How does the computer know if something is true or false

How does the computer know if something is true or false

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Current = true
No Current = false

It doesn't

This way:

Where True exists, false lies.
It's all gray

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isn't it the reverse? or is that for cds

0 is false, everything else is true.

For cds it can go both ways, that's what + and - stand for.

The jews tell it what's true or false.

It's a Boolean
It has exactly two states
Those states carry no other information than being different.
They are defined to be opposites by means of negation.
It really does not matter which state is called "true" for all we care is that we can assign meaning to the two states and they follow the laws.

Don't mix the up the Boolean with right and wrong or good and bad which are different concepts.

How does it feel like to be an absolute brainlet?

It doesn't know what true or false means in our terms if that’s what you're asking. It compares the new input to data it has stored and executes a command based on the results.

What do you mean by something?

Ternary. -1 false, 1 true, 0 unresolved or unproved


I'm stumped.

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All a computer knows is if a particular bit is up or down.

Yeah. This.
Basically, a Boolean feeds a computer a number that represents a value that the user would perceive as true or false.
It tells the computer that if *statement user provided* is equal to a state of -1, it's false, or a state of 1, it's true.

how do WE know if something is true or false

Inferior to binary.


>wanting null pointer exceptions on the level of logic itself

We told them.

Look at the computer like a supercharged abacus. It really is a matter of how the balls are placed, that doesnt mean it know what it represent.

High level potential = true
Low level potential = false

this statement is true

But this is what we base all our ideas of right and wrong on

A computer does not concern itself with such pettiness. A computer only concerns itself with comparing numbers. The numbers never lie. They are always the truth.

No. Wrong.

an expression can be true of false
most of the times a more complex formula has to be evaluated to determine this.
the result of the evaluation can be right, meaning that all rules have been followed accordingly
the result can be wrong (e.g. it is true although false would be the correct answer) meaing somebody somehwere FUCKED UP. might be a bug in the code, or the processor.

so you need a _correct_ compiler the gives you the _right_ result which can lead to performance optimizations (e.g. x=false;if(x) ... could dropped because x is always false)

The computer doesn't care. In fact, it doesn't even think. It's just a rube Goldberg machine.

I wish I knew a computer. He sounds like a cool dude.

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We define it.
