How do we collectively break this piece of shit nu-captcha?
/fuck captcha/
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Spank hiroshimoot with a third nuke
It'd be quite easy. Create a program that does image recognition and train it by feeding data you get from solving captcha. You could have people use your program and send data to speed up the training process.
this, we have to colaborate and fid a central ai until it learns to solve captchas
I dont know why this bastard doesnt utilize an in-house solution rather than relying on this shite
because he is being paid by the original moot
How come 8ch does it a million times better?
Does this work?
buy a pass poorfag
I've broken all versions of recaptcha excluding the invisible one because I haven't needed to.
It's useless to post publicly because it will just get patched.
buy a pass you moron and quit whining about it, this isn't even Jow Forums related
>paying money to hiro who added malware to the site
>losing it all when a mod bans you for triggering him
We should all feed it slightly wrong information. So that Google will see that this training method for their AI gives unsafe results, and thus make them stop us training it.
>losing it all when a mod bans you for triggering him
I'd have called you an oversensitive Jow Forumsnigger for saying shit like this not too long ago, but last week, some nigger posted the entirety of a Yotsuba r34 and the mods didn't hit him with a (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST). The moderation on this website has gone to utter dick cheese.
Look other boards neve complain about the Captcha. OP should buy the Jow Forums(tm) pass with 5% OFF
the whole point of nucaptcha is to stump ai. This is why they always have vehicles, bridges, hills, cross walks, traffic lights, and cars in almost every image set. Then they put the film grain over to obscure edges. Then they have the whole "please select new images."
>Look other boards neve complain about the Captcha
Except when it breaks down.
use the audio captcha it's much easier and you probably already have headphones on
They need a monthly pass too, not just yearly.
Konnichive user-sama!
You have trouburu postingu on 4channu?
Buy passu! Cheap!!! No rangeru brokku!
Very good dearu!
Nani? You want maruwaru ads gone???
He work at google now.