post shitty tech
Post shitty tech
You first
How is the weather in Tel Aviv?
why would OP think the most secure OS is bad?
Openbsd is a meme
This absolute garbage trend.
what the heck?
woah rude :\
This guy, everytime.
brainlets can't into openbsd
lurk moar
This is indeed VERY shitty. I should make a thread with more details, but i will tell you now that if you start the installation process of OpenBSD and when you reach the time to partition the disk you turn the computer off cleanly, it will have wiped your partitions and set one whole OpenBSD mbr partition with it's usual default disklabels set for you, even if you did not reach that part of the install process.
I installed OpenBSD and didn't do that.
>Microsoft made a good 2 in 1, we should copy it
>shit, we can't get the keyboard working properly
>fuck it, just make it a flip tablet PC instead
Poo in 1.
did you hit W? i had that happen to me once. i like openbsd but they should've at least put some warning when you hit that key.
I have been reproducing the issue a thousand times in virtualbox. It seems that you don't even have to open fdisk with the E key for it to mess your partitions. Just do an ACPI poweroff when you are in pic related phase and it will install one OpenBSD partition with the default disklabel partitions inside set for you.
This is how it looks after a reboot. As you can see, it even set / /usr /home and swap partitions. Just try it for yourself if you don't believe me, because to be honest, I would not believe this shit either. Just remember that you have to power off the pc or the virtual machine cleanly, if you just cut the power it will not touch your disk.
send this to @bugs, then
it's not like people tend to ACPI power off during this stage but it still sounds like a bug to me
>send this to @bugs
Absolute state of openBSD, this is why I don't use it.
>absolutely elementary part of OS is broken
This OS is joke but fucking sadly we don't have anything better. Linux is compromised by NSA and Windows with Mac aren't even options.
If you can't even read the fucking manpages then fuck off to Linux and spam questions on stack overflow.