym". If you still don't get it, type i3 and then tab until you see the options in a terminal window. Or contact Airblader.


Try running setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape in your shell
This will be desktop-wide; not sure if you can do it in just vim.

If you want to persist it, add it to i3's config as an auto exec thingie.

>not having a solution like TRAMP to edit remote files without relying on whatever garbage is installed on that remote machine

Nano is slow as fuck to edit shit with. Vin is so much more powerful

setv floating enable class="yourterminalname"
Or something
Read the fucking manual you dipshit


what are you editing on, a toaster?

Could you find a more stupid thing to post?

It's super comfy, I haven't found anything better.

He's talking about stuff like changing whole words or lines, using macros, and other things nano lacks.

its edible anyway