How useful is TempleOS?

Pardon someone who is not programming litterate. How useful is Terry Davis TempleOS operating system? Does anyone have personl experience with it?

Attached: TempleOS_4_05_session.png (640x480, 25K)

Only way to speak to god.

just D O G

Have you spoken to God?


it isn't. get mad Jow Forums :^)

For any practical purposes, it's worse than useless. But if you appreciate the novelty of an OS that is shot through with Biblical references and lets you "talk to God," then it's worth checking out.

The fact that not even his creator uses it should be a good indication.

Nice try, cia nigger.

It features no networking and security, so it's useless for any task other than fucking around with it.
Multitasking is a thing in TempleOS, but a single process can take it down, not that you'd get much use out of it with how limiting lack of any networking is.

God has spoken to me

>Does anyone have personl experience with it?
Yeah. Pretty fun to program with.

t. CIA nigger

its essentially a less functional commodore clone with shitty graphics and sound. and a modified C language. that isnt portable to anything else.

Once powerfull enough RISC-V computers become a thing, I will try to port /rewrite TempleOS to the platform. RING 0 is the future baby!

That's a rather interesting looking UI there.

It was developed by a fucking lunatic, so I imagine it's not very useful at all. I mean, look at the ugly-ass UI.

Lunatic or no, he wrote an entire OS.
How can a lunatic program?

Attached: 1533745442223.jpg (1356x854, 78K)

No-one, except maybe terry himself, would call this useful. But who cares about that? It's fun and impressive, that's all that matters.

>How can a lunatic program?
Generally, they're the ony ones who can, or want to.

Attached: ahh4.png (600x500, 397K)

Does Terry have a preferred text data format? I'm tired of using JSON and YAML looks very unholy

whoa, did Terry make a script for dubs?

he's incredibly knowledgable in machine architecture and low-level programming. I watched a few of those old interviews/clips the other day and I was blown away. You can tell he's batshit insane, but he knows his shit.